more, VANETs can be seen as an extension of mo-
bile ad-hoc networks where there are not only mobile
nodes, named On-Board Units (OBUs), but also static
nodes, named Road-Side Units (RSUs). The so-called
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) includes two
types of communications: between OBUs, and be-
tween OBUs and RSUs. IEEE 802.11p amendment
to IEEE 802.11, which adds a vehicular communica-
tion system, is the basis for both the European stan-
dard for ITS, called ITS-G5, and its American coun-
terpart, called Wireless Access in Vehicular Environ-
ment (WAVE).
In VANETs, the difficulty of maintaining the secu-
rity and authenticity of communications is even more
difficult than in other mobile networks because most
communications are performed in broadcast mode.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the mobility of the
nodes in such networks is frequently at high speeds
and in any direction, due to the nature of vehicles. In
these networks, any malicious misbehaving user that
can inject false information, or modify/replayanypre-
viously disseminated message, could be fatal to the
others. Therefore, within the family of standards for
vehicular communications IEEE 1609 based on the
IEEE 802.11p, the standard 1609.2 deals in particu-
lar with the issues related to security services for ap-
plications and management messages. This standard
describes the use of PKIs, CAs and CRLs, and im-
plies that in order to revoke a vehicle, a CRL has to
be issued by the CA to the RSUs, who are in charge
of sending this information to the OBUs. In partic-
ular, the IEEE 1609.2 standard proposes both broad-
cast authentication and non-repudiation through the
use of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(ECDSA). However, the verification of each signa-
ture using ECDSA means a high computational cost.
On the one hand, according to these standards, each
vehicle is assumed to have a pair of keys: a private
signing key and a public verification key certified by
the CA; and any VANET message must contain: a
timestamp with the creation time, the sender’s sig-
nature, and the sender’s public-key certificate. On
the other hand, the so-called Dedicated Short-Range
Communications (DSRC), devoted specifically de-
signed for automotive use, defines that vehicles regu-
larly exchange with nearby vehicles beacons contain-
ing sender information such as location and speed, be-
cause the information of these beacons is very useful
for many VANET applications, such as cooperative
collision warning.
In order to prevent possible tracking of vehicles,
each OBU can have several pairs of certified public
keys. These public keys are linked to pseudonyms
that allow preventing location tracking by eavesdrop-
pers. In this way, once VANETs are implemented in
practice on a large scale, their size will grow rapidly
due to the increasing number of OBUs and to the
use of multiple pseudonyms. Thus, it is foreseeable
that if CRLs are used, they will grow up to become
very large and unmanageable. Moreover, this context
can bring a phenomenon known as implosion request,
consisting of many nodes who synchronously try to
download the CRL during its updating, producing a
longer latency in the process of validating a certificate
due to congestion and overload of the network.
This paper proposes a scheme to achieve certifi-
cateless and cooperative authentication in VANETs
by implementing IBC. Moreover, the problem of effi-
cient management of pseudonym revocation is solved
by using a Huffman k-ary hash tree as an ADS.
Thus, the process of query on the validity of public
pseudonymswill be more efficientbecause OBUs will
send queries to RSUs, who will answer them on be-
half of the TTP. In this way, at the same time this TTP
will no longer be a bottleneck, and OBUs will not
have to download any entire revocation list. Instead
of that, they will have to manage hash trees where the
leaf nodes contain revoked pseudonyms. In particu-
lar, in order to provide the shortest paths in the tree
for the revoked pseudonyms that are the most queried
by network users, the use of k-ary Huffman trees is
proposed so that we can take advantage of the effi-
ciency of the Huffman algorithm.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a review of the state of the art. Section 3 sum-
marizes the main concepts and ideas of the proposed
authentication scheme based on the combination of
IBC and Huffman k-ary hash trees. Finally, Section 4
discusses some conclusions and open problems.
Public-key cryptography is nowadays one of the most
popular tools in the protection of information secu-
rity (Blake-Wilso, 2000). With regard to VANETs,
the family of standards IEEE 1609 describes the use
of PKI in this type of mobile networks. In particu-
lar, the work (J.P. Hubaux and Luo, 2004) analyses a
proposal for the use of PKI to protect messages and
mutually authenticate entities in VANETs. The pa-
per (Raya and Hubaux, 2007) is a continuation of that
work because it describes a PKI-based security pro-
tocol where each vehicle preloads anonymous pub-
lic/private keys and a TTP stores all the anonymous
certificates of all vehicles. However, the certificate
management process of this scheme is less efficient.
Using PKI to sign each message is one of the best-