Figure 5: Installed supply structure of the test bench.
There are three possible supply units installed at the
moment. On the one hand the central heat supply of
the test hall provides the required supply temperature
of a simulated heat source. The control of the
supply temperature
is realized with a three-
way-valve in the form of a bypass control system, see
Figure 5 on the left side. The inlet and outlet
temperature (
) and the volume
of the supply system are measured to
determine the total heat output of the system.
On the other hand an installed condensing boiler
allows the test of a real hydraulic heating network of
a small flat. For the analysis of the boiler efficiency
the gas flow
, the electric consumption
and the exhaust temperature
can be measured,
shown in the upper part of Figure 5. The evaluation
of the heat output of the condensing boiler is possible
by measuring the appropriate temperatures
) and the volume flow
Figure 6: Supply structure for the water/water heat pump
For further research activities it is interesting to test
the performance of the four coupled rooms in
combination with a heat pump. Therefor the supply
structure of the test bench provides the integration of
a water/water heat pump, a storage tank and an
appropriate mixing module. The included testing
equipment, shown in Figure 6, measure the important
state values of the heat pump source
), the circuit between heat
pump and storage tank (
) and the
temperatures after the storage tank (
The heat pump needs a defined inlet temperature
of 8 to 20 °C, which represents the heat source. The
infrastructure of the test hall provides a constant
supply temperature of 8 °C, and the higher
temperatures are realized with a heating rod.
2.2 Definition of the Boundary
The ambient air temperature and the simulated room
parameters (
) influence the heat output
and with it the air temperature
in the small scaled
room. As mentioned above these simulated
parameters need to be converted into the correct
boundary conditions for the small-scaled ambient.
In this paper we will describe the idea of the
small-scaled concept and first results regarding the
control system and the behaviour of the setup will be
shown. Further information about the conversion into
the small-scaled boundary conditions will be
published in an upcoming proceeding, as the received
results are not verified yet.
The surface temperature
is a function of
the simulated wall and room temperature, and also
dependent of the according view factors of the scaled
room parameters. These view factors are described in
Glück, 1990. The inlet air temperature
and the
volume flow are a function of the current room
temperature, which correlation is shown in Kopmann
et al., 2011. But also the ambient temperature
influences the inlet air temperature as lower ambient
temperatures results in a higher heat output and that
means larger temperature gradient of the air in a real
In this paper we will present the characteristic of the
test bench in terms of static boundary conditions
without any room temperature control. The maximum
heat output will be examined by using low
temperature supply boundary conditions according
the surface and the inlet air temperature
). Furthermore the stability and the
repeatability of the static boundary conditions are
examined and lately the control mode of the system is
2.2.1 Heat Output of the Test Bench
The Table 1 shows the summarized heat amount of
the four coupled rooms. The presented temperatures