A Game-theory based Model for Analyzing E-marketplace
Zheng Jianya
, Li Weigang
and Daniel L. Li
TransLab, Department of Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil
Coleman Research Group, Raleigh NC, U.S.A.
Keywords: Asymmetric Competition, Cost of Changing Strategies, E-marketplace, Evolutionary Game Theory.
Abstract: The current e-marketplace provides many tools and benefits that bring sellers and buyers together, and
promote trading within cyberspace. And due to certain unique features of e-commerce, the competition also
takes on characteristics different from those found in traditional commerce. This paper analyses both the
competition between sellers, and the stable state in e-marketplace through a proposed model that applies
evolutionary game theory. The purpose is to better understand these relations and the current state within e-
marketplace, as well as provide a tool for sellers to increase their profits. Here, the sellers are divided into
four categories based on their scale (Large, Small) and sales strategy (Aggressive, Conservative). By
developing Asymmetrical Competition Game Model in E-Marketplace (ACGME) in Nash Equilibrium, we
analyze the composition of different sellers and how this proportion is affected by asymmetry among
sellers. Finally, we conduct a simulation experiment to verify the effectiveness of our proposed model.
e-Commerce is rapidly developing thanks to the
advance in information technology and widespread
use of Internet. The sales of the largest e-
marketplace Alibaba reached $240 billion in 2013,
and eBay also ran up to $83.33 billion during the
same period. B2C e-commerce giant Amazon.com,
understanding the potential of this industry, also
started its e-marketplace service in 2000. E-
marketplaces play an important role in the e-
commerce, as it helps overcome geographical
limitations, connect with new customers through
search engine visibility and reduce costs. And most
importantly, e-marketplace provided access to e-
commerce for ordinary people and small shops. This
feature tremendously accelerated the development of
online shopping. As result, e-commerce has attracted
increasing attention in the field of computing science
and information technology. The relationships
between three players in e-commerce: sellers,
customers and e-marketplaces, have been a research
The nature and structure of competition in e-
marketplace is considerably different from the
traditional marketplace. Traditionally, sellers usually
competed in a single industry and competition is
limited geographically. Nowadays, e-marketplace
offers opportunities for all individuals who are
interested in the ability to break these boundaries.
More and more individual sellers entered the digital
space, greatly increasing the competition. As such, it
is necessary to analyze this new form of competition
in e-marketplace in order to help the sellers’
decision making process. For this purpose, we
conduct this work to analyze the competition
between sellers by applying evolutionary game
theory. The sellers are divided into four categories
based on their scale (Large, Small) and sales strategy
(Aggressive, Conservative). By applying game
theory and analysing asymmetry between sellers, we
can model the competition in the e-marketplace
using table 1. And using the Nash equilibrium of the
proposed game model, we can obtain the
composition for each type of seller and study the
stable state of e-marketplace.
Table 1: Four competition models in the e-marketplace.
Large vs. Large Large vs. Small
Small vs. Large Small vs. Small
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
The next section references and discusses literature
Jianya Z., Weigang L. and L. Li D..
A Game-theory based Model for Analyzing E-marketplace Competition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005467706500657
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 650-657
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
related to the focus of our study. Section 3 describes
the asymmetry between different sellers and
strategies they can adopt against competition. The
stable state of e-marketplace is introduced in section
4, and an analysis of the result is presented in section
5. In section 6 we conduct a simulation to verify the
effectiveness and performance of this model.
Finally, section 7 concludes this paper with a
summary, and explains the potential applications of
this study.
