parameters produced more accurate rules.
Current work used a keyboard and mouse but on-
going research is experimenting with different
sensors and UIs (Sanders, 2007, 2008a, 2008b,
2009a; Stott & Sanders 2000), including touch
screens (Chester et al, 2006 & 2007; Sanders et al,
2005), pointer devices (Sanders et al 2009; Sanders
and Tewkesbury, 2009), and joysticks (Stott et al,
1997; Sanders & Stott, 1999), and Blackboard
systems ( Sanders & Husdon, 2000) and ANNs
(Sanders et al 1996; Sanders 2009b) are being
considered to identify correlations between the
relevance rating of Web pages and their usefulness.
The more accurate classification rules might
improve effectiveness and efficiency of software
systems by automatically modifying them to better
support users with a particular learning style (active
or reflective) or to convert more customers.
The work so far has assumed that learning styles
and buyer intentions are relatively static, but these
styles may not be completely distinctive and the
validity of models for both has been questioned.
Research is on-going to consider that as well as to
investigate some new applications for the work but
for the moment is concentrating on improving
models for the other dimensions of learning style.
At the time of writing, some research is just
beginning to investigate the effect of adjusting the
threshold settings on the algorithms for calculating
learning styles in real time and to compare data and
results for customers who revisit www sites. Future
work will test more users to further verify the
measurements and effectiveness of the adaptation.
Bergasa-Suso, J., Sanders, d., Tewkesbury, G., 2005.
Intelligent browser-based systems to assist Internet
users. IEEE T EDUC 48 (4), pp. 580-585.
Chester, S., Tewkesbury, G., Sanders, D., et al 2006. New
electronic multi-media assessment system. 2nd Int
Conf on Web Info Sys and Tech, pp: 424 Year.
Chester, S., Tewkesbury, G., Sanders, D., et al 2007. New
electronic multi-media assessment system. Web Info
Systems and Technologies 1, pp 414-420.
Felder, R., Soloman, B., 2009. Index of Learning Styles
Questionnaire [Online] Available:
Litzinger, T., Lee, S., Wise, J., et al. 2007. A
psychometric study of the Index of Learning Styles. J.
Eng Ed vol. 96, no. 4, pp 309-319.
Sanders, D. A., 1999. Perception in robotics IND ROBOT
26 (2), pp: 90-92.
Sanders, D. A., 2007. Viewpoint - Force sensing IND
ROBOT 34 (4), pp: 268.
Sanders, D. A., 2008a. Controlling the direction of
"walkie" type forklifts and pallet jacks on sloping
ground. ASSEMBLY AUTOM 28 (4), pp 317-324.
Sanders, D. A., 2008b. Progress in machine intelligence.
IND ROBOT 35 (6), pp: 485-487.
Sanders, D. A., 2008c. Environmental sensors and
networks of sensor. SENSOR REV 28 (4), pp: 273-
Sanders, D. A., 2009a. Introducing AI into MEMS can
lead us to brain-computer interfaces and super-human
intelligence. ASSEMBLY AUTOM 29 (4), pp: 309-
Sanders, D. A., 2009b. Recognizing shipbuilding parts
using artificial neural networks and Fourier
descriptors. P I MECH ENG B-J ENG 223 (3), pp:
Sanders, D. A., Bergasa-Suso, J., 2010 Inferring Learning
Style From the Way Students Interact With a
Computer User Interface and the WWW. IEEE T
EDUC 53(4), pp: 613-620.
Sanders, D. A., Haynes, B. P., Tewkesbury, G. E., 1996.
The addition of neural networks to the inner feedback
path in order to improve on the use of pre-trained feed
forward estimators. MATH COMPUT SIMULAT 41
(5-6), pp: 461-472.
Sanders, D. A., Hudson, A. D., 1999. A specific
blackboard expert system to simulate and automate
the design of high recirculation airlift reactors MATH
COMPUT SIMULAT 53 (1-2), pp: 41-65.
Sanders, D., Stott, I., 1999. A new prototype intelligent
mobility system to assist powered wheelchair users
IND ROBOT 26 (6), pp: 466-475.
Sanders, D., Tan, Y. C., Rogers, I., et al 2009. An expert
system for automatic design-for-assembly.
ASSEMBLY AUTOM 29 (4), Pages: 378-388.
Sanders, D., Tewkesbury, G., 2009. A pointer device for
TFT display screens that determines position by
detecting colours on the display using a colour sensor
and an Artificial Neural Network. DISPLAYS 30 (2),
pp 84-96.
Sanders, D., Urwin-Wright, S., Tewkesbury, G., et al
2005. Pointer device for thin-film transistor and
cathode ray tube computer screens. ELECTRON
LETT 41 (16), pp 894-896.
Stott, I., Sanders, D., 2000. New powered wheelchair
systems for the rehabilitation of some severely
disabled users. INT J REHABIL RES 23 (3), pp 149-
Stott I., Sanders, D., Goodwin, M., 1997. A software
algorithm for the intelligent mixing of inputs to a tele-
operated vehicle. Euromicro Conference 95 in J
SYST ARCHITECT 43 (1-5), pp 67-72.
Tewkesbury, G. E., Sanders, D., 1999. A new simulation
based robot command library applied to three robots J
ROBOTIC SYST 16 (8), pp: 461-469.