in Section 4, the benefits of AAN may be utilised even
if the metadata are available for only a limited num-
ber of flows. Hence it is not necessary to migrate all
endpoints to leverage the benefits of AAN.
In case it is not possible to deploy a plug-in for
a business critical application, unreliable DPI-based
source of information or similar techniques can pro-
vide some information about flows in the network.
Finally, IETF aims to establish Application En-
abled Open Networking working group (IETF, 2014).
The current charter proposal includes standardisa-
tion of Metadata signaling. Once standardized, the
amount of applications supporting Metadata signal-
ing should raise, and consequently, the deployment of
AAN for arbitrary application should be easier.
User expectations of network applications quality are
high even for multimedia streaming. The ever grow-
ing number of applications communicating through
the network environment highlights the need for
constructing networks that are capable of achieving
application-level control of traffic to ensure appropri-
ate QoE. Traditional means of ensuring appropriate
QoS for applications, such as DPI, have a high com-
plexity and operational costs while the behaviour is
not consistent across the whole network. SDN-based
approach, on the other hand, provides consistent be-
haviour and fast feature velocity but it does not auto-
matically treat related flows in a consistent way.
This paper presented a novel paradigm of
Application-Aware Network (AAN) based on indus-
try and open standards. The solution we presented
achieves a number of major goals:
• AAN improves final user QoE based on the feed-
back from applications received through MSI,
• AAN brings application awareness to Cisco IOS-
XR routers such as ASR 9000,
• AAN extends network to include endpoints and
endpoint applications,
• AAN brings fast application velocity (the whole
project has been developed within two weeks),
• AAN enables application-based policy enforce-
Future extensions and improvement of this work
are under consideration and development. Among
these, we are investigating the ability to provide hints
to the application mediator through MSI and addi-
tional abstraction levels that can help in solving con-
tention and inconsistencies between applications in
the network.
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