Evolutionary game theory (Maynard Smith, 1982)
applied game theory to evolving populations of life
forms in biology. Despite its original use,
evolutionary game theory has become of increasing
interest to other fields, and many researchers
examined the applications of evolutionary game
theory in economics. An extended analysis of
‘Prisoners’ Dilemma’ by Daniel et al., (2005)
identified four conditions of the game and observed
that each condition has different evolutionary and
informational requirement for cooperation. Witt
(2008) studied the differences between major
approaches in evolutionary economics, and analysed
details of “evolutionary” aspects within the
economy. Hodgson and Huang (2012) inquired both
the differences and similarities between evolutionary
game theory and evolutionary economics, and
proposed potential for mutual emulation in these two
fields. In recent years, the evolutionary game theory
observed significant development, and is now
applied to assist decision-making processes. Altman
et al., (2008), Niyato and Hossain (2009) used
evolutionary game approach in their wireless
network selection study. Barari et al., (2012)
proposed a decision framework that employed
evolutionary game approach in the analysis of green
supply chain contracts. Lee et al., (2010) proposed
an evolutionary game theory based mechanism for
adaptive and stable application in cloud computing.
The classic game models focus on symmetric
competition between players. However, the players
are usually different from each other in real
scenarios, which is the case for our research on e-
marketplaces. The sellers are heterogeneous, varying
in size, location and service level etc. There are less
literature that focus on asymmetric competition but
the following studies provide insight towards our
work. Fishman (2008) extended the analytical
framework of evolutionary game theory to games
that have two distinct types of players, where the
type-specific payoff functions are nonlinear. That is,
asymmetric games where the payoffs for interactions
are influenced by strategies from both types of
players. Liu et al., (2012) proposed a game model
considering the asymmetric interaction and the
selection pressure of resources. Combining
evolutionary game theory with dynamic stability
theory, they concluded that evolutionary results
depend on the asymmetric relation between players,
and on the cost-to-benefit ratio of conflict.
There are also studies on evolutionary game
theory focusing on the economic market. Although
their content does not directly relate to our research,
it still provides context and ground for this study. Ba
et al., (2000) investigated the risk of frauds in e-
marketplace and identified different equilibrium in
the market using an evolutionary game theory
approach. Then the authors explored the best method
to effectuate transactions within the market, and
justified the necessity of trusted third parties for e-
marketplaces. Zheng et al., (2014) provided us
insight into the charging mechanism in e-
marketplaces, as they studied this topic by adopting
the Leontief’s model and drew interesting
conclusions that less sellers generate more profit for
e-marketplace service providers. After studying
previous literature, we base our research on the
hawk-dove game and study the asymmetric between
sellers in e-marketplace. By employing evolutionary
game theory we study the competition between
vendors in the e-marketplace environment and
analyse the optimal profit of the e-marketplace
service providers.
The Hawk-Dove Game is a classic example of
evolutionary game theory applied in animal
behaviour. In this model, we have two animals (not
necessarily birds) that are capable of choosing from
two strategies when in conflict with each other. An
animal can choose the "hawk" strategy and escalate
conflict to a fight or the animal can choose the
"dove" strategy and peacefully back down. Hawk
type animals will always choose to fight, so if two
hawks meet, there will always be a fight. Winners
receive the benefit, while losers be charged with the
cost of the fight. Dove type animals always choose
to flee, and will never be involved in a fight. There
is no cost to be a dove, there is only the possibility
of receiving no payoff.
This research analyzes the competition between
sellers in e-marketplace based on the hawk-dove
game. First, the asymmetric relation between sellers
is introduced and modelled. Then, the strategies of
sellers are described. Lastly, the proposed
evolutionary game model is formally introduced.
3.1 Asymmetrical Parameter between
Sellers: h
Asymmetry between sellers is a natural occurrence
within the e-marketplace competition. Although
various criteria can be employed to evaluate this
asymmetry, we choose probability of purchase as the
initial criteria. For the traditional market, two
models have been proposed for analyzing consumer
purchase probability. “Marketing Effort Model”
believes that the probability of purchase depends on
the sellers’ marketing effort, as well as quality of
product, price and customer relationship etc.
