also to assess the risk of flooding in coastal and port
regions. The system, implemented in a WebGIS envi-
ronment, follows the basic idea of using wave fore-
casts (up to 180 hours) to calculate the effects of
waves on the coast, particularly in terms of wave over-
topping and flooding. Once wave overtopping and
flooding are evaluated, they are compared with pre-
defined thresholds, to build warning maps and risk
maps, and, if necessary, to issue warning messages.
Here we have described the application of the sys-
tem to the Praia da Vitoria bay, in Terceira Island,
Azores. It shows that HIDRALERTA system has the
potential to become a useful tool for the management
of coastal and port areas, due to its fast and efficient
capacity to effectively issue warning and to evaluate
risks. In the framework of the HIDRALERTA project,
the system has also been applied to low-line areas,
namely sandy beaches and dunes systems under pres-
sure and higher vulnerable to climate changes impacts
such as Costa da Caparica, either as a warning sys-
tem or as a risk evaluation tool, but it can be easily
extended to other locations. In fact, it has been ap-
plied to other Portuguese locations, such as the ports
of Ponta Delgada (Azores) and Sines, and the Praia
da Gal
e coastal area.
At this point, the project is developing:
• The replacement of the DREAMS linear wave
model by the BOUSS-WMH nonlinear wave
• Carry out overtopping tests on physical models
for other types of structures, being the data pro-
duced within these tests used in evaluating the per-
formance of empirical, neuronal network or nu-
merical tools;
• Improve the methodology for constructing maps
of consequences;
• Create maps to enable illustration of the spa-
tial distribution of successive volume thresholds,
which will be complemented maps of conse-
quences, and consequently maps of risk of over-
• Set suitable levels (thresholds) to issue a warning.
This work is supported by Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
e Tecnologia, Minist
erio da Educac¸
ao e Ci
encia, Por-
tugal, through grant PTDC/AAC-AMB/120702/2010.
The authors are grateful for the information on Praia
da Vi
oria (port and bay) provided by Portos dos
Ac¸ores, S.A., Anabela Sim
oes and Eduardo Azevedo
from Universidade dos Ac¸ores, and Conceic¸
ao Ro-
drigues from Azorina - Sociedade de Gest
ao e
ao da Natureza, S.A.
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