Addressing Issues of Cloud Resilience, Security and Performance
through Simple Detection of Co-locating Sibling Virtual Machine
hn O’Loughlin and Lee Gillam
Department of Computing, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, Surrey, U.K.
Keywords: Virtualisation, Xen, Cloud Computing, Co-location, Security, Performance.
Abstract: Most current Infrastructure Clouds are built on shared tenancy architectures, with resources shared amongst
large numbers of customers. However, multi tenancy can lead to performance issues (so-called “noisy
neighbours”) and also brings potential for serious security breaches such as hypervisor breakouts.
Consequently, there has been a focus in the literature on identifying co-locating instances that are being
affected by noisy neighbours or suggesting that such instances are vulnerable to attack. However, there is
limited evidence of any such attacks in the wild. More beneficially, knowing that there is co-location
amongst your own Virtual Machine instances (siblings) can help to avoid being your own worst enemy:
avoiding your instances acting as your own noisy neighbours, building resilience through ensuring host-
based redundancy, and/or reducing exposure to a single compromised host. In this paper, we propose and
demonstrate a test to detect co-locating sibling instances on Xen-based Clouds, as could help address such
needs, and evaluate its efficacy on Amazon’s EC2.
Infrastructure Clouds offer compute resources for
rent on-demand, typically on a per hour basis
(Armbrust et al, 2009). One of the most popular
offerings is the virtual server, which is the mainstay
of providers of Infrastructure Clouds such as
Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Infrastructure
Clouds use virtualisation technologies such as Xen
and KVM to offer physical servers as (often,
multiple) virtual servers. Customers can rapidly
acquire virtual servers, use them for as long as
required, then release them back to the provider
when no longer needed, with the equivalent resource
then available for use by other customers.
At any given time, a physical server in a Public
Cloud could be running virtual servers, also referred
to as instances, for a number of different users
(customers). From the user’s perspective, shared
tenancy raises various concerns, of which security
and performance are key. For security, one particular
concern is hypervisor breakouts, where hypervisor
security can be compromised and a resulting
privilege escalation can be used to obtain data from
other customers’ instances. For performance, one
such concern is noisy neighbours, where
performance degradation occurs in one instance due
to the (legitimate and not necessarily malicious)
resource consuming actions of another.
In such cases, the concern tends to focus on the
security or performance impact from other users.
Consequently, research has tended to be focused on
identifying vulnerable instances, or hiding from
potential attackers. However, identifying co-locating
instances may be of even more use for the majority
of users with respect to their own instances. We will
refer to instances started by the same user,
irrespective of when, as sibling instances in the
remainder of this paper.
Sibling instances that are co-located on the same
host may be undesirable for the following reasons:
1. They may degrade the performance of each
other when running compute bound
2. They are all vulnerable to failure, or
degradation, of the underlying host.
3. They are all vulnerable to other noisy
4. There is a greater exposure to a security
compromise on a single host.
Determining co-location is difficult, and to date,
no simple methods have been proposed that would
reliably allow for such detection. This paper aims to
O’Loughlin J. and Gillam L..
Addressing Issues of Cloud Resilience, Security and Performance through Simple Detection of Co-locating Sibling Virtual Machine Instances.
DOI: 10.5220/0005485000600067
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2015), pages 60-67
ISBN: 978-989-758-104-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
address this problem by exploring one kind of trace
left by virtualization on Xen based Clouds - domain
ids (domids). The rest of this paper is structured as
follows: In section 2 we review relevant related
work to offer background to the problem; in section
3, we discuss the Xen hypervisor and the generation
of domain ids, and in section 4 we discuss the results
of domids collected from a small sample (100) of
virtual servers in the Amazon Cloud, and use this as
a basis for tests for co-location in section 5. In
section 6 we use domids collected from further
samples to demonstrate likely recycling of resources.
Finally, in section 7 we present our conclusions, and
future directions of this work.
The ability for one instance to degrade the
performance of other co-located instances is well
known, and is referred to as noisy neighbours. Intel
identifies the primary cause of the problem as the
sharing of resources, such as the L2 cache, which
cannot be partitioned (Intel, 2014); that is, there is
no mechanism to limit how much of the resource an
instance may consume. Consequently, it is possible
for instances to use such resources
disproportionately, to the detriment others.
