Overview of Socio-Economic Issues for Smart Grids Development
Simona Bigerna
, Carlo Andrea Bollino
and Silvia Micheli
Department of Economics, University of Perugia, via A. Pascoli 20, 06123, Perugia, Italy
Department of Economics and Business Science, Guglielmo Marconi University, Via Plinio, 44, 00193 Rome, Italy
Keywords: Social Acceptability, Smart Grids, Policy.
Abstract: The electrical world system is experiencing many challenges, including the increasing presence of
renewable energy sources characterized by high variability, the call for actions to mitigate climate change,
the need to restructure the infrastructure already aged and then the development of smart grids. Smart grid
projects have been launched in various countries around the world. The transition to the smart grid is
affecting primarily the European Union and the United States, but also emerging markets such as China and
India are strongly investing in the smart grids. In this paper we analyze the socio-economic aspects that are
among the key variables towards the feasibility of smart grid projects. Construction of new infrastructures
generally rises acceptance problems. Social acceptance of consumers is important for the adoption of new
technologies. We advocate that multidisciplinary cooperation is needed to develop scientific research on
smart grids.
We are in the midst of a historical paradigm shift in
the energy market linked to the synergy between
energy and Information and Communication
Technology, i.e., the smart grids. “A smart grid is an
electricity network that can cost efficiently integrate
the behavior and actions of all users connected to it
– generators, consumers and those that do both – in
order to ensure an economically efficient,
sustainable power system with low losses and high
levels of quality and security of supply and safety”
(European Commission Task Force for Smart Grids,
The traditional operation of the electric grid was
based on a top-down hierarchical approach, whereby
electricity flows from few large generation plants to
the large community of millions of final consumers
(firms and households). This was the old world of
large efficient fossil and nuclear plants, which
needed a centralized dispatching control in order to
ensure the transmission network security.
Nowadays, the surge of renewable energy sources
(RES) and other small scale efficient generation
units has revolutionized the concept of the electric
grid operation. Management and control needs to be
performed at all levels of the electric system in a
simultaneous fashion. It is sufficient to consider that
a sudden increase in a photovoltaic unit generation,
which is embedded in the low voltage distribution
network, produced a feedback of lower load signal
to the primary high voltage transmission network.
All this needs to design a new grid architecture, such
as sophisticated information technology, new cyber
security, new opportunities for investment and
consumption management. For instance, a new
proposal is the development of a distributed system
platform as a smart interface between production
and costumer need, in the New York system (New
York State Department of Public Service, 2014).
A change of the electricity grid model and an
evolution of the current system highly needs several
factors, such as the liberalization of energy markets
and the necessity for sustainable development,
which can be achieved through energy efficiency,
emissions reductions, the reduction of the
massive use of fossil fuels and the increase of RES
The aim of this paper is to analyze the socio-
economic aspects of smart grids, from the viewpoint
of social acceptance: consumers’ acceptability,
privacy, costs, cyber security and regulatory aspects.
They have a significant impact on the development
of smart grids technologies. Indeed, electricity
consumers play a key role in smart grids
development: they are called for a transformation of
their role of consumers from passive to active, aware
of their consumption and able to handle it according
Bigerna S., Andrea Bollino C. and Micheli S..
Overview of Socio-Economic Issues for Smart Grids Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0005477402710276
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2015), pages 271-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-105-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to the availability of energy. The analysis of socio-
economic aspects of smart grids in important for
understanding how to induce consumers to enter into
a contract and implement virtuous and useful
behavior to optimize the operation of the electricity
The development of scientific research on smart
grids requires a broad multidisciplinary and
interdisciplinary cooperation, involving different
actors, both public and private, ranging from
universities and research organizations, to electricity
producers and operators of electrical grids, agencies
and companies on new communication technologies,
to the consumer organizations.
For the realization of smart grids, it is necessary
that all stakeholders are equally involved, thus
incorporating RES industry, small producers who
are also consumers, trade and territorial associations.
We first discuss smart grids in terms of
opportunities for climate change mitigation. Next,
we provide an overview of the socio-economic
aspects for smart grids development. Finally, we
present architecture policies of the major countries
that are investing in smart grids.
