growing it won’t be easy. The Linux Device Mapper
with its thin provisioning strategy can attenuate that
problem but is not an ideal solution.
A Docker-based open source cloud environment to
easily run composite applications as SaaS offerings
would be a good basis for initiatives like the Open
Cloud Alliance (Crisp Research, 2014) that aim at
simplifying the process of bringing your applications
to the cloud while preserving the freedom of choice
and openness of the offering. In our paper, we have
shown that many components are needed to fulfill the
requirements for such a solution, which we dubbed
runtime environment for SaaS applications (RaaS). It
is similar to an IaaS environment, as we have shown
with OpenStack, and includes some components from
PaaS like load balancing and logging, but also has
unique features like service orchestration and
discovery. Not all requirements are currently fulfilled
and despite first integration approaches, there is a
need for closer cooperation within the Docker
ecosystem. We plead for an embracing ecosystem
project that serves as a coordination center for the
tools that contribute to mastering the Docker
management challenge. From our tests, Kubernetes
with etcd, fleet and flannel seems the most usable
combination right now. Mesos also seems a solid
basis and integrations from other tools are currently
in development (e.g. Compose/Swarm).
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