The standard metric for compute performance is
execution time. Identifying if a running task is likely
to suffer from poor performance i.e. need increased
execution time, is difficult. On their production
clusters, Google detects likely poor performance by
repeatedly measuring a task’s cycles per instruction
(CPI), i.e. the number of cycles required to execute
an instruction, and comparing with the known CPI
distribution (Zhang et al, 2013). If more outliers
(defined as more than 2 standard deviations from the
mean) are detected than expected, then performance
of the task is likely to be poor. The protagonist, i.e.
the noisy neighbour, is identified by correlating
other instances’ CPU usages with the increase in
CPI outliers for the victim.
On a Public Cloud, information about when an
instance is scheduled for CPU time by the
hypervisor is only available to the provider, and is
not subsequently made available to customers. As
such, it is not possible to precisely state when an
instance is running or not. A coarser approach would
be to attempt to correlate instance performance using
compute benchmarks. Such an approach would
likely require a minimum number of co-located
instances on a given host in order to be successful,
and so this already requires co-location to be
knowable, and there is the potential to miss a small
degree of co-location per host.
The problem of extracting information between
co-locating virtual machines has been investigated
by a number of authors. In (Zhang et al, 2012) the
sharing of an L2 cache between VMs was shown to
be vulnerability when it was demonstrated that one
VM may extract cryptographic keys from another
VM on the same host. Such an attack is known as an
access driven side channel attack. Particularly
noteworthy, is the fact that the attack was
demonstrated on an SMP system. In this case the
challenge of core migrations i.e. the scheduling of
VMs onto different cores during its lifetime, as
would be encountered in a Cloud environment,
needs to be overcome. However, the demonstration
was on a standalone Xen system rather than on a
Public Cloud.
The vulnerability of a shared cache relies, in
part, on exploiting hypervisor scheduling. Methods
to increase the difficulty of successfully using such
attacks are under development (Lui, Ren and Bai,
2014), and indeed, are already being integrated into
Xen. Whilst such work mitigates fine grained
attacks, denial of service attacks, which seek to
obtain a large share of the L2 cache, are considered
This has led to work on targeted attacks in the
Cloud, whereby an attacker seeks to co-locate with a
specific target. This requires methods for
determining co-location with the target before the
attack can be launched. In (Ristenpart, Tromer,
Shacham and Savage, 2010) a number of network
based probes have been proposed, for example ping
trip time and common IP address of dom0. In order
to test the veracity of these methods they also use
access timings of shared drives. No details are
provided of the type of drive being used (local or
network) or how the disk is being shared.
However, as the authors state, a provider can
easily obfuscate network based probes and this
already appears to the case. From our experiments
we can confirm this. Whilst access times to shared
drives may potentially be used for detecting co-
locating siblings, there are a number of issues not
discussed that need require further investigation.
Perhaps most importantly, is the widely reported
variation in disk read/write timings on EC2
(Armbrust et al, 2009), which clearly needs to be
accounted for in any test that proposes to use them.
In (Bates et al, 2013) watermarking of network
flows is proposed and demonstrated on a variety of
stand- alone virtual systems. However, as the
authors state, there a number of defences against
watermarking in place in Public Clouds, and in
particular on EC2, which prevented them from
successfully using the tests.
In (Zhang, Juels, Oprea and Reiter, 2011) a
cache avoidance strategy is used so that instances
can co-ordinate their use (or avoidance) of the L2
cache and measure resulting cache use. This, then, is
a basis for detecting co-locating siblings. The
method is applicable to Xen-based Clouds but
requires modification of how the guest OS kernel
manages memory, and has a performance overhead
when cache use is turned off. Such an approach is
technically challenging, as it involves kernel
changes, and this is likely beyond the capabilities of
most Cloud users.
In summary, neither simple network probes nor
network flows watermarking co-location tests work
on EC2 due to measures in place, whilst cache
avoidance technically challenging. There is a need
for simple methods then.
