the process of handling context-based rules, and to
this end, we need a DE (domain expert) to define the
rules according to the application domain; we work
with standard SQL, so there is no need to change the
internal algorithm of the underlying relational
DBMS; we accomplish query rewriting by means of
query expansion, formatting and relaxation
according to specific acquired context on the fly.
In data-oriented applications, the context
surrounding queries and users are rather important to
produce answers with more relevance. In this work,
we have presented the CORE approach, which uses
context information to personalize user queries
submitted in data-oriented applications. The CORE
approach is accomplished by means of query
expansion, relaxation and formatting in accordance
with the acquired context. Directives and SQL
specific clauses are generated to this end.
Experiments carried out with real users have
shown that query answers have become more
relevant when the context has been considered to
rewrite the original query and produce another one.
Some limitations were observed in our approach,
namely: (i) The DE needs to be an experienced
person in the application domain in order to create
and maintain the context-based rules. If the rules are
poorly designed, the process of query rewriting
produces a query that may return less relevant
answers; (ii) The CORE approach is based on the
SQL 92 standard; (iii) Also, it does not perform
optimization operations on the original submitted
query nor on the rewritten query.
As further work, we intend to proceed with some
extensions in order to deal with these mentioned
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