the MindGym system significantly improves indepen-
dent living and social integration of the elderly and
the disabled people by using social communication
scenarios, which encourages them to strengthen their
personal healthcare and allow them to live in their pre-
ferred home environment, thus reducing admissions
and days spent in care institutions.
Secondly, the MindGym system promotes engage-
ment in the selection of data and materials to enable
them to be involved in social experiences and stimula-
tion aimed at promoting individuality uniqueness and
choice. Also, the MindGym concept promotes expe-
riences that will enhance activity and offer stimula-
tion whilst additionally nourishing cognitive abilities,
emotional experience as well as sustaining intellec-
tual abilities. It is intended to be a new approach to
increase the mind capacity of elderly by natural stim-
uli realised on interactive Internet based TV platform
linked into social networks of elderly and their cares
may have major impact on behavioural pattern of el-
derly people. The research is set towards achieving
significant progress on accessibility of ICT, under-
standing of brain functions and stimulations by nat-
ural AV signals, advance human-machine interaction
and intelligent computing by strong involvement of
user and content model based approach and social in-
teraction among users.
Also, the MindGym concept improves the accessi-
bility of ICT communication solutions for the elderly
population by developing the video-communication
system adapted to the abilities and habits of elderly
population based on their mind models. Special care
is taken also to design simple and intuitive user in-
terfaces on interactive IP TV platform, together with
advanced sensing devices, which provides simple and
efficient usage of the system.
Extensive testings including more than one hun-
dred of end users are planned for the developed
MindGym platform. It is necessary condition for ef-
fective utilization (for independent living and social
integration) of ICT for elderly. The testing will in-
clude at least the following elements: adapted user in-
terfacing, specially designed communication scenario
regarding first and secondary users and regular train-
ing of all involved.
Furthermore, the MindGym concept intends to in-
crease user ability, notably of persons with disabili-
ties, to carry out daily life activities and to interact
with ICT, given the fact that the proposed ICT system
together with communication scenarios will signifi-
cantly improve independent living and social integra-
tion of a large subgroup of elderly and disabled peo-
ple by allowing them living in their preferred home
environment. Through the use of communication in-
frastructure they will be able to instantly contact their
carers or supporting persons in case of any obsta-
cle preventing normal daily routines. The ICT based
communication does not replace only live communi-
cation; it enhances the feasible intensity of communi-
cation according to elderly people wishes and needs.
Therefore, the MindGym concept extends the inde-
pendent living of its users.
One of the most important objectives is also
achieving improved competitiveness of Europe’s
mainstream ICT industry, including appropriate stan-
dardisation. Thus, MindGym aims towards carrying
out a series of user testing activities, which result in
a thorough evaluation of the concept and the actual
system. The evaluations of the user response pro-
vide a set of guidelines on implementation and design
of large-scale supporting systems for elderly popu-
lation. These guidelines are a valuable result of the
MindGym concept and input to the actual elderly care
organisations, helping them to develop and implement
similar ICT-based supporting systems. It allows the
ICT industry to participate in the elderly support pro-
grams on the national and international level, and to
develop a new competitive market for software and
hardware solutions for elderly care and support. In
order to support this goal, MindGym system aims
at standardisation of the procedures, system compo-
nents, software interfaces, and interaction technolo-
gies. The results provide an input to standardisation
of protocols and services, allowing interoperability of
conforming products from competing vendors.
Furthermore, higher levels of user empowerment
and richer social interactions through personalised
web-based assistive and social computing solutions
are designed within the MindGym system, by the sys-
tem’s many features of today’s social networking, al-
lowing instant communication within closed groups
of people. The user interface will be personalised to
the habits and abilities of the individual person.
The planned development of the MindGym sys-
tem is based on guidelines of system’s design and
functionalities, and provides an evaluation of the us-
ability of the system. From the beginning, the require-
ments and limitations of elderly persons are consid-
ered to provide much more usable solution compared
to standard devices which are intended for general
population (remote controls, mobile phones, video
phones, web portals etc.). This approach gives them
the power and control to maintain richer social inter-
actions with their friends, relatives and carers.
Based on standardised interfaces, the core of the
MindGym system can be extended by a range of hard-
ware add-ons, sensors and software modules provided
by third party providers. These sensors add spe-