The Xen system (Xen, no date) is a widely deployed
hypervisor in Infrastructure Cloud systems, and is in
use at Amazon, Rackspace, IBM and GoGrid,
amongst others. The Xen system consists of the Xen
hypervisor together with a privileged VM called
domain 0 or dom0. Xen is a bare-metal hypervisor,
started by the BIOS, which in turn starts dom0. The
dom0 is a privileged VM and can directly access
hardware such as network cards and local disk
storage. Dom0 provides a management interface for
the Xen system, from which system administrators
can launch and manage the life cycle of VMs. These
VMs are unprivileged domains and are referred to as
The Xen hypervisor is responsible for scheduling
VM CPU time, managing memory, and handling
interrupts. On an x86 CPU, dom0 privilege
escalation is provided by running dom0 in ring 1,
whilst the Xen hypervisor runs in ring 0 (and the
unprivileged VMs, domUs, run in ring 3). DomUs
gain access to hardware devices such as disks and
network cards via calls to dom0.
Each domain is given two identifiers, a domid
and a UUID. The UUID is a unique identifier
amongst a deployment of multiple Xen systems; that
is, it uniquely identifies a domain amongst the set of
all domains across the Xen systems. For example on
EC2, the UUID assigned to a new instance will (in
theory) be unique to that instance, at least within the
Region it was launched in.
In addition, a newly launched domain is assigned
a domain identifier, referred to as the domid. This
uniquely identifies domains on the physical server
only. On EC2, instances on the same physical server
will have different domids. However, these may well
clash with domids for instances on other hosts. The
domid is a 16 bit integer and allocation is
monotonically increasing - Xen assigns the next
available domid. This means that instances that are
started one after the other will obtain consecutive
domids. On EC2, therefore, we would expect co-
locating instances, started at the same time, to have
consecutive domids – or, with other requests also
being satisfied, being quite close to each other.
Xen domids have a rather interesting property,
and one which will be crucial to us later: an instance
can increase its own domid simply by rebooting. An
instance’s new domid will be its old domid plus the
number of instances that have started on the same
host since it was last rebooted, plus the number of
reboots that have occurred. Domids do not, however,
seem to survive an underlying host reboot, and in
this case the next available domid is reset to 1.
A user does not have administrative access to
Xen on EC2 (or indeed any Public Cloud). However,
we can determine an instance’s domid via Xenstore.
Xenstore (Xenstore, 2014) is a data area exported
from dom0 to domUs, the interface of which is a
pseudo file system which can be mounted on
/proc/xen within a guest. This is analogous to the
/proc and /sys pseudo file systems in Linux which
provide an interface for user space processes to the
Linux kernel. Under a standard Xen system, a
domain can extract information such as the domids
of all the running domains and the CPU weightings
assigned to them. As one would expect, on EC2 the
data exported to the instances via Xenstore is
restricted, and does not allow a domain to obtain any
information other than about itself. However, it is
particularly useful, for our purposes that a domain
can obtain its own domid.
In the next section we present the results of
domids collected on EC2 via Xenstore from some
120 instances.
We can initially collect domids from instances
launched on EC2, and examine the extent to which
these hint at co-location. Using an Ubuntu precise
12.04 AMI, we can readily launch 20 m1.small
instances as a single request in the Region US-East-
1, in AZ us-east-1b. Each instance gets xenstore-
utils installed, and has the exported Xen store file
system mounted on /proc/xen. In this setup, it is then
possible to obtain an instance’s domid, uuid and
In Table 1, below, we list 20 domids obtained
from just such a setup (on 07/10/2014), which are
readily organised into three sequences of
consecutive domids. For all instances, the CPU
model was an E5-2651.
Table 1: Consecutive Domids.
Seq Domids
1 563, 564, 565, 566, 567 and 568
2 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728 and 729
3 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 757 and 758
The simplest explanation for these consecutive
domids is that the 20 instances are allocated to just
three hosts. It may also be possible that these
sequences are obtained simply by chance across a
large number of hosts that are churning VMs at
similar rates, and we discuss this possibility in
section 5.
The AZ us-east-1b appears homogeneous (just
one CPU model) for the account we were using. To
simplify concerns further, we instead examine
domids in us-east-1a as this provides heterogeneous
hosts. This helps to improve clarity over co-location
since instances with consecutive domids on different
CPU models are clearly not co-located, and so here
the consecutive domids are more likely to indicate
co-locating instances – unless, of course, cpuid and
domid values are spoofed.
