Blended Learning in Project Management
Experiences on Business Games and Case Studies
Mario Vanhoucke
and Mathieu Wauters
Department of Management Information Science and Operations Management, Ghent University,
Tweekerkenstraat 2, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Technology and Operations Management Area, Vlerick Business School, Reep 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Management Science and Innovation, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, U.K.
Project Management, Blended Learning, Communication, Integration.
This paper reports on results of experiments in the classroom with students following Project Management
(PM) courses using a blended learning approach. It discusses the impact of communication on the student
performance on business games as well as the advantage of the use of integrative case studies and their impact
on the learning experience of these students. While the performance of students is obtained by marking
their quantitative output on the business game or case exercise, their learning experience is measured through
an analysis of the course evaluations filled out by these students. Diversity among the test population is
guaranteed by testing our experiments on a sample of students with a different background, ranging from
university students with or without a strong quantitative background but no practical experience, to MBA
students at business schools and PM professionals participating in a PM training.
Project management is the application of processes,
methods, knowledge, skills and experience to achieve
the project objectives. A project is a unique endeavour
undertaken to achieve predefined planned objectives
within the given network and resource restrictions.
Dynamic Scheduling (Vanhoucke, 2012) is a sub-
discipline of Project Management and focuses on
the quantitative aspects of planning and scheduling,
the analysis of the inherent risk that typifies projects
as well as the monitoring of the project progress
to take corrective actions when necessary. In or-
der to highlight the importance of the integration
of these quantitative aspects, it is also known as
“Integrated Project Management and Control” (Van-
houcke, 2014a). While the Project Management
discipline originates from the chemical plant indus-
try just prior to World War II (Morris and Hough,
1987), it has nowadays found its way in various sec-
tors, ranging from huge construction projects to small
daily operations in the service sector. Consequently,
this growing attention of PM has resulted in the ap-
pearance of courses in the curriculum of almost all
business programmes, both at universities, business
schools and company trainings. This paper will report
on results of a set of experiments done with Project
Management students from various classes and dif-
ferent backgrounds, using an integrative teaching pro-
cess carried out under different settings. This teaching
process is best known as blended learning.
Blended learning is a formal education program
in which a student learns through delivery of content
and instruction via a mix of media and tools, rang-
ing from digital and online media to the use of case
studies and business games. It requires some degree
of student control by the lecturer and often assumes
active participation of the students along the teach-
ing process. In this paper, all experiments are car-
ried out in classes with students following a Project
Management course. The course name differs among
the school and is called “Project Management”, “Inte-
grated Project Control”, “Dynamic Project Planning”
and even “Quantitative Methods for Project Control”,
but regardless of the course name, it always focuses
on an integrated approach of planning and scheduling,
risk analysis and project control, previously labelled
“dynamic scheduling”.
The purpose of this paper is to report on results
and experience of communication experiments using
exercises, case studies and a business game to mea-
sure the impact of these experiments on the learning
Vanhoucke M. and Wauters M..
Blended Learning in Project Management - Experiences on Business Games and Case Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005467002670276
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 267-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
experience and student results. Through a number
of experiments with students at different universities,
two business schools and in companies, the impact of
various degrees of communication under controlled
settings is tested on both the performance of students
as well as on their learning experience and satisfac-
This section gives an overview of the topics discussed
in the Project Management curriculum of Ghent Uni-
versity and Vlerick Business School in Belgium and
University College London in the UK. Its main focus
lies on the quantitative part of the course with a focus
on the previously mentioned Integrated Project Man-
agement and Control. The material used consists of a
mix of tools and methodologies and the correspond-
ing teaching approach can be described as blended
learning. The content of each topic discussed in class
is based on results from numerous research studies
mixed with practical experience. The majority of the
research on Project Management has initially focused
on the scheduling of project activities within the pres-
ence of resource constraints. However, in the last
decade, this research has expanded to its integration
with risk analysis and project control, known as the
Dynamic Scheduling or Integrated Project Manage-
ment and Control methodology. This methodology
has been embedded in the curriculum of Project Man-
agement courses in universities and business schools,
in order to learn how to plan, monitor and control
projects in progress such that they can be delivered
on time and within budget to the client.
