of diagrams formalized, there is a lack of support
tools to assist the software developer in the stage of
formal verification. Even the tools existing at the
moment of this review do not have a practical use,
which complicates its adoption in the industry. About
RQ3 the few tools deal in general with the process
of translating UML models for the inputs of formal
verification tools, ignoring the fact that the results
should be presented in a more common language for
software developers. Finally, about RQ4 only one
study shows how to put the formal results in a diagram
to make it more readable for the user.
Therefore, this paper seeks to show such
evidences so that future works in the area of formal
verification and UML models have focus on both the
formalization of UML semantics as creating tools that
can be used by developers without much knowledge
in formal semantics and temporal logic which deal
with the process of transforming the models into
formal inputs and of showing the formal results in
non-formal environments.
The Brazilian funding agency CAPES (Grant. No.:
DS-7902801/D) supports this research.
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