service consumers to dynamically identify services
at runtime - Zaremba et al. (2012) present models of
Expressive Search Requests and Service Offer
Descriptions allowing matchmaking of highly
configurable services that are dynamic and depend
on request. This approach can be applied to several
types of services. This approach does not propose a
solution to exploit economies of scale and only deals
with one variability type, the deployment variability.
In (Walraven et al., 2014), an integrated service
engineering method, called service line engineering,
is presented. This method supports co-existing
tenant-specific configurations and that facilitates the
development and management of customizable,
multi-tenant SaaS application without compromising
scalability. In contrast to our approach, this method -
as well as the other approaches mentioned - does not
address to the accessibility by roles, which is
allowed in our work by the use of Multiview
concept. The Multiview notion allows applications
to dynamically change the behaviour according to
the enabled user's role or viewpoint.
Ruehl (2014) addresses the deployment
variability based on the SaaS tenants requirements
about sharing infrastructure, application codes or
data with other tenants. Ruehl (2014) proposes a
hybrid solution between multi-tenancy and simple
tenancy, called the mixed-tenancy. The purpose of
this approach is to allow the exploitation of
economies of scale while avoiding the problem of
customers hesitation to share with other tenants. The
author focuses on the deployment variability and
neglects the functional variability management.
Flexibility and reusability are challenging issues for
multi-tenancy SaaS applications. In this regard, our
approach consists in integrating two types of
concepts, the multi-functionality and the multi-
tenancy, to create a more flexible and reusable SaaS
environment while exploiting economies of scale. It
comes to the user-aware tenancy approach.
Moreover, this paper addresses the algorithmic part
of the work, which aims to derive an optimal
distribution of instances for a RVC. For this
purpose, we first introduced in this paper the user-
aware tenancy approach. Then, we presented some
challenges for this approach. Also, we introduced
some background knowledge of our work from the
graph theory concepts. Also, we presented our
algorithm deriving an optimal distribution of RVC
instances over tenants. And finally, we compared
our approach to similar approaches studied as related
work to make clear the benefits brought by our
approach. Our following step will be dedicated to
the implementation of our approach by applying it to
a case study showing its interest and improving it by
tests, as a major instrument of measurement.
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