We ran 5 requests, with 20 instances per request,
on Amazon’s spot market for us-east-1b. Of the 100
instances started, 3 were reclaimed and so we have
results for just 97 instances. As before, we determine
the domid, uuid and cupid. After this information
was obtained, the instances were released. Each
request was made at a different time over a 2 day
period, from 07/10/2014 to 08/10/2014. In Table 2,
below, we list only the sequences with consecutive
domids found in each request, together with the
instance CPU models – one of E5645, E5507 or E5-
Table 2: Domids from Multiple Time-Separated Requests.
Request, Date
& Time
Consecutive Domids and CPU Model
242,243,244 – E6545
469,470 – E5645
1499,1500 – E5645
1671, 1672 – E5645 + E5-2650
2627, 2628, 2629 – E5-2650
250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255 ,256 – E5645
732, 733 – E5507
1501, 1502 – E5645
2630, 2631, 2632 – E5-2650
263, 264, 265, 266 – E5645
501,502 – E5645
1505, 1506 – E5645
2637, 2638, 2639, 2640 – E5-2650
3 out of 5 of the requests evidence consecutive
domids with E5645 CPUs, and all three contain at
least 2 such sequences. The most common pattern is
of two consecutive domids, and the longest sequence
is 7. We note consecutive domids in request 1 of
1671 and 1672, with different CPU models – E5645
and E5-2650 respectively – which clearly cannot be
co-located (unless, again, the cpuid is spoofed). In
request 1, it would appear that 10 of 20 instances are
not host separated, in request 3 this is 14, and in
request 4 it is 12.
Based on the discussion and results in section 4 we
can state that for any pair of instances the following
initial conditions must be satisfied if the instances
are more likely to be co-located:
1. Same CPU model
2. Values of domids are sufficiently close to
each other
For the second condition, we do not require that
the domids be consecutive but should be sufficiently
close to each other. In order to understand why
consider the following: two sibling instances are
scheduled onto the same host, but in between them
being launched an existing instance is rebooted. In
this case then, they will not have consecutive domids
but the domids will differ by (at least) 2. We discuss
how close is ‘sufficiently close’ later in this section.
Whilst the two conditions listed above are
necessary for co-location, they are not sufficient. It
is entirely possible that the instances have been
allocated to hosts whose next available domids were
within the domid distance simply by chance. Indeed,
this becomes more likely if the hardware platform
and configuration is identical, and if the churn rate
of VMs is the same. In fact, we have already seen an
example in batch 1 of instances with domids of 1671
and 1672 that had different CPU models.
For the second condition, closeness of the
domids depends in large part on how many instances
a host has been configured to support. If a host
supports k instances, then any instances started
within a short period of time on the host would
likely have their domids within k of each other. We
cannot state this for certain, since it’s possible that
within that period (1) a number of instances on the
host were rebooted (2) a number of instances were
terminated, and a number more were started.
We also cannot state the value of k for a host
with certainty, since it depends on its CPU model,
the CPU configuration, how many sockets the host
has, and the degree of over commitment. As an
example, we have previously shown (blind ref, no
date) that m1.small instances on EC2 may be backed
by 6 different CPU models, including the AMD
2218 and the Intel Xeon E5-2651. The former is a
dual core CPU, so a host with dual socket can have
at most 4 cores. The latter, however, has 10 cores
per socket and dual socket would have 20 cores.
Further, if hyper threading is enabled (as is common
practice on EC2), the core count rises to 40. Finally,
the configured ratio of vCPUs to physical cores
determines k. As EC2 does not advertise socket
count, and only specifies vCPU to cores for some
instance type, as a rule of thumb we will take ‘close’
to be 2 times the core count of a CPU, and times
again by 2 if the CPU supports hyper threading.
In table 3 below we list the 6 models we have
identified to date as backing m1.small instances
together with a domids closeness range based on the
above reasoning:
Table 3: CPU model and Domid Range.
