supplemental irrigations will be set-up;
Theft: there may be the theft of some plants
especially in the flowering phase;
Fire: it is known the danger caused by the
fires in all wooded, cultivated, bushy,
arboreal pasture areas and in the entire region
especially in summer;
Prejudices: only 100 years ago, vast hemp
fields decorated the Italian countryside, along
with cereals, vineyards, orchards and olive
trees. Italy was the second world producer of
excellent textile fibres and the first in the
world for quality. In parallel with the
development of synthetic fibres, with the use
of cellulose fibres from trees in paper mills,
with exploitation in criminal aim of the
infamous “marijuana”, hemp has been
completely eradicated from the fields and
from the Italian tradition culture. It is time to
transform the prejudices on hemp cultivation
that slow down the continuation and
dissemination of knowledge and techniques,
to make effective information on the subject.
The opportunities are countless and potentially
growing, the most significant, measurable and
classifiable at present are the following:
Soil remediation: reduce the pollution load
and allow the agricultural activity in the sites
which were contaminated. The economic
value of the lands dropped down as a
consequence of the pollution.
Teaching Farm: it is a working farm,
characterized by the production and the work
of farmers, who really work in it, in which
part of the time and part of the company
structure is made available to welcome
school groups, families, individual
consumers, to propose nutrition education
and agro-environmental activities;
Project promotion: on information campaigns
at local, regional and national level, will be
implemented by means of scientific
materials: implementation of a final seminar
in collaboration with project partners to give
the widest possible dissemination of the
results of the project; creation and publication
of a diary of the Best Practice summarizing
the project contents and the achieved results;
making of a documentary as evidence of
development of the project, which can
transmit values and stimulate useful
reflections to form an ecological awareness
among citizens. This will promote greater
awareness of the importance of hemp in
existing cropping systems, even in terms of
eco-tourism attraction with economic benefits
for the local operators.
Short chain: Hemp besides being known to
man since ancient times can be grown easily
and practically everywhere, this means that
there would be no need to import raw
materials from abroad if hemp cultivation in
Italy was fully encouraged. It would thus be a
short chain;
Interest: the return of hemp fields will help
the economic recovery in Italy, with energy
saving and with the impulse to companies in
many strategic sectors: construction, food,
cosmetics, textiles, plastics, paper,
pharmaceutical, agro mechanic and textile
Collaboration: network of partnerships will
be strengthened to develop research aimed at
soil remediation involving the CRA
(Consiglio per la Ricerca e la
sperimentazione in Agricoltura) Agricultural
Research Council, the National Research
Council (CNR), the University of Bari, and
associations of professionals and NGO
expressing an interest in the project.
3.1 Period and Seeding Technique
Once the ground is properly prepared with a slight
ploughing followed by a harrowing, it is possible to
sow. In Southern Italy, the period goes from
Figure 3: Hemp seeding.