its pseudo polynomial number of variables. It has
already been shown as an efficient formulation
compared to other integer programming
formulations. We use the commercial solver CPLEX
to find the optimal solution for small and medium
size of instances. We give community a boundary to
reference with and to evaluate their scheduling
algorithms for this size of instances. It turns out that
the offline problem is interesting in it self and can be
used to design good online strategies. Solution for
this model would be a reference for the on-line
schedules in smaller dimension to validate first
result. Future work will deal with the online aspect
concerning the scheduling problem; we plan to
propose a heuristic solution and use this work in the
Online solution considers at first Total completion
time, in a second time we take into account the
resources consumption (energy) in a multi-criteria
scheduling aspect.
The final solution will be implemented over Hadoop
simulation system and evaluated in a large
scalability face to default scheduler in Hadoop.
This work was sponsored in part by the CYRES
GROUP in France and French National Research
Agency under the grant CIFRE n°2012/1403.
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