A Linked Open Data Approach for Visualizing Flood Information
A Case Study of the Rio Doce Basin in Brazil
Patricia Carolina Neves Azevedo
, Guilherme Sousa Bastos
and Fernando Silva Parreiras
CPRM – Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Av. Brasil 1731, 30140-002, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
LAIS – Laboratory of Advanced Information Systems, FUMEC University,
Av. Afonso Pena 3880, 30130-009, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Institute of System Engineering and Information Technology – IESTI, Federal University of Itajub
Av. BPS 1303, 37500-903, Itajub
a, MG, Brazil
patricia.neves@cprm.gov.br, sousa@unifei.br, fernando.parreiras@fumec.br
Linked Open Data, Geographical Information System, Flood, Semantic Web.
The availability of open government data offers an easy way to mix and match these data to create new knowl-
edge. Geographic Information Systems powered by Semantic Web technologies and linked data result in an
integration of data from multiple sources, facilitating its use and enhancing the discovery and dissemination of
new knowledge. In this work, we present a prototype application that integrates heterogeneous data located in
various public organizations, related to flooding in Rio Doce Basin – Brazil. For this purpose, data were con-
verted to RDF format, linked and displayed on a Geographic Information System, through SPARQL queries.
We validate our approach using a proof of concept. The results show that our proposal of liking open data
about flood information is able to answer the identified competency questions.
The Brazilian federal government, through responsi-
ble agencies, adopts actions to minimize the damage
caused by floods in river basins, such as collecting
and analyzing data. However, despite the amount of
information available, these are spread out over sev-
eral data sources in multiple institutions (eg, govern-
ment agencies, private companies and academic insti-
tutions), databases, schemas and heterogeneous for-
mats. Some data are available only in PDF or scanned
image files in non-compliance to the Brazilian Infor-
mation Access Law (Law No. 12,527) and are caus-
ing rework in agencies and entities that use these files.
The diversity of formats and data models hampers the
interpretation, integration and reuse. Moreover, there
is not possible to display them for a interested user in
following up the history of water levels in the rivers
of the Rio Doce basin.
In this context, the following question unfolds:
What are the concepts and technologies that allow
the integration and make available the data related to
floods in the Rio Doce Basin?
When dealing with floods, one realizes that vi-
sualization, interaction and dissemination of these
data can assist in disaster management. In this con-
text, the principles of linked data (Bizer et al., 2009)
are a means to make the information shared on the
web available in an standardized way, publishing and
linked datasets.
This paper presents a framework able to (1) re-
ceive, from different sources, data about floods in
Rio Doce Basin, (2) integrate them using semantic
web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) technologies and stan-
dards and (3) make them available visually to inter-
ested users.
Thus, by viewing the integrated data from the Rio
Doce basin, it will be possible to identify vulnerable
communities and develop emergency and preventive
actions, contributing to disaster management on the
basin of the Rio Doce.
The Brazilian government encourages the publica-
tion of data to the public through the Internet, aiming
to inform the population and support the transparency
of government data. However, the publication of un-
structured data is insufficient to achieve the goals of
efficiency, transparency and accountability. Seman-
tic Web technology can contribute to achieving these
goals by providing data integration of heterogeneous
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 con-
textualizes the research problem. Section 3 describes
Carolina Neves Azevedo P., Sousa Bastos G. and Silva Parreiras F..
A Linked Open Data Approach for Visualizing Flood Information - A Case Study of the Rio Doce Basin in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0005465502270232
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM-2015), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-099-4
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the background. Section 4 details the proposed solu-
tion for visualizing linked data about floods in the Rio
Doce basin, presenting the conceptual framework.
Section 5 describes the implementation. Section 6
discusses the related work and Section 7 concludes
the paper by highlighting its contribution and future
lines of action.
When analyzing the current situation of data from the
Rio Doce basin, we observed that they are not in a
format available for reuse. Nowadays, only reports
with measurement data from sensors installed along
the Rio Doce basin are available on the Internet, us-
ing technical language, not appropriate for lay users.
In this scenario, in which citizens do not have access
to information about the historical and monitoring of
water levels from the Rio Doce basin, answering the
following questions can expand the vision of man-
agers and interested citizens:
Q1: What was the level of the river the monitoring
points which recorded flood in the day X?
