hybrid cloud architectures where enterprise
applications are partly hosted on-premise, and partly
in public cloud environments (Hajjat et al., 2010).
These developments impact on SOA SDLC as well
as on SOA architectural features and functions,
resulting in divergence between service consumer
and service provider SDLC cycles. As a direct
consequence of providing cloud services to large
populations of service consumers, cloud service
providers cannot take into account the needs of
individual service consumers and their service
development schedules. Although the investigation
of architectural requirements for cloud computing
has been the subject of recent research interest and
standardization efforts (Liu et al., 2011), most of the
work takes the perspective of service providers, and
relatively little research has been done so far on
issues that impact service consumers. The detail
definition of service consumer SDLC and
methodological support for cloud service consumers
are still an open research problems. In our previous
work, we discuss the challenges of managing
enterprise applications in the cloud context
(Feuerlicht and Tran, 2014a) and describe a
consumer-side solution in the form of a Service
Consumer Framework (SCF) (Feuerlicht and Tran,
2014b). In this paper, our focus is on service
consumer SDLC; we specify service consumer
SDLC phases and describe architectural components
required to support the lifecycle activities. The next
section (section 2) is a review of related work, and
section 3 is a discussion of the traditional SOA
SDLC from a service provider perspective. Section 4
describes service consumer SDLC referring to
architectural components that are required to support
this SDLC. Section 5 contains our conclusions and
proposals for future work.
The NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology) Cloud Computing Standards Roadmap,
Hogan et al. (2011) separate the role of service
provider and service consumer and define a set of
cloud computing system development life cycle
activities and functions. The activities of cloud
providers include service deployment, service
orchestration, cloud service management, security
and privacy. Activities of cloud consumers include
identifying (suitable) services, requesting services,
negotiating service contracts, and deploying
services. In early research, Papazoglou (2008)
proposes a service development lifecycle that
contains a preparation planning phase as and five
life cycle phases: analysis and design, construction
and testing, provisioning, development, and
execution and monitoring. The paper describes a
methodology and roadmap to assist service
providers and service aggregators in assembling
multiparty business processes. In a more recent
paper, Papazoglou et al. (2011) propose a change-
oriented service life-cycle to address issues that arise
with changes that cascade across multiple services.
The life-cycle starts with the identification of the
need for service change and scoping its extent, and
then progresses to a service analysis phase that uses
the model of the current state of the services (as-is
model) and the to-be service model to perform gap
analysis. Following the analysis of the impact of the
required changes, decisions are made about how to
deal with overlapping and conflicting service
functionality. During the final change life-cycle
phase new services are aligned, integrated, tested
and released into production. Using a simple travel
service scenario, Ruz et al. (2011) describe a flexible
SOA cloud life cycle using SCA (Service
Component Architecture) as a model for managing
the life cycle of service-based applications. The life
cycle consists of three phases: initial design and
deployment, runtime monitoring, and design
modification and reconfiguration. Authors also
introduce an integrated and open framework for
supporting flexible cloud service management based
on SOA principles. Gu and Lago (2007) present a
three phase stakeholder-driven service life cycle that
involves three separate roles: service provider,
service consumer and service broker. The main
objective of this approach is to decouple the
activities of service consumer and service provider
across development phases: design time, runtime,
and change time. In this stakeholder-driven life
cycle model, service provider is responsible for
service design, service development and testing, and
service consumer is responsible for service
orchestration, negotiation and monitoring. Focusing
on SDLC of cloud service, Breiter and Behrendt
(2009) describe a service lifecycle and study the
relationship of managing this life cycle and ITIL.
This approach focuses on managing IT functionality
as one or more aggregated resources exposed as a
cloud service. Another approach to managing an
integrated lifecycle of IT services in a cloud
environment is proposed by Joshi et al. (2009).
Authors propose cloud service lifecycle that consist
of five sequential phases: requirements, discovery,
negotiation, composition, and consumption. The
authors have identified performance metrics