However, the e-marketplace has distinctive
characteristics. For example, because the business
between sellers and customers is not held in person,
many prefer to pay more just to minimize risks. For
example, in the Brazilian e-marketplace
“MercadoLivre”, the exact same product, a book
sold by two separate vendors from Sao Paulo, there
are 100 consumers who chose the higher priced
seller (R$ 109.80) while only nine chose the seller
with the lower price, R$ 69.90. The only apparent
difference we found in this case is that the higher
priced vendor has a better reputation.
A different model, “Attraction model” is
considered more suitable for studying online
consumers’ purchase probability. “Attraction model”
indicated that the probability is directly related to the
attraction of a product from consumers’ perspective.
This model defined an “attraction” value to measure
asymmetry between sellers. Given a finite set of
sellers, S = {s
, …, s
}, for each seller s
S, an
“attraction” value is calculated. We assume that
competition can be defined by the vector of
12 12
(a( ),a( ),...,a( )) (a ,a ,...,a )
ss sa
That is, the consumer purchase probability h is fully
defined by a. The attraction may be a function of the
seller’s investment in marketing, the price of the
product, and the reputation of the seller, among
other factors. If a purchase probability is assigned to
each seller based only on the attraction vector, the
consumer purchase probability for each seller can be
calculated using the following equation:
a( )
, for = 1, 2, ...,
a( )
In this paper, the competition is analysed at a
macroscopic level. All sellers of an e-marketplace
are divided into two categories, Large and Small.
Using this assumption, h represents the purchase
probability of large sellers, while (1 - h) represents
the small sellers.
We should note that, the role of large and small
sellers is not unchangeable. They can be changed
under specific conditions. For example, a large seller
that loses the majority of its market share to a small
competitor would result in an exchange in roles.
Other external factors can also alter roles within a
market, as sellers can obtain investments or business
3.2 Strategies for Sellers
With basis on the hawk-dove game, we model the
sellers in e-marketplace into two categories based on
their business strategies {Aggressive,
Conservative}, and all sellers can choose their
strategy. A description of each strategy is listed
Aggressive: The sellers prefer to invest and
stimulate sales, but risk losing money due to
diminished returns as result of their investment.
The sellers who choose the aggressive strategy
can choose to invest money on marketing, customer
relationship, search engine optimization, etc.
Although this strategy may increase sales volume, it
can cost the sellers if the benefits do not correspond
to the amount of investment.
Conservative: The sellers choose to not invest and
receive no benefits as result of their lack of action.
The conservative sellers expect a normal profit.
This strategy won’t cost the seller, because they are
not spending more on the business. But when in
competition with aggressive sellers, they will always
lose and receive no payoff.
Considering only these two strategies, we can
expect three different competitive scenarios in the e-
1) Aggressive vs. Aggressive: Both aggressive
sellers choose to invest to increase sales volume.
But in this scenario, one will win and the other
will lose and see no return on the investment.
2) Aggressive vs. Conservative: In this case, the
aggressive seller wins, as the investment
increases its attractiveness to consumers.
Combined with a lack of competition from the
conservative seller, the aggressive seller observes
increased sales as result of added investment.
3) Conservative vs. Conservative: When two
conservative sellers compete, the profit is
divided equally among them.
A game can be described using three values
{players, set of strategies for every player, payoff of
every player}. In this paper, these values are {{large
sellers, small sellers}, {aggressive, conservative},
, π
}}, where π
, π
represent the profits for large
and small sellers, respectively. Additionally, we
define the cost of competing as
In addition, we define a few competition rules
1) The consumers choose to buy a product from an
advertised seller based on available information.
2) When different sellers advertise the same
product, the probability of purchase is the same
for all advertised sellers.
3) If no sellers advertise the product, the probability
of purchase depends on h.
With the competition rules and all the parameters
defined, we now introduce the payoff matrices for
all the competition scenarios.
4.1 Large vs. Large and Small vs.
In this scenario, the competition between sellers is
actually symmetrical. The payoff matrix is listed in
table 2.