Q2: What is the region with the largest population
affected by floods in the day X?
Q3: What are the municipalities most affected by
rain with HDI below of X?
Q4: The works against floods from Brazilian Accel-
eration Plan (PAC) are developed in the most af-
fected areas?
Q5: On which areas occurs more floods and diseases
related to floods?
Q6: In which areas the occurrence of flooding hap-
pened in areas of low altitude?
When analyzing data about natural disasters in Brazil
during the period 1980-2010, provided by the main
database used by the UN, the International Disaster
Database (EM-DAT), one might notice that the main
recurring natural hazards are floods. Brazil is the sev-
enth country in the global ranking on the number of
flood victims. The study obtained data from 97 coun-
tries between 1980 and 2000, and reported that more
than 29 million Brazilians live at risk of being affected
by flooding (Collins, 2004).
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed architecture, based
on (Herman, 2012).
This work is supported by the Brazilian govern-
ment initiative as regards about opening and dissemi-
nation of public data, according to the Brazilian Infor-
mation Access Law (Brasil, 2011). Considering the
interest by the government and the demand for solu-
tions in the Rio Doce Basin, often afflicted by floods
that causes economic, human and material losses, the
focus will be the use of Geographical Information
Systems (GIS) (Burrough et al., 1998) and seman-
tic web tools as framework to generate information
about the dynamics of the phenomenon in the Rio
Doce Basin.
Government data published on the Web, by it-
self, already has great value for the population, as
they contribute to increased transparency. But mak-
ing such information available in open and accessible
formats allows them to be machine-readable, facili-
tating the discovery, consumption and adding value,
allowing linkage of data to other datasets.
In the scope of this work, we developed a pro-
totype application which receives, from different
sources, data about floods in the Rio Doce basin, in-
tegrates it and makes it available to interested users.
The Figure 1 depicts the decomposition of compo-
nents that are part of the proposed solution, and the
relations between them. With this architecture, it is
possible, through linked data technologies and princi-
ples (Bizer et al., 2009), to receive data from differ-
ent organizations, to integrate them and to make them
available visually.
The Figure 1 is divided according to the following
(a) Data. The data were obtained from various pub-
lic agencies in different formats (txt, dat, csv, xml,
rdf), and open data from the Linked Data Com-
munity available on the Internet. These data were
stored in a database and converted to standard
RDF (Manola and Miller, 2004).
(b) Dataset. The dataset generated from the conver-
sion is already one of the results of this research.
It concerns any information of the levels of the
rivers that comprise the Rio Doce Basin, as well as
levels of attention and alert and information from
municipalities connected. To answer the research
questions, the SPARQL queries (PrudHommeaux
et al., 2008) were engineered and the result for-
warded to GIS.
(c) Visualization in a GIS. The application layer is
on top of the architecture, where the information
is displayed through the GIS, in a friendly inter-
face and able to answer the questions suggested
The Figure 1 shows three layers of the proposed
solution architecture, where the first layer are the
datasets. These data, relating to floods in the Rio
Doce basin, are in different formats and will be con-
verted to standard RDF with the aim of being in-
terconnected and thereby generate the RDF graph,
which is illustrated in the second layer of the architec-
ture. In the last layer, we will use SPARQL
to query
on this data. The result is the combination of all data,
and a geographic visualization in a GIS. Geographic
information is distinguished from other information
by referring to objects or phenomena in a specific lo-
cation in space and, therefore, has an spatial address
(Kraak and Ormeling, 2003).
As one of our goals is to create a new dataset
with data from flooding from the Rio Doce basin,
it has become necessary to collect data from differ-
ent sources, including government databases. In this
case, there were collected data from ANA (National
Water Agency), ANEEL (National Energy Agency),
Cemig (Energy Company), IGAM (State Institute for
Water Management) and CPRM (Mineral Resource
Research Company) through FTP sites or directly
through the organization’s Web site.
After structuring the data, RDF is used
to rep-
resent the information, as proposed by the W3C to
publish linked data on the web.
As systems databases make use of SQL to query
records in databases, SPARQL is a query language for re-
trieving information in RDF graphs (PrudHommeaux et al.,
Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a language
for representing information on the Web and designed
for situations where information needs to be processed
by applications, rather than simply being shown to peo-
ple (Manola and Miller, 2004).
