In the further considerations we will focus on the
method being a compound of two approaches. The
first one is daylight harvesting which is applicable in
twilight periods, when some level of natural ambient
light is present and impacts a street illuminance. The
second approach is based on lighting class reduction
which is made when a car traffic decreases.
Applying the combination of the artificial and nat-
ural ambient light is not only the subject of multi-
ple researches (Joshi et al., 2013; Long et al., 2009;
Archana and Mahalahshmi, 2014) but is also prac-
tically used in the intelligent lighting systems (OS-
RAM, 2015). This usage is not supported, however,
by the reliable quantitative assessment of the resultant
lighting conditions. For that reason it is not known
if the lighting performance requirements are satisfied
when those two types of light are considered together.
In this section we explain how the ambient illumi-
nance may be introduced to photometric equations.
We also give the formal framework for the ambient
light-aware control.
3.1 Ambient Light Injection
It is assumed that a level of daylight illuminance may
be measured using ambient light sensors and thus in-
cluded in photometric computations (Standardization,
2003b; Kotulski et al., 2013). Next, the effective illu-
minance will be determined as a superposition of the
natural ambient light and an artificial one. From the
perspective of photometric computations it requires
modifying the illuminance formula and all derivative
formulas (luminance, threshold increment, surround
ratio and so on) by injecting luminous intensity of
the ambient light (measured by sensors) to the above
To avoid obtaining non-physical results of pho-
tometric computations one has to take into account
some properties of the ambient light (abbrev. AL) and
make some assumptions:
1. In the further considerations we assume the fully
overcast sky and thus the perfectly diffused light:
ambient light.
2. AL is isotropic, i.e., it’s value measured by a sen-
sor doesn’t depend on an observation angle. We
may make such an assumption because the AL is
not emitted by a point light source but the entire
sky area.
3. AL is constant in the sense that it doesn’t change
with a distance. The actual source of the AL is
the Sun and since the light intensity radiation is
given by the inverse-square law, I ∝
, we may
abandon changes caused by corrections of R as far
as ∆R/R ≈ 0, where R is the distance between the
Sun and the considered scene. This assumption
is obviously satisfied for ∆R ∼ 10 km (an approx-
imate lighting installation diameter).
4. The measured AL level is expressed in luxes (lx)
and denoted as E
3.2 Lighting Class Reduction
The second method of the energy saving is based on
the lighting class reduction which is allowable by the
standard CEN/TR 13201-1 (Standardization, 2004)
For example, in hours of the reduced traffic intensity
(at night, but also in weekends) a lighting class will
be lower than during a traffic congestion period. If so,
the performance requirements will be weaker for the
former case than in the latter one.
Although this general rule seems to be similar to
the lumen output scheduling discussed in the previous
section, the difference is that lighting class switch-
ing is triggered by changes detected by sensors rather
than by a predefined schedule. It should be remarked
that any system state change detected by sensors (and
leading to a lighting class update) has to persist over
a given time period, e.g., 15 minutes, prior to imply-
ing a change of performance settings. Such a policy
allows avoiding random alterations caused by a pres-
ence of single vehicles for example. Summarizing the
above, the system behavior is adaptive and not prede-
3.3 Lighting Profiles and Control
To unify approaches presented in subsections 3.1 and
3.2 we introduce the concept of lighting profiles.
A level of the ambient light, E
, being measured
may be discretized and identified with one of ranges
), where r
= [t
) and t
< t
for i <
m, say r
3 E
. Note that the series (r
,. . .r
covers all values of E
form zero to some maximum
reachable during a sunny day, when a street lighting
is switched off. In our considerations we focus only
on the ranges which correspond to conditions requir-
ing luminaires to be switched on: R = (r
,. . .r
where k < N.
Let S = {S
,. . .S
} be the set of the states,
corresponding to such volatile factors as the instanta-
neous intensity of a car traffic, persons, weather con-
ditions and so on. Those states may be expressed
either purely numerically (traffic flow is 100 vehi-
cles per minute) or qualitatively (moderate car traf-
fic). Granularity of a system description will depend