period of inactivity, or by manually choosing lock the
computer. Once the computer screen lock is invoked,
access to the computer will only be allowed to the
user whose account is currently logged on to the
computer or by an authorized administrator
(Microsoft, 2015).
The ability to easily lock the Linux desktop is
useful in a wide range of situations (Spidle, 2015.).
Whether users are just walking away from your
computer for a few minutes or operate a public
machine, it is important that the user configures the
Linux computer to protect his/her private data and
prevent unauthorized system changes. Linux includes
some basic built-in features that allows user to
initiate a lockdown on the system, but if user wants
more control over the computer system locking
features, he/she needs to install the lockdown
manager packages freely available to most Linux
distributions. There are two ways to lock the Linux
desktop, Simple Desktop Lockdown and Complete
System Lockdown. Initially the simple desktop
lockdown, the user has to perform a series of steps;
first he/she has to launch the screen-saver preferences
panel. On the other hand, the second way to lock a
Linux desktop is the complete system lockdown
Desktop Lock (Desktop Lock, 2014) is a
computer security protection and access control
software product. Users can lock their computers to
prevent people from accessing their private
documents and resources. Users can lock their
computers explicitly or automatically when system
becomes idle. The user can customize the
appearances of the locked desktop with the options
provided by Desktop Lock. Desktop Lock also
supports hotkey to lock the system.
PC Lockup (PC Lockup, 2014) is computer
security software, which enables you to apply
password protection to Windows and restrict others
from being able to use your PC while you are away.
It starts automatically with Windows and optionally
locks your desktop upon loading. It hides your
desktop at the same time and shows a picture, which
you can change in the options. An allowed time
schedule and duration can be defined for each user to
restrict access to your PC in definite hours. PC
Lockup also supports monitor power save options
and has some additional useful features like built-in
password protected screen saver and network user
validation feature for Windows logon to increase
your security. You will find the program interface
very easy to negotiate.
The system architecture is composed of layers. We
represent the system architecture as diagrams that
illustrate the layers, topology, components,
interactions, and stakeholders of the system. Layer
architecture is a technique used in designing
computer software, hardware, and communications
in which system or network components are isolated
in layers so that changes can be made in one layer
without affecting the others.
3.1 Application Layer Architecture
The diagram shown in Figure 1 illustrates the
different layers of the application. The application
comprises of three architectural layers ordered as,
Operating System, Application Core Structure, and
Application Configuration Interface. The operating
system layer forms the platform that accommodates
the application and makes it operable on a computer.
The operating system favors the application to
functions and handles its requests and modules. The
application core structure layer contains the
application code structure that communicates with
the operating system. In addition, it contains all the
application major functions and defines the actual
Figure 1: Application Layer.
This Application configuration interface layer
contains a GUI (Graphical User Interface) interactive
forms that interact with the application users. These
GUI forms provide input data entered by the users
and passed to the application core structure as
parameters and operable data.
3.2 Mobile Application Layer
The mobile application comprises of three layers
(Figure 2), Smart Phone Firmware, Mobile
Application Core Structure, and Mobile Application
Control Console (GUI). The Smart Phone Firmware
layer is the software platform that controls the entire
functions of a smart phone. It is pretty much as the
operating system of a computer.