CPU Model Do
id Range
(m1.small only)
AMD 2218 4
Intel Xeon E5430 8
Intel Xeon E5507 8
Intel Xeon E5645 24
Intel Xeon E5-2650 32
Intel Xeon E5-2651 40
We are naturally led to the question of the
likelihood that non-co-locating instances have
domids near to each other. This question is similar to
the well known ‘birthday’ and ‘almost birthday’
problems. The birthday problem can be stated like
this: How many people do we need in a room in
order for there to be a 0.5 chance that at least 2
people will share the same birthday? In this case the
answer is 23. As we are interested in near domids
our problem is more akin the ‘almost birthday
problem’: In a room of 23 people how likely is it to
have at least one pair of consecutive birthdays? An
analytic solution to this is presented in (Dasgupta,
2004), with the answer 0.89.
Monte Carlo methods can be used to tackle the
birthday problems stated above. We can assume that
a birthday is equally likely to fall on any day in the
year. We then generate random samples, of size 23,
drawn from the uniform distribution. For each
sample we record a success if there is the matching
(or consecutive, depending upon the problem of
interest) birthday. The number of successes divided
by the number of trials is then the estimate of the
We note that the assumption that birthdays are
uniformly distributed is not entirely accurate and
that seasonal variations do exist. However, the
uniform distribution does provide a good
Can we apply such methods to estimate the
probabilities of instances having consecutive, or
near, domids by chance – and not because they are
necessarily co-locating? An immediate requirement
is a reasonable approximation for the distribution of
domids across hosts. In theory, a domid is in the
range [1, 65536], however we have so far only
observed domids within a restricted range. Further,
the domid distribution is likely CPU dependent to
some degree. CPUs with more cores, such as the
E5-2651, will likely increment domids at a different
rate to the E5645, as they can run more instances.
We could assume that the range of domids for
hosts with the same CPU model is equally likely to
be between the observed minimum and maximum.
Applying this to the E5645, that would be between
252 and 20708. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we
find that 20 non co-located instances, placed on
randomly selected hosts with E5645 CPUs, will
have at least one pair of consecutive domids with a
probability of 0.009. That is, approximately 1 in 100
batches of 20 instances would have at least one pair
with consecutive domids.
However, it is not obvious that we can model the
problem in a manner similar to the birthday
problems. Consider for example, a power failure in
one portion of a data centre resulting in a large
number of E5645 hosts being rebooted. In this case
then, we initially have a large number of E5645
hosts with small domids. Instances allocated to these
hosts would have a far greater chance of
consecutive, or near, domids then our estimate
would imply. Whereas birth dates do not tend to
change in such a way.
Indeed, it is not clear that the domid range should
be well approximated by any statistical distribution.
Further, the VM allocation mechanisms in use,
which are not advertised, may well produce domid
ranges whereby near domids are more likely, and
perhaps considerably so, than our assumptions
would allow for. As such, developing a model to
accurately represent domid distribution across hosts
is beyond the scope of this paper, so we do not rely
on purely statistical arguments and instead look for
further evidence for co-location, which we describe
We have already seen that when an instance is
rebooted it acquires a new domid. This will be the
number of new instances started on the host plus the
number of instance reboots. This observation allows
us to add an additional condition:
Suppose, then, that we have two instances both
on hosts with the same CPU model. If they have
identical domids they are not on the same host.
Suppose that the instances’ domids are different and
within a host’s domid range (from Table 3). We
denote the lower domid by m, and refer to the
instance with this domid by A. We refer to the
higher domid by n and the instance with this domid
by B. Upon rebooting A, its new domid must,
simply, be greater than the domid of B.
We now state this as a third necessary condition
for co-location:
3. A and B are instances with domids (m,n)
respectively, where m < n. If A and B are
co-locating, then upon rebooting B, its new
domid, p, must satisfy p > n.
Of course, we still do not have a sufficient
condition – instances may satisfy the above by
chance. However, a user is free to reboot their
instances as often as the like. So we can strengthen
the condition as follows:
a. Reboot the instance A, which has
domid p, k times. When rebooted,
the instance with domid n will
obtain a new domid, q, that must
satisfy q > p + k.