Schedule Risk
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Understanding network
analysis and the
critical path method
Understanding risk analysis
and interpreting the
risk metrics
Understanding Earned
Value Management
Business game
Exercises or integrative
case study
Figure 1: Three phases in the PM curriculum.
Figure 1 gives an illustrative overview of the three
main phases of the PM course, which are known as
the baseline scheduling phase, the schedule risk anal-
ysis phase and the project control phase. The figure
also displays the learning objectives as well as the
support material used in the lectures, which will be
discussed in the next sections. First, a brief overview
of the purpose of these three topics is given in the next
2.1 Learning Topics
In this section, the three dimensions of dynamic
scheduling known as baseline scheduling, risk anal-
ysis and project control are briefly outlined.
Baseline scheduling is the act of determining start
and finish times of each project activity within the
activity network and resource constraints and results
in an expected timing of the work to be done as
well as an expected impact on the project’s time and
budget. The research on the resource-constrained
project baseline scheduling problem dates back to
the development of the critical path method (CPM)
and the Programme Evaluation and Review Tech-
nique (PERT) (Kelley and Walker, 1959; Walker and
Sawyer, 1959; Kelley, 1961), and has received huge
attention of academia, leading to a vast amount of
algorithms and tools for resource-constrained project
scheduling problems. Ever since, the research results
on baseline scheduling have been valorized into com-
mercial software tools and integrated project manage-
ment systems and the underlying methods and tech-
niques have taken a central place in the academic cur-
riculum of most Project Management courses. The
main reason is that constructing a baseline schedule
is a crucial step in the dynamic scheduling methodol-
ogy since the project baseline schedule will act as a
point-of-reference for your schedule risk and project
control steps, as discussed hereunder.
Schedule Risk Analysis is a Project Management
methodology to assess the risk of the baseline sched-
ule and to forecast the impact of time and budget
deviations on the project objectives (Hulett, 1996).
Given the knowledge that the construction of a base-
line schedule is a deterministic exercise for prepar-
ing the project progress in a stochastic world, prior
knowledge of the impact of unexpected behaviour on
the project objective is crucial for the project man-
ager and puts the value of the baseline schedule in
the right perspective. The importance of analyzing
the risk of the baseline schedule comes from the need
of any project manager to restrict his/her attention
to the most influential activities of the project that
might have the biggest impact on the initial time
and cost constraints (Vanhoucke, 2010). It enables
the project manager to take a better management fo-
cus and it supports a more accurate response dur-
ing project progress that positively contributes to the
overall project performance. The research on project
risk analysis has been investigated using analytical
methods and fast and efficient Monte Carlo simula-
tions and has quickly found its way into commer-
cial software tools and into the Project Management
teaching curriculum. These tools submit the baseline
schedule to unexpected events and the outcome, pre-
sented as a set of risk metrics, can be used to identify
the most crucial parts in this schedule that require the
most attention during project control, as discussed in
the next and last step.
Project control is the act of monitoring devia-
tions from the expected project progress and control-
ling its performance in order to facilitate the deci-
sion making process in case corrective actions are
needed to bring projects back on track. Both tradi-
tional Earned Value Management (EVM) (Fleming
and Koppelman, 2010) and the novel Earned Sched-
ule (ES) (Lipke, 2003) methods are used. The aca-
demic research on project control has grown rapidly
during the last decade, including the valorization of
academic research results into practical relevance by
bringing together professionals as well as researchers
on the project control topic in workshops and con-
ferences across the world. Efficiently monitoring the
performance of projects in progress and accurately
predicting the final time and cost outcomes in the mid-
dle of their progress is crucial to timely take correc-
tive actions to bring these projects back on track or
to exploit their opportunities. Consequently, the base-
line schedule and the risk metrics of the two previ-
ous steps are only preparatory and support methods to
better take these crucial decisions during the project’s
progress. Controlling projects is therefore the ideal
theme in any Project Management lecture, since it
shows the relevance of the previous two phases to the
students and enables them to translate their gained
knowledge into their daily practice. Thanks to the
growing attention of data analytics and big data, the
interest in monitoring and controlling projects has in-
creased dramatically, resulting in lectures focusing on
using statistical techniques such as process control
charts, multivariate analysis and advanced data ana-
lytics to determine the optimal timing and point of
control to take corrective actions.
