exactly one of multiple CEP engines within each
tier. Each CEP engine has its own context which is
not visible to the other instances. Stateful rules need
in contrary to stateless rules, additional context in-
formation. To successfully evaluate events, the con-
text has to be shared between all event processors.
(Isoyama et al., 2012) proposes a solution to adjust
the distribution of events throughout the cluster.
This is not a full scale solution of the problem of
context sharing within distributed CEP engine. The
most useful approach for our scenario would be the
implementation of an external shared context state
which according to (Isoyama et al., 2012) will result
in high overloads and performance issues when the
separate CEP engine instances will access the shared
context state. Further research in this area has still to
be conducted.
In this paper we presented an approach for an infor-
mation system being capable of analysing vast
amounts of data in real-time and thus enabling busi-
nesses to react immediately by reducing the action
distance. The system we presented is completely
based on open source software. Because of missing
licence fees it is possible for small and medium
logistics enterprises to implement and use real-time
analytics for their operational work to offer value-
added services such as real-time tracking or SLA
monitoring and therefore increasing the business
profit and improve customer satisfaction.
The work presented in this paper was funded by the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
under the project LogiLeit (BMBF 03IPT504A).
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