The paper tackled some of the challenges of
customer feedback gathering and its automated
processing. Nowadays, companies are looking for
new strategies and techniques to engage customer in
collaboration process making the process attractive
and friendly for them. They require automation of
customer feedback analysis and approach that allows
retrieving of new knowledge out of collected
feedback and suggestions. Therefore, paper
discussed possible steps to meet highlighted
challenges and proposed an approach of semantic
enhancement of customer feedback framework.
Involvement of customers into collaborative product
review and feedback provisioning process will
provide a deeper understanding of their needs and
increase the likelihood that the new products will
meet customer’s needs. Earlier customer
involvement into the process of customer feedback
semantic enrichment might dramatically facilitate
automation of feedback processing.
The vision of a Semantic Web has been proposed
to annotate web resources with semantic mark-up,
using knowledge representation languages, such as
RDF(S) or OWL. Analogically to WWW, we adopt
Semantic Web technologies to facilitate automated
analysis and computation of customer feedbacks.
Representation of a customer feedback in machine
readable form with appropriate semantic annotation
(especially human oriented free text part of
feedback) will not only allow machines
automatically manipulate with the content, but also
retrieve new knowledge out of it and make it
available to other systems for collaborative analysis
and unexpected results. Referring to Dr. Kenji
Takeda’s statement “What’s interesting if you
publish data and make it freely available to
everybody, so truly open, the people who use this
data are not necessarily the ones you think of”, we
make customer feedback an interoperable and
sharable piece of information.
The research is done in the Agora Center (University
of Jyvaskyla, Finland) in collaboration with Inno-W
Company under the Need4Speed program in
DIGILE SHOK (funded by TEKES and consortium
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