(ELS as an example), in particular maintaining
confidentiality of their information assets, are
performed by applying user identification,
authentication and authorization mechanisms,
providing the legal nature of their interaction with
the system. However, even this aspect is difficult to
be adjusted in DL in terms of anywhere recognized
international norms and laws. Today only one
methodological document – the international
standard ISO/IEC 24703:2004 – Information
technology – Participant identifiers (ISO/IEC
24703:2004) and its Russian harmonized analogue
GOST R ISO/IEC 24703-2011 – can be specified,
where only data types used to identify the
participants of the educational process are defined.
And aspects of ensuring IS, in particular, the
personal data security concerning participants’
identifiers usage as well as their authentication are
beyond the scope of this standard.
There are a lot of research works devoted to
investigations relating to different aspects of IS in
ELE. But none of them considers the trust in DL as a
systemic problem of IS in the above mentioned goal-
The necessity of IS ensuring for DL while using
the Internet as an open type communication was
investigated in (Furnell and Karweni, 2001). But the
paper does not provide a description of the specific
approaches to the problem solution.
Other researchers (Nickolova and Nickolov,
2007), (Eibl, 2010) confined only to build up the so-
called threat models or a list of potential dangers.
The majority of works (Weippl, 2005), (Ullah at
al, 2012), (Kumlander, 2008), (Inaba, Watanabe and
Kodate, 2003) are connected with the study of the
issues on effective legal access control, in other
words of such a service which guarantees the right to
use the system only by its authorized users. That is,
the problem of countering unauthorized access in its
traditional understanding was solved, including
using of biometric identification/authentication for
DL process participants and monitoring compliance
with the passage of various kinds of control
All these definitely important aspects of ensuring
IS for DL, in particular, the access restriction for
illegal users, nevertheless, do not realize all the
above mentioned conditions for trust building as a
complex problem. For example, the possibility of
countering action against such a real threat as a non-
verbal substitution of a legal trainee on the distance
progress testing procedure with his consent.
Traditional access control mechanisms do not
provide an effective mechanism to counter the
known IS threat called masquerading. The reason is
that a signature carrier (for example token) and the
software that generates these signatures can be
considered as alienable. And this fact does not
enhance the level of trust in ELS.
An additional aspect, in a certain way complicating
comprehension of the problem of trust, is the
fundamentally open nature of ELE. The traditional
understanding of ELE as an open system is based on
the definition suggested by the Committee of IEEE
POSIX 1003.0 (1003.0-1995 – Guide to the
POSIX(R) Open System Environment). It is
concerned as a computer environment that
implements an open interface specifications and
services (environment services). This environment
supports the data formats sufficient to provide the
following properties:
extensibility is the system ability to add new
application functions or to modify some
functions from the amount of already
performed without modifying the rest of the
scalability is the system ability to increase its
productivity while expanding resources;
portability is the ability to transfer the system
to a more advanced hardware and software
platforms while their upgrading or
interoperability is the system ability to interact
with other systems, if necessary, referring to
information resources (databases, knowledge
bases, and etc.) of these systems or performing
specific tasks using their computing resources
when their own resources are insufficient;
integration is the ability to combine several
systems/databases/applications for different
purposes in a single multifunctional
system/data store/multi-tier client/server
Such a common representation of the open
system, created on the basis of a cloud-based
technology according to SaaS model (Software as a
Service) (Docebo.com), (ProProfs.com), is widely
used in DL and other network technologies
implemented in the Intranet, Internet, or their
combination shown in Figure 1.