Currently we see the impact in everyday life and in
the economic balance of everything that is related to
the perceived quality of life, the environment, the
development of the person and of the economic
system and the necessary infrastructure to produce
and deliver energy. Everything related and
connected in a large system that is the planet we live
in. The real news of the last few decades is the
choice to reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase
more and more the RES production. This is a new
way of thinking the supply and distribution of
electrical energy, particularly in terms of CO
emissions reductions. The international community
has become aware of the serious and concrete
problem of polluting emissions, then implementing
several international environmental agreements. As
the source of more than two thirds of global
polluting emissions, the energy sector is crucial to
tackling climate change. RES are one of the most
important drivers for climate change mitigation, as
well as other measures such as energy efficiency,
carbon capture and storage.
In the “New Policy Scenario” issued by IEA,
which explores the evolution of energy markets on
the basis of the continuation of existing policies and
those implemented until mid-2014, the RES growth
will be approximately 3 times higher than that
occurred in the period 1990-2012. Although fossil
fuels will still dominate the energy mix, in 2040
RES could provide about 23% of the electricity
consumed in the world against the current 3.3%
(IEA, 2014a) (Figure 1).
In the "smart" development model, RES are no
longer necessarily linked to a few producers but
increasingly become a production and consumption
option available to large sections of the population.
Electricity production increasingly widespread and
irregular requires the development of flexible and
smart grids, able to handle peak and distribute the
most of the energy produced. Then, smart grids
could become a key element to increase the use of
Figure 1: Electricity generation (TWh) (IEA, 2014a).
The smart grid technologies use innovative products
and services combined with advanced technologies
for monitoring, control and communication, in order
to integrate distributed generation from RES. They
provide customers with tools to optimize their
consumption and improve the functioning of the
global system, promote a charging infrastructure for
electric mobility, reduce significantly the
environmental impact and increase the degree of
reliability. These are at the same time the incentive
factors for the development of smart grids
worldwide (Figure 2).
Indeed, benefits of smart grids are related both to
the environment and to the final consumers. They
allow reliability and quality in the supply of
electricity, effectiveness in the distribution of energy
flows and flexibility in managing peak demand,
environmental protection, support the deployment of
RES and electric mobility, contributing to the
reduction of CO emissions, greater awareness for
the final consumers of their own consumption style.
Figure 2: Smart grids incentive factors.
For instance, it is experiencing the diffusion of
small plants related to RES production, scattered
across regions and often placed on the distribution
networks in medium and low voltage. In these cases
there is a high electricity consumption in the site.
This phenomenon has led to the occurrence of a
paradigm of production and consumption contextual
of electricity: electricity consumers are evolving in
“prosumers” because they not only consume, but
also produce and store electricity (Grijalva and
Tariq, 2011; Kanchev et al., 2011). The prosumer is
a hybrid figure which, according to market signals
and systems management, through smart decision,
automatically and in real-time, he decides if it is
more convenient to self-consume the energy
produced or to enter the grid and sell it.
Notwithstanding benefits related to smart grids
technologies, it is unclear whether final consumers
are willing to accept smart grids technologies, that is
changing their energy behavior. Smart grids require
a complete rethinking of how to introduce new
technologies. This is not an easy process, because it
involves more than just providing solutions to
technical issues. Development of smart grids as a
new infrastructure affects significantly the entire
value chain and then bring about shifts in consumer
behavior, culture, and practice, i.e., a whole range of
new socio-economic aspects, including the crucial
issue of new ways of actively contributing to climate
change mitigation. Successful introduction of smart
grids require support of final consumers and
households (Verbong et al., 2013).
There are socio-economic barriers that are not
deeply analyzed by the social sciences, or that are at
a very early stage of study, but that could
significantly influence smart grids deployment:
consumers’ acceptability, privacy, costs, cyber
security and regulatory aspects. These are the main
determinants of acceptance. In the energy sector,
social acceptance of new technologies has been
discussed mainly with respect to nuclear energy and
RES technologies (Semadeni et al., 2004; Kaldellis,
2005). Oppositions to new infrastructures are
generally related to the Not-In-My-Back-Yard
(NIMBY) syndrome, as in the case of wind power.
For instance, it is widespread there is quite strong
overall public support for wind power but when the
projects become concrete, people suffer from the
NIMBY syndrome (Wolsink, 2000).
Some studies on smart grids acceptability are
carried out through public opinion surveys. These
studies allow to understand how electricity
consumers perceive the possible development of
smart grids and how their behavior changes
accordinlgy. Most of the opinion surveys report that
consumers have a positive attitude with respect to
smart grids as a solution to energy problems, but
they are sensitive to possible tariff increases. Given
the complex issue of smart grids, involving home
energy management up to the physical installation of
new technologies in home, final consumers may
resist smart grids. Complexity makes people
uncertain about the consequence of a choice, so it
might be that fear that there are risks related to smart
grids brings final consumers doing nothing, i.e., do
not participate in smart grids (Anderson, 2003;
Broman Toft et al., 2014).
