nonlinearity, emergency and surprise, and even, as
support to narrow, guide, verify and/or correct the
results of other Spatial Analysis alternatives.
Of course, questions remain unresolved, the fact
is that the spatial analysis currently done with GIS is
weak to support decision-making in situations like
those presented here, specially because they are not
designed for a group to develop in an interdisciplinary
way, a spatial analysis on complex spatial scenarios.
Moreover, it is not intended to imply, nor intended
this work to discredit the current way of doing spatial
analysis. But it does to raise awareness regarding the
necessity to consider new research lines in spatial
analysis that take into account the participation of
multidisciplinary groups to develop knowledge of
geographic space in an interdisciplinary way, with the
aim to refine what until now has been done; because
as Albert Einstein hinted: in order to obtain different
results, is imperative to do different things.
We specially thank our PhD colleague José J. Diez-
Rodríguez for his valuable collaboration in the
development of this work, as well as the National
Council of Science and Technology of Mexico
(CONACYT) for its support.
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