5.1 Data
Data used in this study came from many sources,
including governmental agencies. These data were
in unstructured formats and have undergone harmo-
nizing, rescaling, and cleaning before its use in the
prototype. Given the effort to promote the seman-
tic web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001), we tried to follow
open standards as recommended by W3C, represent-
ing datasets as linked data (Bizer et al., 2009).
The dataset creation involved two lines of action:
the extraction of collected data through FTP sites or
HTML pages of organizations and data conversion
from relational databases to RDF model.
Several measurement stations operate in different
parts of the rivers and municipalities. Data extracted
from these were in TXT format and were converted
to CSV using MS Excel software. Other data also
related to river levels were collected directly from a
CPRM’s server, with an employee help. These were
in DAT format and were also converted into CSV
using the same software. Data were collected from
the government website in XML format
, regard-
ing the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) in Mi-
nas Gerais. Data about HDI of the municipalities was
obtained through the PNUD website
, and were in
CSV format. In Brazilian Health Portal website, we
collected data about the occurrence of the following
diseases related to floods: tetanus, dengue, leptospiro-
sis, malaria, hepatitis A and C, typhoid and cholera.
These data were also found in CSV format. Popula-
tion and altitude data of each municipality was col-
lected directly from the Brazilian Statistics Bureau
website in CSV format.
Other sources of data were used aiming to aggre-
gate information, as shown in Table 1.
5.2 Dataset
To convert spreadsheet, CSV files, XML files, rela-
tional databases and other documents to RDF format
we used D2RQ platform (Bizer and Seaborne, 2004).
The D2RQ was chosen for use in this study be-
cause of some factors, among which stands out the
flexibility of mapping language, the simplicity of the
commands and the generation of RDF dumps, making
possible the reuse of the dataset created.
The next step was to generate RDF dump file
from the mapping file and through the dump-rdf
Table 1: Source, description and format of data used in the
Source Description Format
ANA Precipitation and Rivers
ANEEL Precipitation and Rivers
CEMIG Precipitation CSV
IGAM Precipitation TXT
CPRM Rivers Levels Database
Portal of MG
Onlending of Invest-
IBGE Population and Altitude CSV
Health Portal Diseases CSV
Open Data Portal PAC Works XML
Geonames Geographic Names, lat-
itude and longitude
DBPEDIA General data of the
D2RQ platform tool. The command provides the fol-
lowing types of output format: Turtle, RDF/XML,
RDF/XML-Abbrev, N3 or N-Triple. In this work, the
RDF/XML has been used.
5.3 Visualization in a GIS
The result of SPARQL queries was displayed into the
GIS, a web application implemented using JavaScript
language, where the user selects data about the Rio
Doce basin, to be viewed on the map. Different com-
binations can be made with the objective of linking
data from multiple sources simultaneously, for exam-
ple, you can see if the places with high occurrence
of floods are the same with occurrences of diseases
related to floods or low HDI.
In order to validate the proposed approach, a proof
of concept through competency questions was con-
ducted, as presented in Section 2. Following, the
demonstration of queries use in the application and
its results.
6.1 Data
With the RDF dataset created about the floods in the
Rio Doce Basin and aggregate data, such information
becomes part of the Web of Data, where machines and
humans can search and use this data set as one of its
data sources.
Is believed that the availability of open and stan-
dardized data enables discovery of new knowledge
through reuse of this data in new applications. Pub-
lishing data about floods in Rio Doce Basin follows
the principles of linked data and enables discovery,
integration and searches for other sources of data.
The figure 2 shows the RDF graph, generated
from the RDF file, where the classes Town and River
inherit from the upper class Thing.
Figure 2: RDF graph representing the dataset created.
After generating data in RDF model, the file is val-
idated according to Linked Data principles. This ver-
ification was taken through the online validation tool
W3C RDF Validation Service which was executed
successfully. RDF files are available in RDF/XML
and N/Triple formats at the following links:
RDF/XML: https://db.tt/pJ0r78qw - N/Triple:
https://db.tt/DKx7dkK4. Thus, data are ready to be
consumed as linked data through browsers, search en-
gines or applications for specific domains.