An ongoing problem with respect to social
acceptation of smart grids is the consumer privacy
issue. The main consequence of smart grids’
introduction is the possibility of large accumulation
of data from smart devices. Data availability in the
hands of energy utilities will show the largest
increase since electrification (Rusitschka et al.,
2010). The smart grids are able to detect not only the
energy consumption of consumers but also to
recognize its use. These are sensitive users data,
which should definitely be protected but at the same
time they are very interesting for the purposes of
energy savings. Data control on the amount of
energy consumed can lead to monitoring the
behavior of a consumer with every imaginable
consequence: it is possible to know how long the
consumer sleep, when and for how many hours he
use appliances, when and for how much time
watching TV, etc. For instance, the main privacy
concerns related to smart meters in a dwelling
context where people expect their activities to be
private. Consumers’ sensitive data might be used for
illegal uses, commercial uses, uses by law
enforcement agencies, uses by other parties for legal
purposes, use by family members and other co-
inhabitants (McKenna et al., 2012). The privacy
risks exist as well by translating the same
phenomenon in the context of a firm. In fact,
considering the activities carried out by a firm, even
through the monitoring of data on electricity
consumption, it is possible to know the operational
procedures of that specific firm. All this, however, is
related to the security measures to transmit
information relating to the individual users directly
to the energy supplier (Rial and Dazenis, 2011).
High initial costs for smart grids’ development
can constitute a socio-economic aspect that can act
as a deterrent to social acceptance of smart grids. As
young technologies, smart grids require significant
investment and a distribution of costs in the short
term, while there will be some long-term benefits for
the various stakeholders of the sector. The
quantitative assessment of costs to implement the
smart grids is mainly provided by institutional
entities. Some literature highlight the importance of
policy makers in designing effective dynamic tariff
programs involving the largest number of
consumers. Indeed, dynamic pricing rate designs
may represent a solution offered by smart grid
technologies to reduce the bill paid by consumers.
For instance, consumers can change their pattern of
electricity usage by lowering consumption during
the most critical hours. Some literature highlights
the existence of many benefits that are not monetize
in quantitative terms, such as reduced electricity
outage times, the greater use of RES (Faruqui et al.,
2010; Schwister and Fiedler, 2014).
The social/psychological risk of cyber security
threats is the key risk that consumers experience and
it is a real barrier to the deployment of smart grids.
The security issue is related to the digital technology
typical of smart grids and mainly to the related
possibility of cyber-attacks. The targets of cyber
attacks are: compromising and control devices
control the grid, often as a first step for deeper and
complex attacks, enter data traffic contradictory, edit
or delete them in order to force bad decisions in
response systems, obtain private information on user
data, sabotage the system of communication and
data processing to delay or send it into a tailspin.
Anyway, there are countermeasures to be
implemented for information security, such as
actions to build communication secrecy, through
secret keys sharing or designing a highly resilient
communication architecture for smart grids
(Ericsson, 2010; Park et al., 2014).
Regulation has a key role for developing smart
grids. Given the climate of uncertainty that leads to
postponing investments, the economic theory
investigates regulatory measures that give incentives
to enable investments (Clastres, 2011). Indeed,
regulation affects market structure, the behavior of
the different actors, in particular through the choices
of return on investment, but also through
administrative decisions.
Then, from an economic point of view, the
development of the smart grids is mainly inserted in
view of public policies to be implemented for their
deployment. To the final consumers should be
transmitted both the important benefits from the
socio-economic point of view and the
"environmental" values related to smart grids for
climate change mitigation. Moreover, smart grids
contribute to rural development, lowering health
costs linked to air pollution and allowing energy
independence; this reinforce the need for smart grids
also in developing countries (Fadaeenejad et al.,
The adoption of smart grid technologies varies
across countries and depends on many factors
including governmental policies, regulatory
incentives, and technology experience levels within
utilities. It is important to understand how
government policies are moving for encouraging
smart grids development. The development of smart
grid projects is also a policy and financial problem.