2.2 Learning Objectives
The learning objectives of a dynamic scheduling
course are described in the course outline of the cur-
riculum and aim at gradually building up the knowl-
edge to obtain an integrated view on project manage-
ment and control. Therefore, the learning objectives
differ in each phase and a summary is given along the
following lines:
Phase 1: The main goal is to obtain knowledge
about the network and critical path analysis tech-
niques, as well as to understand the importance of
planning projects for their later progress.
Phase 2: Understanding the relativity of a de-
terministic baseline scheduling phase within the
presence of uncertainty, as well as understanding
the importance of risk analysis prior to the project
progress is the main goal of this second phase in
the teaching process.
Phase 3: Learning how to monitor and control
projects in progress using the Earned Value Man-
agement (EVM) methodology is the primary ob-
jective of this phase. This requires that students
are able to interpret risk analysis reports (phase 2)
and use the baseline schedule information (phase
1) as guiding tools for taking corrective actions.
This gradual build-up of learning objectives aims
at reaching an integrative view on the three phases
and the support material discussed next contributes to
the transfer knowledge to obtain a certain degree of
integrative understanding in various ways.
An overview of the standard curriculum of a
Project Management course is given in figure 2. In
general, each session focuses on one or multiple
educational components:
Instruction: instruction either takes the form of
the classic ex-cathedra classroom session or as an
introduction to a case study or business game.
Feedback: feedback can occur intermediately or
to conclude a session. During feedback, the expe-
riences of the students are captured and translated
into lessons learned and managerial insights.
Assessment: assessment evaluates the students on
a number of criteria and is translated into a grade
or a report covering the different aspects of the
solution obtained by the students.
Typically, the course introduces students to Project
Management by teaching network analysis and the
PERT and CPM techniques. Once the concepts of
start and finish times and slack are known, the partici-
pants are armed with sufficient knowledge to tackle
the Project Scheduling Game. Here, they are con-
fronted with multiple trade-off options. An introduc-
tion to the game is given in which the project and the
goal of cost minimization are discussed. At a certain
point in time, the game is paused such that the in-
structor can give some intermediate feedback, allow-
ing participants to adapt their strategy for the remain-
der of the game. When the game has finished, the
participants receive feedback on the pluses and mi-
nuses of following different strategies. The balance
between low costs and high risk provides a segue for
the session on risk metrics and analysis. The solutions
Network analysis
Lecture 1 & 2 Lecture 3: Project Scheduling Game (PSG) Lecture 4 Lecture 5: PSG Extension Lecture 6
Intermediate feedback
Adapt strategy
I Instruction FB Feedback A Assessment
Figure 2: Overview of instruction, feedback and assessment throughout the PM curriculum.
of the game are assessed in a quantitative manner,
by comparing costs across groups. After the students
have learned about risk, an extension to the business
game is proposed, in which each participant has a lim-
ited amount of effort (which can be expressed in units
of time, money or a dimensionless unit). After the
game, participants are asked whether they managed
to please the client, the company they work for or
both. The students are assessed by means of a report,
commenting on their individual performance and how
they compare to the other groups. A comparison with
the results of the first business game session is made
as well.
2.3 Support Material
The sequential three-phased teaching approach, each
phase with a clearly defined and different learning
objective, requires that the support teaching material
used to reach these objectives positively contributes to
the performance and learning experience of students
participating in such a teaching process.
