the automation of the change management process by
representing the RFC information as a task graph into
a set of steps and establishing how they will be car-
ried out. This work provides evidence about of how
graphic information on RFC helps to understand and
manage a complex process. In this sense the tool we
propose allows to any user understand the process by
processing the information produced by change man-
agement system, but it also allows traceability of RFC
which is one of the main challenges in change man-
agement process pointed out by (Lahtela and Jantti,
This tool has been designed in order to make a graph-
ical analysis of the temporal evolution of change re-
quests. When studying change requests, it is difficult
to detect abnormalities in their behavior if the analyst
is not using a graphical interface. So, for this rea-
son, it would not be possible to observe bottlenecks
or loops between different states.
On the other hand, this tool provides an evolutive
vision about a set of requests for change. Although
it is possible to perform an static analysis in a given
time, its main purpose is to show the temporal devel-
opment of an individual request or several requests.
3.1 Requirements: Analysis of RFC
Transitions and Times
The data used by this tool to analyze the processes is
read from a CSV format file, which has to be loaded
to the tool by the analyst. Besides, there is no need to
use a CSV file because the data could also be loaded
from a Change Management System or another data
source. The only requirement to be met is to provide
information about 5 fields:
• id: request identifier.
• time: arrival time to a certain stage.
• durationtime: time the change request remains in
the stage.
• origin: request origin stage.
• destination: request destination stage.
These fields can be extended in order to provide
more information about the request for change that is
being analyzed. For instance, some extra fields could
be type or priority.
3.2 Tool Design
As can be seen in the figure 1, the graphical user
interface is divided into three parts. The central
area is the most important one because it shows
most of the information available at a glance. The
footer contains information about a certain selected
stage. There is also a left column which contains the
controls of the view.
Central Area. The purpose of this area is to show the
progress made by the RFC between different stages.
Due to the need to be a dynamic tool, it has been im-
plemented a slider that allows the user to move for-
ward or backward in the analysis period. Moreover a
progress bar has been placed under the slider because
the user needs to know the total time that an individual
request for change is in a certain stage. This progress
bar is used by the analyst when they are filtering a
single RFC.
The starting time of the slider corresponds to the
first RFC and the ending time corresponds to the last
RFC. Both are variable and depend on the data. With
this slider, the user can control the execution time to
inspect the progress of the change requests in detail.
Talking about the progress bar, it is possible to filter
and analyze a single RFC. As seen in figure 2, the
progress bar is showing the time of the filtered RFC in
different colors depending on the stage. This progress
bar is only used when the analyst is filtering a single
change request. This is a very important feature of the
tool because allows the user to check at a glance if a
RFC is in a certain stage during a lot of time just by
using colors. There is also a coloured table which has
been developed to complement the temporal progress
By using the colors the analyst is allowed to
use this tool in a more visual way, making easier
the process of analysing requests for change and
detecting bottlenecks and loops.
Footer. The footer area shows the information of the
simulation in a certain stage. These data are very
important for knowing the behaviour of a change re-
quest. As figure 1 shows, if the user clicks on a stage,
they will be able to view information about the re-
quests that are on it, which is shown in tables with
different columns. The first one shows the id, priority
or type of a change request. The filter column shows
if the object is filtered or not. The user can also tog-
gle the checkbox to filter or unfilter. This checkbox
makes the filtering process easier. Furthermore, the
arrival time is the time a certain change request has
arrived to the selected stage. Finally, total duration