Because competition between sellers with the
same strategy follows the same format, the scale of
the sellers does not affect the result.
Table 2: Payoff matrix for symmetrical competition.
Large sellers (Small)
Aggressive Conservative
Large sellers
, 0V
0 , V
When two sellers are both aggressive, the profit
will be distributed evenly among players, that is
. The cost of competing is subtracted
from the profit, and we obtain the result shown in
the upper left cell. In the case an aggressive seller
competes with a conservative one, following the
rules in Section 3, the aggressive seller will receive
all the profit. This is the result show in the upper
right and lower-left cells. When two conservative
sellers meet, because they don’t involve themselves
in a competition, the profit is divided among them,
and no cost is taken from the profit either.
4.2 Large vs. Small
In this subsection, the competition between large
and small players is analysed in more detail. When
two different types of sellers compete, an
asymmetrical relation occurs.
Table 3: Payoff matrix for asymmetrical competition.
Samll sellers
Aggressive Conservative
(),(1)()hV h V
, 0V
0 , V
,(1 )hV h V
Here, we take into consideration the
asymmetrical parameter defined as purchase
probability h in the previous section. When a large
and a small aggressive seller compete, the profit is
be divided between sellers based on their
asymmetric proportion, in addition to removing the
competition cost, which means that the large player
would receive hV, and the small (1-h)V. The results
remain the same for when an aggressive seller
competes with a conservative one. The lower-right
cell represents the profit division between a large
conservative seller and a small conservative seller.
Again, we account for the asymmetrical parameter
but there is no competition cost in this case. The
payoff matrix is depicted in table 3.
4.3 An Overall Perspective
In order to simplify this analysis and our
representation, we combined scale and strategy for
sellers as one single category. The sellers in this case
are equal, but the number of strategies for each seller
has been expanded to four, which are {Large
Aggressive, Large Conservative, Small Aggressive,
Small Conservative}. This way, an asymmetric
competition has been transformed into a symmetric
Table 4: An overall perspective of payoff matrix in
Player II
er I
)/2, (V-
LC 0,V V/2, V/2 0,V hV, (1-h)V
), h(V-
)/2, (V-
SC 0,V (1-h)V, hV 0,V V/2,V/2
*Note: L = large seller, S= small seller; A = aggressive seller and C =
conservative seller. So SA means the small seller with aggressive
Table 4 illustrate the payoff matrix of two
competing players from an overall perspective. This
matrix lists all competition scenarios in the e-
marketplace for our proposed categories. Rows
represent the first seller and columns represent the
second. All elements in matrix are two-tuples where
the first value is player I’s payoff, and the second
value is player II’s payoff.
Once we defined all possible types of
competition in the marketplace for our proposed
categories, we proceed to calculate the equilibrium
of this game in the following section.
4.4 Mixed Evolutionary Stable
As show in the previous section, we have now
obtained the payoff function for all types of sellers.
Next, we study the Evolutionary Stable Strategy
(ESS) for our proposed game model. An ESS is an
equilibrium refinement of the Nash equilibrium. It is
a Nash equilibrium that is evolutionarily stable, once
it is reached in a population; natural selection
prevents alternative strategies from appearing in the
system. Thus, the evolutionary stable state of our
proposed game provides insight into the stable state
and competition dynamics within the e-marketplace
in the real world.
Defining {x
, x
, x
, x
} as the proportions of
every type vendor in e-marketplace, we can derive
the profit for all type of sellers based on the payoff
(1 )
(1 )( )
(1 )
Vx xVxhV xV
hV h V
Vx x x x
Vx hV xVx xV
hV hV
Vx x x x
 
 
 
According to evolutionary game theory, the sellers
in e-marketplace reach stable state when profits for
every type of vendor are equal. As result, we obtain
the following equations:
Solving the above equations (4), we obtain the
proportion of all four types of sellers in an e-
marketplace at its stable state.
