Badawi et al., 2010) by adding a new feature, which
concerns about testing the effectiveness of the sought
data location on the query performance.
To evaluate the extension, a new experiment was
conducted using the same datasets as in the original
3DXBench, but with an expanded query set that
includes queries to test the effect of the DD. The
experiment used two representative mapping
techniques (one single-relation and one multiple-
relation mapping techniques).
The experimental results show that the Data
Dimension (DD) has a significant influence on the
query elapsed time with respect of database structure
(depth, breadth, size) and query categories. The
performance of different mapping approaches (single
vs. multiple) is also affected by DD. Thus, DD can be
included as the 4th dimension in the 3DX~Bench
A further research can be carried out into different
directions. First, one can expand the valuation process
to test the effect of the DD on other query types
introduced in (Schmidt et al., 2002) such as the path
traversal, order access, sorting, aggregation, missing
elements and others. Also, a further evaluation for the
new extension can consider measuring other
experimental variables such as CPU usage, memory
consumption and I/O operations. Moreover, the
experiment can be conducted over different mapping
technique like PACD and/or native XML databases.
This research is supported by The Research Council
(Oman) under the Grant RC/SCI/COMP/12/01.
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