According to the New Policy Scenario, global
investments forecasted amount to $16.4 trillion
between 2014 and 2035, of which about 58% is used
for the construction of new power plants and the
remaining for transmission and distribution
infrastructures (IEA, 2014b). Investments in power
plants are mainly aimed at non-hydro RES, mostly
wind and solar photovoltaic, because their capacity
is projected to increase over time, in spite of fossil
fuels. Investments in transmission and distribution
infrastructures clearly involve also smart grids. At
the regional level, China is supposed to be the
largest investor in the power sector, followed by the
European Union (EU), the United States (USA),
India and Southeast Asia (Figure 3).
Smart grid projects has been launched in various
countries around the world. The transition to the
smart grid is affecting primarily the EU and USA,
but also emerging markets such as China, India and
Brazil are investing strongly in the smart grid. It
Figure 3: Cumulative global power sector investments in
selected regions (trillion dollars, 2012) in 2014-2035
(IEA, 2014b).
follows a brief description of the main national
smart grids initiatives.
With reference to the EU, most of the ongoing
projects (and over 70% of investments) are relating
to smart meters. In the period 2008-2013 investment
in smart grids have been consistent and
approximately € 200 million per year; they mainly
come from private capital (49%), EU institutions
(22%), national governments (18%) and regulatory
agencies (9%), with the remaining 2% funding
unclassified. According to the Third Energy Package
(a legislation package on internal electricity and gas
markets fully applicable since March 2011), there is
the target of rolling out 80% market penetration for
electricity by 2020. The European Commission
forecast the installation of 200 million smart meters
for electricity (that are 72% of EU consumers) for an
investment of around € 45 billion by 2020
(European Commission, 2014). The geographical
distribution of projects in the EU is quite
unbalanced. Almost 90% of the projects are
implemented in the old EU-15, while a few marginal
projects are present in countries entered for the last
members of the EU 28. This inequality may create in
the future, not only difficulties of cooperation
between the different EU countries, but also fracture
within the EU between more and less
technologically advanced countries, with
consequences that would endanger both the
achievement of the EU objectives of sustainable
development in the energy sector and the EU
Net investments to implement smart grids in
USA are estimated to range between USD 338
billion and USD 476 billion over 20 years (United
States Department of Energy, 2014). Their main
objectives are the development of smart grid
technologies in the transmission and distribution
systems and the provision of more information to
consumers so that they can better manage their
electricity consumption and therefore costs. Over the
last years, the production of electricity from RES has
risen in USA, especially with reference to solar
photovoltaic, with California heading the RES
market. Even the small wind, biomass and
geothermal are going through a phase of
development. The growth of RES requires greater
integration of these into the electrical system. In
addition, the utilities want to exploit the US smart
grid to reduce the effects of grid outages due to
storms and fires. In 2013, some utilities located in
Georgia, New York and Colorado announced their
intention to produce 840 MW of solar energy by
2016 (GSGF, 2014).
Although smart grid projects have been
developed mainly in the US and the EU, many other
countries around the world are beginning to explore
smart grids deployments and in some cases the
projects have already taken hold. BRICS’s countries
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
account for 24% of global smart grids market in
2012. In particular, China drives the growth of smart
grids among BRICS’s countries: the development of
smart grid is high in the Chinese agenda because it is
important to keep pace with the rapid economic
growth. Smart grids are seen also as a way to reduce
carbon emissions through energy efficiency of
power generation (The Smart Grid Observer, 2013).
Both the developed and the emerging countries
are moving to the deployment of smart grids. There
is awareness worldwide by governments that to the
population increase corresponds growth in electricity
demand, but the compelling need remains to reduce
electricity consumption for climate change
In this paper we have analyzed the socio-economic
aspects for the feasibility of smart grids
development. We have identified five crucial
aspects: consumers’ acceptability, privacy, costs,
cyber security and regulatory aspects. We deem that
these are the crucial issues that need to be
understood and solved, in order to ensure a realistic
smart grid technology deployment in the long run.
The inclusion of consumers in the energy market
will be, primarily, through the diffusion of
consumption’s monitoring and choice of flexibly
time of use rates. Informed choices of consumers
will generate a boost to optimize electricity
consumption. Our socio-economic analysis
highlighted the need to complement technical issues
with a comprehensive search for all the solutions
that can be made available to customers/users, in a
framework of convenience for them and for the
operators. Thus, the responsibility of policy makers
is to adopt a multidisciplinary approach in order to
transform the electricity system in proactive and
crucial component of climate mitigation and
adaptation strategy. Such transformation goes
through smart grids. The inclusion of conscious
consumers in the process is of fundamental
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