The combined use of tools and techniques in a
classroom to stimulate interaction, to improve the
ability of learning and to enhance student satisfac-
tion has been previously described as a blended learn-
ing process and a summary of this support material is
briefly described below. A clear distinction is made
between small exercises, integrative case studies and
business games, as follows:
Exercises are mainly used ex cathedra in class or
possibly in small teams and require a certain de-
gree of participation by the students by translating
the theoretical concepts into the settings of the ex-
ercise. Exercises therefore mainly focus on only
one phase of the course and have little to no inte-
gration between phases.
Case studies are mainly used in small teams and
focus on oral communication between the stu-
dents and the lecturer. The use of case studies is
possibly embedded in a problem based learning
mechanism in which the team is responsible for
both lecturing and learning, guided by the teacher.
Unlike exercises, case studies require not a sin-
gle solution approach, but rather aim at solving a
management situation open for interpretation and
therefore typically focus on the integration be-
tween phases.
Business games: The use of business games is
done to actively involve the student in the teaching
process by making him/her responsible for a sim-
ulated project environment. Through the use of
an interaction between the student and the com-
puter, data is presented to the student in terms
of schedule, risk and control information, which
must be used to make decisions about the future
project progress. In the course, the game that
is used aims at optimizing the timing and costs
of activities, while the computer simulates un-
certain events that harm the initially constructed
baseline schedule. If used in the first phase, it is
the ideal preparation for the second phase of the
teaching process, since it makes the student aware
of the need of risk analysis, which is then dis-
cussed in the second phase. The game is known as
the Project Scheduling Game (PSG) (Vanhoucke
et al., 2005).
It should be noted that the purpose and scope of
this paper is not to give a full overview on blended
learning material in general or its use more specifi-
cally in Project Management courses. Instead, it aims
at testing the impact of communication and integra-
tion using a mix of the previously described support
material in different ways by a set of student exper-
iments carried out over a period of 5 years. More
details on how these experiments have been set up
are given along the following sections. More infor-
mation on the blended learning approach used in the
Integrated Project Management and Control curricu-
lum to enhance student learning and engagement can
be found in (Vanhoucke, 2014b).
This section describes the settings of the experimental
design in detail. In section 3.1, the student population
is presented as well as the way the data is collected.
Moreover, this section also reviews the importance of
communication within learning in general and within
the three-phased teaching process specifically. Sec-
tion 3.2 then continues with formulating three types of
communication experiments and shows how the out-
come of these experiments is measured and validated.
3.1 Methodology
3.1.1 Data Collection
The Project Scheduling Game is taught to groups
with and without previous working knowledge. The
last 5 years, approximately 300 people participated in
a commercial training programme, while 175 MBA
students engaged in Project Management as part of
their curriculum. Alternatively, the PSG is part of
the Project Management course for Master students at
Ghent University (Belgium) and the University Col-
lege of London (UK). The game is also rolled out at
two business schools, namely the Vlerick Business
School (Belgium) and the EDHEC business school
(France). 380 students civil engineering and busi-
ness engineering at Ghent University participated in
the PSG, while 41 students at UCL participated in
the game. Lastly, 24 Master students at the business
schools played the PSG. While the participants are
playing the game, log files record which action they
take. These actions consist of changing trade-offs of
activities, viewing the time/cost profile of an activ-
ity or advancing to the next decision period. The log
files enable the people in charge to analyze the perfor-
mance of the participants in detail. For each student
group, a subgroup of approximately 10% of the total
number of students was created for which the commu-
nication was changed. The manner in which a change
to the regular stream of communication was made will
be detailed in section 3.2.1.
