prescribed way”. This approach is used in the
organizations with massive production of products
sharing the same components but answering specific
needs. The common components (e.g., architecture,
requirements, test plans, schedules, budgets and
processes description) are called “core assets”.
Adopting a SPL approach allows to produce new
systems by reusing the existing ones, in an organized
SPL is a combination of three major interacting
elements, called the SPL essential activities
(Northrop, 2002; Northrop and Clements, 2005): (1)
core asset development or Domain Engineering
(DE), (2) product development or Activities
Engineering (AE) and (3) technical and
organizational management that orchestrates those
two activities.
In such large scale system with many
components to manage, stakeholders look for a
guaranty that the products will meet the required
quality and conformity to the initial requirements.
Therefore, more proofs are needed, which can be
achieved by implementing a traceability approach in
the SPL.
2.2 Traceability in Software Product
Traceability is an important element in software
quality assurance: it allows producing and
maintaining clear and consistent documentation,
verifying that all requirements have been
implemented (Cleland-Huang et al., 2014), and helps
being independent from individual knowledge
(Lindvall and Sandahl, 1996).
It is also an important element to decide on the
architectural choices and facilitate communication
between stakeholders (Anquetil et al., 2010).
Traceability is very helpful when it comes to
maintenance and evolution as it allows analyzing
and controlling the impact of changes (Cavalcanti et
al. 2011). This characteristic is very useful in SPL
context where produced elements share a wild
number of common components. Thus, once a
product changes, traces help detecting other
impacted products.
According to (Cleland-huang et al., 2012;
Spanoudakis and Zisman, 2005; Ramesh and Jarke,
2001), traceability in SPL can be used either while
developing, for short term purposes (e.g., to verify
and validate requirements implementation), or in
maintenance phase, for long term use (e.g., artifacts
understanding, change management and components
reuse). However, despite the objective of its use,
many difficulties can be faced when implementing
traceability in SPL (Jirapanthong and Zisman,
2005): (i) larger documentation than in traditional
software development; (ii) heterogeneity of the
documents; (iii) the need to link between different
products and between them and the Product Line
(PL) architecture. Also, unlike software engineering
approaches for single systems, SPL introduces a
complex dimension: variability. Variability
represents an added difficulty to traceability in SPL
as one needs to understand its consequences during
the development phases (Jirapanthong and Zisman,
2005). Some works handle traceability and
variability issues in SPL while tracing relations
between artifacts (Anquetil et al., 2010; Anquetil et
al., 2008; Berg et al., 2005), others manage it throw
a metamodel for SPL development (Cavalcanti et al.,
2011). Ghanam and Mauer (2009; 2008) use
Acceptance Tests (AT) to generate test artifacts in
an eXtreme Programing (XP) Agile SPL (ASPL)
However, tracing in practice is laborious and its
benefits can only be perceived in the mid to long
As discussed earlier, works that treat traceability
issues are mostly interested in traceability strategy
(relations between trace links, manual vs automated
traceability, architecture, etc.). However, as
traceability is rarely implemented in practice
(Cleland-huang et al., 2012), there is need to prove
its profitability compared to its complexity, in order
to convince the project manager of the benefits of
traceability implementation.
Therefore, some works on traceability cost
estimation have been conducted, not only in the
specific SPL traceability domain, but also at a larger
scale, for software engineering in general, according
to traceability strategy adopted. Egyed et al. (Egyed
et al., 2005; Egyed, 2006; Egyed et al., 2005; Egyed
et al., 2009) deal with the cost of trace links
generation in an automated traceability approach.
They demonstrate, through empirical studies, that a
compromise can be made between acceptable trace
quality and granularity, and low trace links costs.
Still dealing with traces value, (Heindl and Biffl,
2005) present a study that takes into consideration
many parameters to calculate the effort of tracing.