System methods, also known as Hybrid methods for
the recommendation (Burke, 2007) (Gemmell,
2009). In all the above three types Recommender
Systems, namely Content Based, Collaborative and
Hybrid two methods are used for predicting ratings,
i.e. Memory Based and Model Based approaches
depending on the utilizations of memory.
Resultant of Recommender System also divided
into two parts, predicting the rating and determining
the rank of the predicted rating, respectively. The
bottleneck for Memory based recommendation is
space and processing time of the whole data set,
while in Model based the main problem is complex
and time consuming of running the algorithm. The
performance of RSs degrades with the increase of
the number of item's and number of users. Despite
the challenges of over-generalization, the cold start
Recommender System also suffered from high
dimensionality and sparsity (Balabanovic, 1997)
(Adomavicius, 2005) (Rossetti, 2013).
In case of linear factor model for n users and m
items, the rating preferences with respect to k- factor
model are given by the product of a nxk , whose
column represent factors of user's and a kxm factor
matrix Z' whose rows represent the factors of items.
Thus, in this way a linear factor model is obtained
by approximating the observed rating preferences Y
with a low-rank matrix X. This low rank matrix X
should be obtained from the minimization of Root
Mean Squared error to obtain an original matrix Y. It
is difficult to find out global minima; because of
original sparse matrix Y. Hofmann in 2004 proposed
Loss function in place of Root Means squared Error.
However the idea becomes very popular with the
variation of matrix factorization approaches
(Adomavicius, 2005) (Zhang, 2006) (Rossetti, 2013)
(Koren, 2009) but it always suffers from the lack of
human interpretation. In this paper, authors exploit
the features retrieved from the Semantic Web (SW)
(Bizer, 2009) with the combination of
mathematically generated information from matrix
factorization to make it more meaningful and
valuable. Web3.0 develop an environment through
which we can share the information in machine
readable format and in the unified way (Bizer, 2009)
(MacNeill, 2010). This information grows day by
day that encourage researchers to utilize this
information for the cutting edge applications like
Data mining, Human Computer Interaction,
Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems.
The concept of Semantic Web was initiated by Sir
Tim Berners Lee that formed big project named
Linked Open Data project (Bizer, 2009). Connecting
data with the related information is the main aim of
this project. For this task various researchers came
forward to give their contribution in the standardized
format, i.e. in Resource Description Framework. The
idea of keeping this data open, benefited others by
linking their organization's specific content and thus
increases its accessibility to all. Data associated with
the particular entity in the Semantic Web can be
fetched with SPARQL querying (Prud’hommeaux,
2008) (Broekstra, 2012) on the stored RDF
(Resource Description Format) storage.
In the related work, the authors first highlighted
the state-of-art techniques of RS and its
characteristics (without SW) in Section 2. Authors
also highlight the proposed a model in section 3. At
the end, the paper summarizes with a conclusion and
future work with Section 4.
In Recommender System there is a set of user, items
and the ratings provided for these items are given as
input. The output should be the ratings for each user
to the items which was unknown previously. In the
matrix the rates are provided by each user that
belongs to [1...5], without the loss of generality, we
map the interval of ratings into [0,1].In Semantic
Web graph information related to items and their
associated characteristics are already present using
standard XML like language called as RDF
(Resource Description Framework), note that the
links are unidirectional. To utilize this information
in a meaningful way it is necessary to calculate the
weight of each feature which denotes the importance
over all movies features. Combining the information
of contents generated from Semantic Web with
benchmark dataset’s Ru matrix is the main
motivation of this work.
As discussed earlier Collaborative Filtering
methods of Recommender Systems have been used
in two different ways one for neighbourhood
methods and other for Latent factor models. In our
paper we choose Latent factor models as they can
work efficiently on the small datasets thus efficiently
solve the scalability issues as well as computational
time complexity. The method of Latent Factor
model, also known as Matrix factorization method, it
maps both users and items into a joint latent factor
space with the dimensions f, so that the inner
product of that space can be modelled as interaction
of user-item cell. Suppose after factorization the
vector associated with a user is u
and the vector
that associated with an item is i
. For a given
item i, the element of i
denotes the importance of