A Template for a Media Commons Typology
Javier Isado
School of Architecture, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Keywords: Learning Environments Design, Classroom and Laboratory Integration, Technology-enhanced Learning.
Abstract: This paper proposes an adaptable media commons concept as a foundational element for the design of
learning spaces. The concept is based on the possibility to create flexible and resourceful spatial situations
that can structure pedagogical and creative environments. The essential core elements, spaces, and artifacts
of the media commons project are equipped with technology that enable various multi-media venues and
practices of information transfer. This auditorium-classroom-laboratory integrated scenario would basically
act as a dynamic environment that would link pedagogy, creativity, and knowledge formation as a product
of social interaction in a specific set of spaces. This position paper about two manifestations of the media
commons project at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico, is basically a research and
development study proposal on typological variations of an ensemble for in-person and remote collaborative
space -such as or similar to that of design studios, innovation hubs, and online forums and platforms- and
their effect on creativity, participation and authority in a pedagogical setting.
The proposal for a media commons project
presented in the following paper is part of the
research conducted by sTAND (Studies in
Architectural Narratives and Digital Design), an
initiative primarily interested in knowledge transfer
through new technologies in the field of architectural
The development of a media commons concept
is an applied research design exercise based on the
idea of creating a system of spaces that aims to
stimulate the senses, encourage exchange of
information and offer opportunities for rehearsal,
feedback, application and transfer. A combination of
laboratory spaces, public forum, and community
center, the Media Commons variations here
presented are part of an effort that seeks to establish
a network of active learning environments and foster
the development of a strong community of users.
1.1 The Media Commons Concept
1.1.1 Media
Media as a component of the media commons
concept is understood not as something you can
relate to, but something you have to relate in. In this
sense, media is seen not only as the devices
(hardware) or the programming (software) that
enable the transmission of information but the
combination of both in three-dimensional space.
The media commons concept is based on the
belief that something completely unique happens in
the area where media and space intersect with a
pedagogical objective. Specific design strategies can
be applied to coinciding channels, devices, tools,
interfaces, ensembles and groupings in order to
enhance their capacity to organize communication
and transfer information.
1.1.2 Commons
The idea to learn in commons is the other important
component of the media commons concept. Studies
show that students tend to respond positively to
environments that encourage interaction. Spaces can
be designed to harbor characteristics that cause
emotional responses that could either encourage or
discourage staying and engaging.
In their quest to encourage consumers to occupy
a space, marketing strategists and interior designers
have demonstrated that certain groups of users prefer
to stay in spaces with good levels of comfort and a
carefully crafted aesthetic image. Interaction in these
spaces is enabled with furniture that allows
individual private seating as well as the formation of
clusters of people. The starbuck’s effect basically
Isado J..
A Template for a Media Commons Typology.
DOI: 10.5220/0005476804330437
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 433-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)