22 4
Vh hV
22 4
Vh hV
(5) and (6) represent the proportion for different
types of sellers in an e-marketplace when it achieves
the stable state.
Note that, there is an important condition when
we study the evolutionary game: the cost of
competition must be greater than the profit (V <
If this condition is not fulfilled, then the game only
has a pure strategy Nash equilibrium, the
“aggressive” strategy. In this situation, all players
will act as “aggressive” sellers because this strategy
definitively yields more profit than the
“conservative” strategy. When V <
, “aggressive”
sellers are presented with the risk of loss, then part
of sellers choose the “conservative” strategy, while
others risk for the opportunity to win.
From the results obtained in section 4, we could find
that the stable state of e-marketplace is dependent on
values V,
, and asymmetrical parameter h. In this
section we analyse the correlations between
equilibrium and such parameters.
5.1 ESS with Cost
and Profit V
Since both
and V are characteristic to the e-
marketplace and are similar, we define k =
/V and
study the correlation between k and final stable state.
Based on equations (5) and (6), we obtain:
+2+2 4
hhk k
Setting h as a series of constants, we generate figure
1. From the figure, we observe that the growth of
aggressive sellers is inversely proportional to k. This
means that when the cost is similar in value to the
profit, then most sellers choose the aggressive
strategy as they expect to receive profit at little risk.
But when the cost is far more than profit, then few
people takes the risk of a loss.
Figure 1: The correlation between aggressive strategists /
conservative strategists and k = C/V.
Also from figure 1, we observe that the growth
of aggressive sellers is proportional to asymmetrical
parameter h. When the difference between types of
vendors is small, the probability of wining is also
not significantly different, and then most people
shift towards competition.
5.2 ESS with Asymmetrical Parameter
The asymmetrical parameter is another important
factor that can affect the final stable state of e-
marketplace. In this paragraph, we set k as a constant
in order to study the relationship between stable
state and asymmetrical parameter h.
Figure 2: The correlation between aggressive sellers /
conservative sellers and asymmetrical parameter h.
With equation (3), we find the proportion of
aggressive sellers increases by decreasing the
asymmetrical parameter h, which is shown in figure
2. This means that small sellers of e-marketplace
perceive a big gap between them and the large
sellers, which results in their adoption of the
aggressive strategy.
This section analyses the effectiveness of the
proposed model through a simulation study. In the
field of e-commerce, it is difficult to obtain real data
from an e-marketplace because it is proprietary.
Thus, we create a simulation experiment to test our
In our model, the stable state of e-marketplace is
dependent on k =
/V (defined in section 5), and the
asymmetrical parameter h. So we set different values
to these two factors and verify the final result.
For asymmetric parameter, we set h as three
different levels:
a. High asymmetry: h = 0.95.
b. Medium asymmetry: h = 0.75.
c. Low asymmetry: h = 0.55.
This classification allows us to observe a complete
picture of the competition in different asymmetrical
scenarios. When h = 0.95, the asymmetry between
sellers is high, which means large sellers dominate
the marketplace. Then when h is closer to 0.5, the
sellers are more comparable in number, which in
turn means the marketplace has a highly competitive
Additionally, we categorized the e-marketplace
into two classes.
i. High profit.
= 5/6.
ii. High risk.
= 1/2.
In a high profit marketplace, an aggressive seller can
compete at a reasonable cost. But in a high risk
market, the competition cost is much higher than the
profit, which presents a big risk for sellers that chose
the “aggressive” strategy.
In addition to using these values in our
simulation experiments, to calculate the proportion
of different sellers in a stable state e-marketplace,
we introduce a new element. To be more precise,
90% confidence interval is used to capture the
interval for the real expected value and the
simulation-generated value. Using the formula
proposed in Law and Kelton (1991) and Choi et al.,
(2004), the 90% confidence interval is calculated
using equation (8):
90% 1.645CI ER VR
where ER and VR denote the expected result and the
variance of result respectively. CIEP is defined to
represent the bounds of the deviation of the real
expected result from the simulation in the 90%
confidence interval.