3.1.2 Communication
Communication, be it in business, blended learning or
an educational environment, plays a vital role. (Mor-
reale and Pearson, 2008) argue that investing in com-
munication is vital for self-development, turns people
into responsable participants in the world and fosters
success in one’s professional career. (Elving, 2005)
discusses the importance of communication in organ-
isational change. Given the fact that more than half
of all organisational change programs fail, the role of
communication in establishing a community within
an organisation and informing employees about their
tasks and policies cannot be underestimated. Busi-
ness communication has also been studied from an
educational vantage point. (Zhao and Alexander,
2004) identified the short-term and long-term impact
of students that followed a communications course
and queried how the acquired skills benefitted the stu-
dents in their senior years. It was found that the stu-
dents attained good results for tasks involving written
assignments, problem solving assignments, oral pre-
sentations and company reports. (Wheeler, 2007) in-
vestigated the influence of communication technolo-
gies on transactional distance in blended learning and
comments that the future success of blended learning
will rely on the skills and knowledge of tutors, as well
as on technology-mediated communication. In a col-
laborative learning case study, (So and Brush, 2008)
found that the communication medium was a critical
factor in students perceptions of collaborative learn-
ing, social presence and satisfaction. As a result, it is
safe to say that, regardless of the application domain,
investing in communication through blended learning
courses, pays off in the short-term (students become
increasingly apt at communicating their ideas) and in
the long-term (their future careers).
3.2 Research Questions
In this section, the controlled experiments for testing
three different classes of communication experiments
are briefly explained. Moreover, the way in which the
impact of the changed settings in communication on
the learning experience is measured is also outlined.
3.2.1 Communication Tests
Three different classes of communication experi-
ments in the teaching process have been investigated,
as will be explained along the following lines:
Communication Sequence: One of the primary
goals and main advantages of a blended learning ap-
proach is the ability to integrate various ways of
teaching into a combined and sequential process. The
use of various exercises along the phases of the teach-
ing process as a mechanism to test the knowledge of
a student for a single topic in each phase of the course
or the use of an integrative case study to test the stu-
dent’s overall understanding is a choice that must be
made by the lecturer. The diffusion of these exer-
cises along the different phases of the process and
hence, the degree of integration depends on the tim-
ing of the different exercises along the process, grad-
ually translating the lectured concepts into a practi-
cal learning experience. While one prefers an equal
spread of smaller exercises in each phase, another ap-
proach could be to postpone the exercises to the end
of the three-phased learning process, by using an in-
tegrative case study covering the concepts discussed
in the three phases.
Apart from determining the timing and integra-
tion of exercises, the sequence in which the support
material is used is often crucial and determines how
knowledge is built up along the different phases of
the teaching process. In the experiments, the game
has been used in two ways, hereby defining the way
in which the various concepts of the course are pre-
sented to the students.
In a first test, the game is used as a support tool
in phase 1 (see Figure 1) where the student has no
knowledge on risk management. In this default set-
ting, students are responsible for a project in progress
and have to make decisions to optimize time and cost
in a project within the presence of (unknown) un-
certainty. The game tests the knowledge of the stu-
dent on baseline scheduling and serves as the ideal
preparation for the second phase of the teaching pro-
cess where the risk analysis techniques are discussed.
However, in a second game setting, the game is only
used after the second phase in which students now
have a theoretical knowledge about the available tools
and techniques to analyze expected project risk. Con-
sequently, they now play the game with a knowledge
of risk metrics and how they should interpret these
metrics to be better prepared for unexpected events.
The learning by doing experience obtained through
the game is therefore now postponed to phase 2 in-
stead of phase 1.
