typologies were considered: Research papers,
proposing innovative strategies for enterprise
modelling; Practice papers, describing experiences
for experimenting defined strategies; Industrial
survey, those ones describing interviews performed
within operative organizations for understanding if
and how they were facing problems and/or adopting
approaches regarding the enterprise modelling; and
Reviews, describing literature studies, even if few
journals published this kind of study. The aim of this
classification was to understand the formalism and
practical aspects the papers analysed and their
maturity level. The considered papers were
distributed as it follows: 85 papers belonged to the
Practice category; 162 papers were classified as
Research; 11 papers were Review; and 13 papers
were Industrial survey. Some papers belonged to
more than one type.
A preliminary exploration of the papers allowed
the extraction of the properties and categories to be
considered in the analysis. They were based on
categories of research works commonly adopted in
journals and international conferences by IEEE, and
adapted to the needs of our analysis. Specifically
some categories were added with reference to
enterprise concepts. In the performed analysis the
classification was used to assess the interest of
authors for the different research topics. The chosen
research topics and categories addressed the purpose
of our review and do not have to be intended to
represent a general-purpose classification of
enterprise modelling studies. We also believe that
the classification may be useful for other researchers
while searching for relevant papers on, for example,
a particular modelling approach.
The classification of research papers provided a
general picture of the characteristics of the
Enterprise Modelling research. It represented for the
authors a starting point for a deeper investigation
and suggested important short comings in Enterprise
Modelling research and possibilities for
improvement. In the following, the considered issue,
listed in the scope definition section, will be
analysed and results will be described.
Analysis of the paper distribution among
journals, proceedings and other type of
The aim of this analysis was to investigate the
editorial collocations where research papers
concerning the Enterprise Modelling topics are
mainly published. Specifically, journal papers and
book chapters were considered.
Table 1: Paper distribution among the work type and
Type #Number Publisher
Book Chapter 12 ACM
Book Chapter 2 IEEE
Journal 162 Elsevier
Journal 1 IEEE
Journal 19 Springer
Table 1 shows that 198 research works concerning
the Enterprise Modelling were found. These works
were distributed in 14 book chapters and 182
journals. In particular, as regards the book chapters,
12 papers have been published by ACM while IEEE
published the remaining 2 papers. Concerning the
journals, Elsevier has published 162 papers, 1 paper
by the IEEE and 19 by Springer.
Analysis of the principal publication sources for
the Enterprise Modelling research studies
The goal of this analysis was to check which source
was predominant in the modelling studies on
Enterprise Modelling and in which venues they were
published. Specifically, it goes to consider the
placement of the items, the total number of items
according to the locations and how this affects the
percentage of the total number of articles. For
reasons of space, only the results greater than 1 are
reported in the results description.
Analysing the data reported in Table 2 it emerges
that the predominant journal publishing enterprise
modelling papers is Computer in Industry, published
by Elsevier, which comprises about 30% of the total
papers published in this area; followed by:
Information Systems with 6.3%; Expert Systems
with Applications with 5.7%, and Data &
Knowledge Engineering with 5.2%.
Quantification of the articles published over the
years by the most relevant authors
Table 3 shows the results of this analysis and
indicates that the researchers that have been
interested in enterprise modelling studies from 2004
to 2014. In particular, it emerged that Wil MP van
der Aalst is one of the most active researcher in this
area with five articles between 2007 and 2008;
followed by Jeongsoo Lee with 4 items between
2010 and 2014; and Kwangsoo Kim Lee with 4
items between 2010 and 2014.
Analysis of the effort measured as number of
paper dedicated on this topic over the years
The aim of this analysis was to observe how many
articles have been written in the different countries