outcomes without the requirement of using the face
to face communication in the same place. Hopeful
students, have successfully spent towards a new
world of education which proves the concept saying
“each learner is able, at any place and any time
access to a classroom equipped with multimedia
materials”…instantly the student is liberated to a
world of information that responds to all constraints
of the pace of learning. Rather, based on this
approach there is a lot of researchers and learners
think about migration to the area of virtualization.
The system of virtual classrooms is accessible at
any moment unrestrictedly. This enables students to
approve a rich and new learning experience. The rate
of data transmission is relating to the user’s speed
connection because it is an instant communication
from the platform and the remote device used by
student. In addition, educators can dynamically
control the teaching process as they do in traditional
classroom; they interact with the real time feedback,
and provide a more sophisticated way of assessment
activities remotely.
However, there are multiple methods which can
be used in order to implement a performing system
of virtual classroom. This platform requires the
establishment of many particular equipment at both
sides the institution and learner. So, students must
have an extensive knowledge of operating systems,
networks and several tools used to provide remote
access. This type of classroom can be equipped with
a server that is configured with learners’ accounts
and other devices must be implemented to
accomplish this remote interaction such as video and
audio systems, interactive whiteboard, etc.
All technologies used currently in classrooms
leads us to ask the main question: Is there any way
to replace or to enhance smart classroom?
Obviously, ubiquitous learning is the most
appropriate answer because this kind of technologies
has an important impact on education. It is defined
as learning anytime, anywhere using several devices.
The use of pervasive or ubiquitous devices and
mobile technologies in educational environment
such as smart phones, PCs, iPods, and other
equipments as interactive whiteboards which use
numerous network connections include Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth, and NFC, provides an enhanced way of
learning to the students who receive the personalized
The concept of u-learning (Joung-Souk, 2009)
illustrates the use of ubiquitous computing, that
offers an interesting mode of linking mobile devices.
These equipments and tiny sensors facilitate the
interaction with educational environment and allow
the exchange of data among students and teachers.
Let’s be deeper in the explanation of u-learning.
Typically, ubiquitous learning is a novel learning
environment which is available through a variety of
contexts. In fact, ubiquitous learning complies with
many characteristics such as the accessibility that
offer to students the remote access to their data or
videos from any place. The second criterion is the
interactivity that allows the two-way communication
between learners and educators in real time. Thus,
teachers have feedback instantly and the knowledge
becomes more accessible. In addition, the
permanency is very important in this context since
the students cannot lose their data, labs or work, all
the learning information or processes are saved daily
within the system.
U-learning is a particular category of distance
education which is based on the use of various
devices and technologies to encourage collaboration
through delivering comments, tips and instant
feedback even for students who attend distance
training. U-learning is known by its increased
capacity of moving physically the learning
environment anywhere. Hence, the main goal of any
type of learning is to overcome the constraints of
human everyday life and especially to improve the
quality of teaching, to achieve these objectives
already mentioned; so it is necessary to implement
new architectures using ubiquitous technologies and
specific tools.
It’s obvious that cloud computing represent a
significant change in the field of education as
ubiquitous computing. The cloud provides the
remote access data at any moment, and any place. It
changes the way of communication, learning, and
working in classroom. Thus, it’s necessary to use
several resources such as memory, data storage, and
the rate of bandwidth which will be shared among
distant learners.
This section presents some works which focuses on
presenting previous models of technologies used in
the context of smart classrooms. The main issue of
the existing work is smart classroom using
ubiquitous computing, web service technology,
cloud computing and management of online courses
classroom devices, in order to facilitate collaborative
There are many projects treating the progress of
traditional education with a wide variety of
technologies such as pervasive computing. These