Then we perform Jackknife recognition tests,
while still training the models with expert gestures
and recognizing learner’s performed with feedback.
If we compare the results from the tables 3 and 4 we
can see that the recognition accuracy and
consequently machine’s ability to recognise these
pottery gestures have been improved, attending a
precision and recall around 80%. We consider that it
means that learner gestures performed with feedback
are closer to expert gesture.
In this paper we present the idea of valorising GRT
through an innovative KHM tool that could
contribute to the efficient transmission of gestural
know-how. The promising results presented in the
section 5 constitute the first argument supporting the
idea of this work. We can observe the tendency of
improvement of pottery learner’s gestures with the
use of optical implicit feedback.
However to confirm the third hypothesis we need
to conduct experiments with more than one user that
will also subjectively evaluate the application
through a questionnaire, and to test all the 3 types of
sensorimotor feedback involving optical and sonic
interaction. As underlined before, implicite optical
feedback is effective to alert the learner about his
errors but not to conduct him to their correction.
Another important future research goal is to propose
an efficient mechanism for corrective feedback
activation based on a dynamically simulated
statistical model.
The research project is implemented within the
framework of the Action «Supporting Postdoctoral
Researchers» of the Operational Program
"Education and Lifelong Learning" (Action’s
Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and
Technology), and is co-financed by the European
Social Fund (ESF) and the Greek State.
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