need a Capability concept? If an existing concept
can suffice, then there would be no reason to add
another to the language. Following the proposal of
Iacob et al. (2012), we argue that a capability is
fundamentally different than a business process,
business function, business service and business
interaction. A capability, as it is also defined in
TOGAF, is on a different level of abstraction than
the business layer concepts of ArchiMate. Based on
this we can state that a capability can be realised by
elements of an architecture, such as business
process, business function, business service and
business interaction.
By being able to use CBP as a link between
strategy management and EA it can be possible to
achieve a Business and IT alignment. Therefore we
suggest that further research should be done in order
to investigate this possibility.
There are several limitations to the research we
have presented. We have determined that the
ArchiMate language is not sufficiently developed at
the moment to support CBP modelling. Further
research is needed in order to determine if the
proposed added concepts are sufficient. Also, we
have validated our proposed methodology and
metamodel with the help of one case study.
Although this is sufficient for stating that our
approach is viable for the organisation under
analysis, we cannot state that it is applicable for all
organisations. Therefore further research needs to be
done in order to investigate the generalizability of
our methodology and metamodel.
The authors thank Bill Poole from Journey One for
the work he has done on this topic, which has been
an inspiration for this research.
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