simplify the design of both wireless and wired
network interface device drivers.
Another issue related to Linux and b43.ko
interdependencies is the complexity of the module
architecture. The b43.ko module has a large number
of external interfaces making it difficult to decouple
the driver module from its operating environment.
By modeling a wireless device driver as a self-
contained object it becomes possible to eliminate all
other module interactions and provide a standard
interface directly to the application programmer.
This approach was used to develop device drivers
for a variety of bare machine applications. These
drivers require no OS, kernel, or embedded system
to support their operation.
The b43.ko module also incorporates general
functionality that is rarely used in a typical operating
environment. Such functionality makes the module
itself complex and large in size. This in turn makes it
harder to understand the driver, port it, and test its
operations. Bare machine drivers can solve these
problems; however, more research is required to
understand how to transform existing OS drivers so
that their OS dependencies are removed.
We studied the b43.ko Linux wireless driver module
and discussed its system view and code view, and
also its external interactions with other modules. The
code and functions used in the module were
classified based on their type of operation and
functionality. Design issues identified with the
design of b43.ko provide a starting point for future
development of device drivers that are independent
of any OS. The driver details provided in the paper
will be useful for developing techniques that can
transform OS drivers to bare machine drivers.
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