6.2 Dataset
The table 2 shows queries and results, limited to 10
lines and no sorting, of the competency questions Q1
and Q2 respectively, as a form of validation of the
concepts mentioned before.
6.3 Visualization in a GIS
Visualization and interaction of linked data is a ques-
tion that has been recognized since the beginning of
the Semantic Web (Geroimenko and Chen, 2003).
When applying techniques of information visualiza-
tion, semantic beb assists users in exploration and in-
teraction data. The processing and visual presentation
of these data are the main goals of information visual-
ization, so that users can get a better understanding of
Figure 3: Visualization of query Q1.
Table 2: Query Q1.
Which stations recorded flood on 01/09/2012?
SELECT ?resource ?cod station ?station ?mea-
sure ?alert level ?date
WHERE { ?resource geonames:featureCode
?cod station .
?resource paoli:Open stream water level recorders
?station .
?resource dbpprop:date ?date .
?resource loa:WATER LEVEL 2 ?measure .
?resource ontosem:flood ?alert level .
FILTER (?date = ”2012-09-01”ˆˆxsd:date)}
the data (Card et al., 1999). Visualizations are useful
for obtaining an overview of the datasets, their main
types and the relationships between them.
This application of data visualization provides two
main contributions: the visualization of information
into a map and the proof that it is possible to make
consistents applications from the dataset created in
this research. The figure 3 illustrates the resulting pro-
totype, which presents the return of SPARQL queries
on a map.
In accordance with the Figure 3, the most popu-
lous municipalities which have suffered from flooding
on 20/01/12 were Governador Valadares, Caratinga,
Timteo and Coronel Fabriciano.
An early example of using geographic information
system was performed by John Snow showing re-
lation between water supply and cholera outbreaks
in London in 1854, achieved by linking public
data about contaminated water and disease (Johnson,
In the research of Nurefs¸an Gr, Laura Diaz e
Tomi Kauppinen, was used linked open data to pub-
lish health-related data, such as diseases, disorders,
genes, and drugs into a technology of visualization
referred to geo web. For this, the use case studied was
RCPH - Research Center of Public Health, based on
three conceptual domains: health, spatial and statisti-
cal and following the linked data principles. Finally
was used an infrastructure integrating geospatial and
semantic web technologies to show mortality rates for
specific diseases in a spatio-temporal format. (G
et al., 2012).
Finally, (Vilches-Bl
azquez et al., 2010) presented
a sequence of procedures used to develop an applica-
tion that used multiple heterogeneous public datasets,
about Spain, which are specifically related to admin-
istrative units, hydrography and statistical units. The
application aims to analyze existing relations between
the Spanish coastal area and different statistical vari-
ables such as population, unemployment, housing,
industry, commerce and construction. Besides pro-
viding methodological guidelines for the generation,
publishing and exploitation of Linked Data from these
datasets, it was used resources to handle the geomet-
ric information of data.
Can be observed that all related work generate an
RDF file and visualization in a GIS, however none
combined data from a specific topic with statistical
data from the location involved, as seen in this study.
It is important to note the use of government data in
all related work.
With the RDF dataset created about floods in Rio
Doce Basin and aggregate data, such information be-
comes part of the Web of Data, where machines and
humans can search and use this data set as one of its
data sources.
Thereby, the contribution of this experiment en-
compasses the use of methods and tools for publish-
ing data as the principles and standards linked data.
It is believed that the availability of open and stan-
dardized data enables discovery of new knowledge,
of this data through reuse in new applications. For
the citizen, the developed application allows a user-
friendly visualization of data involved in the research
and knowledge discovery from them.
In future, it is suggested adding data from year
2013 to compare to 2012 data, identify advances in
government measures against floods, disease control
and river levels in the same seasons. In addition, other
lines of future action are highlighted: a) Expansion
of the Dataset: The inclusion of pertinent data im-
proves the relevance, especially when link with exist-
ing data; b) Improvements in data visualization ap-
plication: Extending the dataset enables new ways of
representing data more user friendly way. Therefore,
the visualization of information can be enhanced with
a larger amount of data, making it more dynamic and
interactive for the end user application.
This work is partially supported by the Brazilian
Funding Agencies FAPEMIG, CNPq and CAPES.
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