Communication Format: While the communi-
cation sequence determines the timing and integration
of exercises and business games within the teaching
process, various ways exist to communicate within
a single exercise or case study. In our experiments,
the business game was used to test this idea, since
it involves an interactive approach between the stu-
dent and the computer, and requires that students
make decisions based on a simulated computer out-
put. The way this computer output is displayed on the
screen has been varied from project Gantt chart with
a mainly visual overview but limited information, to
data not well structured, or a table with numbers pre-
sented as risk metrics (risk analysis phase) and con-
trol (project control phase) metrics, or even by using
graphical visualizations of these numbers to facilitate
interpretations and possibly decisions. This experi-
ment aims at testing how the way the data and in-
formation is communicated to the students influences
their decision making process, both in terms of the
final student performance as on their learning experi-
Communication Expectations: Within the field
of communication, the perceptions of an individual
partly depend on his/her expectations. When the PSG
is first presented, participants are faced with a slightly
larger network in terms of number of activities than in
the previous sessions. The inclusion of multiple ways
in which activities can be executed further enhances
the complexity and the number of choices that can be
made. Consequently, the complexity of the exercise
depends on the project network, the number of activ-
ities and the number of trade-off options for the vari-
ous activities. On the other hand, uncertainty poses a
threat. As the project progresses, some activities will
be ahead of schedule, while others will be delayed.
As a result, the project may deviate from the original
plan. Uncertainty comprises the height and the num-
ber of delays that cause a deviation from the baseline
schedule. In our tests, the nature of complexity and
uncertainty were communicated differently to the par-
ticipants of the game. In the first variant, the aspects
of complexity and uncertainty were downplayed. The
message was given to the students that as in real-life,
the execution would result in changes but it was up to
the individual to decide whether changes due to un-
certainty warranted a change in the time or cost of the
activities. In the second variant, the participants were
made aware of the fact that they would operate in a
highly dynamic environment. The project network
was more extensive than the ones they faced previ-
ously. Additionally, Murphy would come along and
would hinder a proper, on-time execution. Undoubt-
edly, it would be necessary to act and bring the project
back on track. The goal for the participants would be
to decide on the set of activities they would change
and how severely they would crash or prolong project
activities. The consequence of these two variants was
that the expectations of the participants differed dras-
3.2.2 Output Measures
In order to provide an answer on the three research
questions defined by the three communication exper-
iments, two output measures have been used. A first
quantitative measure is based on the results obtained
by the students, expressed as marks on a test exam as
well as the outcome of a business game (expressed as
the final cost of the project after its finish which must
be as low as possible). A second qualitative outcome
measure is based on an analysis of the students’ eval-
uations filled out after the course that expresses their
satisfaction on the course process as well as their de-
gree of learning.
Case Study Exercise
Communication sequence
Better evaluation for case
studies compared to exercises.
Civil Engineers Business Schools
Communication format
Graph Table
Civil engineers score better with information
in table format. Business school students
benefit from graphs.
Complexity Uncertainty
Communication expectations
High Impact Low Impact
Participants assuming Murphy’s presence
would have a severe impact, obtained
better solutions, both from a complexity
and uncertainty point-of-view.
Figure 3: Overview of the main results of the communication experiments.
In the next sections, results on the three communica-
tion experiments are described. The results are sum-
marized in figure 3 and are elaborated in the respec-
tive sections.
4.1 Communication Sequence
The timing and integration of exercises along the
phases of the course showed a significant impact on
the learning experience, certainly in terms of student
satisfaction and to a lesser extent in their final per-
formance. Integrative case studies contribute more
to student satisfaction than separate exercises in each
phase and evaluations have clearly shown that integra-
tive case studies help in motivating students to work
harder on the case study. The evaluations not only in-
dicate a higher satisfaction, but also a more intense
learning experience that better converts the various
theoretical concepts into practical relevance. How-
ever, despite this positive effect on the learning ex-
perience, the impact on their final exam performance
was not always clear. While more experienced stu-
dents benefit more from an integrative approach, uni-
versity students without practical experience did not
perform better than using seperate exercises, despite
their higher satisfaction. The mean score of the evalu-
ations of the Project Management course are depicted
in the left panel of figure 3. The y-axis shows the
evaluation of the students, with a minimum value of
1 and a maximum value of 5. The mean score for the
students who received a case study (4.17) through-
out their curriculum was based on 62 evaluations,
whereas 33 student evaluations made up the mean
score for the exercise sessions (4.00).
