Of course deciding on a MoC does not mean the
MoC should be transposed verbatim in a program-
ming language. After all, even if assembly has no
notion of functions or objects, lots of programming
languages offer these concepts. But being a good
MoC means a programming language can be com-
piled so that to conform to the implementation of the
MoC in a Model of Execution on a given system. A
good MoC should scale well from the fine granular-
ities as parallel-for up to the real-time tasks. Using
such a MoC would be a good step toward a “univer-
sal” Intermediate Representation for compiling tools
of manycore systems, as it does not require locks or
most of the hardware features that render timing so
difficult in modern multicore and manycore systems.
The next step will be to verify all the required
mathematical properties of the proposed MoC and
build a generic Intermediate Representation upon it
and then programming tools. Other works will be
aimed at taking heterogeneous systems into account.
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