health, logistics, and food using text and image.
Participants can send images of the situation with
their location to the server.
Social media is another aspect that is not covered
in SmartRescue, so it can be supported through
GDACSmobile. Participants can tweet their situation
or what they have witnessed during the emergency.
This information can be used by emergency
responers during the emergency or after that.
If both apps collaborate, then the emergencies
will be handled very efficiently as both social media
and sensors can be used for threat mapping. Besides,
interaction and communication between those that
are involved in the crises will be done faster and
smoother if both applications are integrated. This
allows a better understanding of the situation and a
more efficient reaction to crises due to the
integration of an intelligent system that achieves
information from smartphones and social media.
This paper studied two emergency management
tools that are developed in two universities in
Norway and Germany. The information and work
flow of the apps and a comprehensive comparison of
the features of them were presented. Then the role of
the apps in a proposed emergency scenario was
discussed. Finally the potential collaboration of the
apps in an emergency situation was argued. It is
proposed to use both systems in drills and games to
study the potential collaboration between them and
how they can support each other during a real crisis.
This also helps the developers to improve the
weaknesses and lacks of both apps.
The research reported here has been partially funded
by the research grant awarded to the SmartRescue
project by Aust-Agder Utvikling- og
Kompetansefond. Thanks to Daniel Link and
GDACSmobile group for their cooperation and
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