The results on the two different game settings
came somewhat as a surprise while measuring its
impact on the learning process. The default setting
which assumes that the game is used in phase 1, prior
to the lecture on risk management, has led to a better
learning experience. Students clearly indicated that
an intermediate practical exercise after phase 1 us-
ing the business game clearly allowed them to better
grasp and understand the concepts discussed in phase
1 and to better prepare them for the second phase
of the course. Despite this higher satisfaction, the
results were somewhat lower than the students who
played the game after phase 2. Indeed, the students
who played the game in phase 1 had no knowledge
whatsoever on the risk analysis technique and there-
fore underperformed compared to the student who
had this extra information and played the game af-
ter phase 2. This illustrates that having knowledge
about risk analysis techniques (phase 2) clearly had a
beneficial impact on the decision making process for
optimizing time and cost trade-offs in projects. Al-
though this should not be seen as a big surprise and
only illustrates the relevance of the teaching phases
and the positive contribution of the business game, it
was somewhat unexpected that this better student per-
formance was not related to a higher student satisfac-
tion. Apparently, student performance and the learn-
ing experience and corresponding satisfaction do not
always go hand in hand.
4.2 Communication Format
The experiments clearly revealed that the format of
communication has a significant impact on the tim-
ing of the decisions. It has been observed that more
graphical formats lead to quicker decisions than nu-
merical communication. This has been tested by play-
ing the business game under various restricted time
horizons, which revealed that time pressure has a
more negative impact when using numbers than when
graphical charts are used. Obviously, it is much easier
to interpret graphs and dashboards, while metrics and
quantitative support tables need a thorough analysis
and therefore consume more time.
Surprisingly, the format of communication had no
significant impact on the learning experience and stu-
dent satisfaction since no significant differences in
evaluation could be found between the various exper-
iments using different communication formats. De-
spite this lack of relation between the format of com-
munication and the students’ satisfaction, the perfor-
mance of the students on the game, measured by the
final cost of the project when the game is finished,
depended on the background of the students.
When the engineering university students were
presented with numerical information, they tended to
make the right decision. When the business school
students were presented with the numerical informa-
tion, they underperformed compared to the engineer-
ing students in their decision making, despite their
higher level of experience. However, when the busi-
ness school students were presented with the graph-
ical information, they performed on par with the en-
gineering students who received numerical informa-
tion. This experiment clearly shows that the commu-
nication format is crucial in the teaching process and
defines the quality of decisions made by people. The
results are shown in the middle panel of figure 3. The
y-axis represents the cost deviation obtained by the
students. A division is made between civil engineer-
ing students and students following a business edu-
cation. On average, civil engineers benefit from in-
formation presented in a table format, while business
school students achieve better results with graphical
information. These results are in line with the con-
cepts presented in the book “reinventing communica-
tion” (Phillips, 2014) which discusses the importance
of communication in a professional project manage-
ment environment.
4.3 Communication Expectations
The experiments with regard to the expectations of
the game participants revealed that it is better to err
on the safe side. Participants who assumed Murphy
would come along and that they would have to react
to a highly dynamic and uncertain environment per-
formed better than those participants where the na-
ture of complexity and uncertainty was not empha-
sized. This could be established in the cost deviations
the players achieved and is shown in figure 3. In the
figure’s right panel, the cost deviation when students
assume complexity and uncertainty have a high im-
pact is set equal to 100%. The bar charts indicate that
the costs increase (> 1.0) when complexity and un-
certainty are not deemed to have a high impact. In-
cidentally, the number of trade-off changes and in-
spections of time/cost profiles could be monitored us-
ing the log files. Participants for which the dynamic
and uncertain character of the game was highlighted,
investigated much more alternative courses of action
and dedicated more effort to making changes to the
activities’ durations. Consequently, a relation could
be drawn between the amount of effort invested by
the participants of the game and the attained solution
quality. In general, a higher amount of effort, mea-
sured in terms of the number of trade-off changes and
the inspection of the profile of the trade-offs, leads to
a better solution quality.
