in the development and testing phase.
The individuals identified in the NN module pass
to the Response to Intervention (RTI) pyramidal
module which consists of three layers of evidence-
based interventions for promoting the social,
emotional, and behavioral development of children.
Each layer uses fuzzy logic to assign degrees of
learning difficulty to the individuals and determine
the most appropriate computational intervention for
each layer of the RTI model. Each layer of the RTI
model will consist of a set of computational
intervention methodologies (e.g., games) activated
by the degree of difficulty for each individual.
The proposed approach can be used innovatively
as a support tool for the diagnosis of dyslexia and
other learning difficulties. Further details and
detailed descriptions can be found at our previous
work (Macário Costa et al., 2014).
The authors R.J.M. Costa and R. Mousinho thank
the team of the ELO Project (Department of Speech
Pathology, and Faculty of Medicine at UFRJ) and
the Delindo Couto Neurology Institute of UFRJ and
USAL. J. Zavaleta thanks CAPES for the financial
support received. S.M.S. Cruz thanks CNPq,
CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano De Ciencia Y
Tecnologia Para El Desarrollo - grant P514RT0013),
FAPERJ (grants E-26/112.588/2012 and E-
26/110.928/2013), MEC/SeSU and PET-SI/UFRRJ
for the financial support of the research.
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