Table 5: The proportion of aggressive sellers in a high
profit e-marketplace according to different asymmetric
High 0.95 65.48% 1.65% 12.21%
Medium 0.75 75% 1.59% 12.23%
Low 0.55 81.90% 1.60% 12.23%
Table 5 shows the stable state of a high profit e-
marketplace at different asymmetric levels. We find
that the proportion of aggressive sellers decreases
with a higher asymmetric level. The reason is that
when the asymmetric level is high, the small sellers
choose the conservative strategy to avoid risk of
competition, and thus the expected result in a high
asymmetric e-marketplace (h = 0.95) is 65.48%.
Alternatively, market competition becomes larger as
the opportunity to win the competition is greater, so
the expected result is 81.90% when h = 0.55.
Table 6: The proportion of aggressive sellers in a high risk
e-marketplace according to different asymmetric level.
High 0.95 27.50%
Medium 0.75 37.50%
Low 0.55 47.50%
Table 6 illustrates the high-risk scenario for an e-
marketplace. Under these conditions, most sellers
tend to choose the conservative strategy. Where the
asymmetric level between sellers is high, the
aggressive sellers compose only 27.50% of the
marketplace sellers. Even when the conditions are
more competitive (h = 0.55), this value only reaches
47.50%, compared to 81.90% in the high profit
With the results from tables 5 and 6, we obtain
the following observations:
1) The proportion of aggressive sellers decrease as
the asymmetry between sellers increase. From
the perspective of a seller, the opportunity to win
in a competition is greater when the difference
between sellers is smaller. Thus, sellers tend to
choose the aggressive strategy under these
conditions as they expect a positive outcome.
2) The decrease in aggressive sellers is significant
when the marketplace is high-risk. Although the
k value is only changed from 5/6 to 1/2, the
proportion of aggressive sellers decreases by
almost 50%. This demonstrates that sellers are
very sensitive to this factor.
This observation is important to e-marketplace
administrators as it provides insight when
deciding the fees / cost mechanism. When the
service fee is high (high risk scenario), the
number of aggressive sellers decreases. Thus, it
is important to study the optimal cost structure in
an e-marketplace to maximize profit for market
3) According to tables 5 and 6, the e-marketplace is
more stable when it is in a high-risk scenario.
But this is majorly due to the adoption of a
conservative strategy for all sellers.
Following the rise of e-commerce, the emergence of
e-marketplaces such as Alibaba, eBay and
MercadoLivre creates new platforms for individuals
to conduct business and effect transactions. Given
the rapid growth of this market, it becomes
important to study the relationships between all
participants in an e-marketplace, in order to
maximize profitability and efficiency, and
understand potential advances. This work studied the
e-marketplace as a population, and applied the
evolutionary game theory to analyse the stable state
of a marketplace.
Learning from the classic “Hawk-Dove” game
model, we divided sellers into two categories,
{Aggressive, Conservative}. Additionally, the
sellers were classified by their scale, {Large, Small}.
Based on this setup, we proposed an Asymmetrical
Competition Game Model in E-marketplace
(ACGME) to study competition in the e-marketplace.
The contributions of this study include:
1) Applied the evolutionary game theory to the
research of e-commerce, studied the competition
between different types of sellers, and
demonstrated the effectiveness of applying
evolutionary game theory in the area of e-
2) Classified the sellers based on their scale {Large,
Small}, which is a more realistic approach to
mimic a real world e-marketplace
3) Conducted simulation experiments to examine
the performance and effectiveness of our
proposed model and obtained satisfactory results.
Although some assumptions were included in our
research, they were within reasonable range and
would not significantly impact the effectiveness our
model. There are also some limitations to this
research; we will continue this study to improve
ACGME. As we move our focus to studying e-
marketplace charging mechanisms, we use this
research as basis and groundwork.
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