This paper reported on results of a set of students ex-
periments using various ways of communication in
a blended learning process of Project Management
courses. It illustrates how the use of computerized
business games and integrated case studies have a
beneficial impact on the learning experience and stu-
dent performance. However, the way in which this
blended learning methodology is implemented is in-
fluenced by the sequence, format and accuracy of
communication used using exercises, case studies and
business games.
Timing and integration of communication is cru-
cial in the learning process of students and positively
contributes to the learning experience and sometimes
to the student performance. The communication for-
mat has a significant impact on the students’ perfor-
mance and differs along their practical experience and
background. However, no relation could be found be-
tween the format and the satisfaction of students dur-
ing learning. Expectations are also an integral part
of communication. In the final experiment, it was
shown how highlighting the complex and uncertain
nature of the environment can affect the achieved re-
sults. It was found that participants invested more ef-
fort and attained better solutions when the importance
of reacting to uncertainty was stressed. If the decision
on whether a change is desirable was left to the stu-
dents, considerably less effort was put into the evalua-
tion process and a larger cost deviation was the result.
The results of the three experiments are summarized
in table 1.
Obviously, this study suffers from a number of
drawbacks. First, the student population has not been
controlled carefully and has been taken randomly
from an existing pool upon availability. In addition,
the settings of the experiments have been often set
ad hoc and none of the parameters have been care-
fully controlled. The main reason of this drawback
was of a practical nature, since it is hard to put stu-
dents under experiments during learning. We there-
fore opted to change the communication settings on a
Table 1: Overview of the communication experiments and their main findings.
Experiment Main findings
Communication sequence
Integrative case studies lead to higher satisfaction.
Risk knowledge has beneficial impact on decisions.
Communication format
Results depend on previous education.
No impact on learning experience and satisfaction.
Communication expectations
Better expectations of the environment lead to more effort.
More effort leads to better solutions.
small sample of students, often without their knowl-
edge that they experienced a different learning pro-
cess than their colleagues. Finally, the outcome of
the experiments has been measured by an analysis of
student evaluations and exam results and significant
differences could be caused by unknown and uncon-
trolled factors other then the varying settings in the
communication parameters.
However, despite these shortcomings, it is be-
lieved that the student population as well as the time
horizon of these tests is big enough to exclude ran-
domness and to guarantee a certain degree of rele-
vance of the findings of these experiments. Obvi-
ously, more controlled experiments are necessary and
more research in the relation between communication
can and will be done in the future. Three future re-
search avenues are therefore under construction.
More research on the impact of knowledge about
risk management on the quality of decisions made
by students responsible for projects in progress, as
well as an analysis of their behaviour in these uncer-
tain environments is carried out using other experi-
ments. The results of this study have been written
down in a working paper which is currently under
submission in a Project Management journal (Wauters
and Vanhoucke, 2013). In this study, the authors de-
rive solution strategies from participants of the Project
Scheduling Game. The authors tested the time and
cost strategies on a large data set and outlined the cir-
cumstances in which each strategy performs best. It
was found that the cost-based strategy yields the best
results for low penalty environments and networks
counting many trade-off options. In highly uncertain
environments and projects where exceeding the dead-
line is heavily penalized, the time-based strategy per-
forms particularly well. Moreover, a new study is cur-
rently in progress which will extend the experiments
on the timing and sequence of communication. To
that purpose, an extension of the business game will
be presented to the students to formally test and vali-
date whether the first business game contributed to the
learning experience and student performance. Finally,
more studies on communication in Project Manage-
ment are undoubtedly interesting research avenues in
order to find out whether better communication ac-
tually leads to better decisions and a higher project
success rate. These studies are currently in a prema-
ture testing phase using real life data constructed by
(Batselier and Vanhoucke, 2015).
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der Onderzoeksfonds” (BOF) for the project under
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port given by “Fonds of Wetenschappelijk Onder-
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