Whilst again this may be satisfied by chance,
further repetition should lead to greater confidence
as co-locating instances will satisfy these conditions
To test this, we used 2 pairs of instances, the first
pair with domids (7635, 7638) respectively, and the
second pair (9536, 9538). As the first pair of
instances were on E5-2650 hosts (condition 1), and
have close domids (condition 2) they are good
candidates for co-location. However, upon rebooting
instance with domid 7635, its new domid was 7636,
and so cannot be co-locating with the instance with
domid 7638 (due to condition 3). For the second
pair, again both with CPU model of E5-2650
(condition 1) when rebooting the instance with
domid 9536, its new domid was 9539, and so greater
than 9538 (condition 3). We rebooted this instance a
further 5 times and after the last reboot its domid
was 9544. We then rebooted the instance with domid
9538, after which its domid was 9545 (condition 3a).
This more strongly suggests co-location, and we
note again that a user is of course free to set the
domid distance to any value they like by rebooting
(we set to 6), and to repeat as many times as they
To now, we only considered instances started
within a short space of time of each other. A user
may have long running instances, and want to know
if newly started instances are co-located with any
long running instance. In this case, a long running
instance’s domid is likely not representative of the
current domids available from the host due to
requests and reboots in the intervening period. In
this case, rebooting the long running instance will
update its domid, and bring the domid into range of
new instances, allowing for further confirmatory
tests to be run.
We now state our test for co-location as follows:
Two instances, A and B, chosen because they have
domids, m and n, such that m < n are likely co-
locating if they satisfy the following:
1. Same CPU model
2. Values of domids are in range (by
Table 3). That is, n –m <= k where k is
the CPU domid range in Table 3.
3. Upon rebooting instance A, its new
domid satisfies p > n.
If 3 is satisfied, then we strengthen the condition as
3a. Upon rebooting instance A a further k
times, a reboot of B results in a new domid, q
satisfying q > p + k.
We reiterate that (3a) can be carried out as many
times as the user wishes, for any value of k.
In addition to some degree of co-location, we also
observe that instances started from later requests
appear to be scheduled onto the same hosts as earlier
ones. This observation is also based on domids, as
we explain now.
In request 1 we obtain instances with domids
1499 and 1500, and both have E5645 CPUs. In
request 3 we obtain instances with domids of 1501
and 1502, and in request 4 we have 1505 and 1506 –
again all E5645. One explanation is that these
instances were scheduled onto just one host. As
another example, we have the domids 2627, 2628
and 2629 in request 1, followed by 2630, 2631 and
2632 in request 3 and then followed by 2637, 2638,
2639 and 2640 in request 4. All of the instances
were running on a host with a E5-2650 CPU, so
could again have been scheduled onto just one same
In a follow up experiment, we launched 100
instances and found 4 consecutive domids. We
terminated these instances, and 5 minutes later
started another 100 instances (5 of which were
reclaimed). The domids in the two sets ranged
between 759 and 7292. Comparing domids in the
first set to the second, we found a remarkable 51
domids in the first set with consecutive domids in
the second set, 27 domids in the first set with a ‘plus
2’ in the second, 7 at ‘plus three’ and 1 at ‘plus 4’.
The likelihood of our second set of instances being
on a completely different set of hosts to the first, but
having domids so close to the first set would appear
to be small.
Running 3 further requests, again of size 100, we
find the same behavior of later instances appearing
to be scheduled on to previously used hosts. This is
also not just a feature of either on-demand or spot
instances, as we observe this for both. Indeed, when
running a batch of spot instances after a batch of on-
demand, we again observe such behavior, suggesting
that requests are being satisfied from the same
resource pool.
It is unclear whether this might be a temporal or
spatial issue. In the former, it may simply be the
case that whilst there is a large amount of available
resource, instances started shortly after earlier ones
are scheduled back on to previously obtained hosts.
In the latter, it may be that a user is restricted to a
subset of the available resources. We know that EC2
is vast in scale, with 28 AZs, most of which
comprise at least 2 data centres - with the largest AZ
having 6 - and each data centre houses between
50,000 to 80,000 physical servers (Vanian, 2014).
For each user, an AZ identifier, such as us-east-1a,
relates to some pool of resources out of which
requests are served. It is possible that AZ identifiers
may map to a data centre in an AZ, or indeed to
some rather smaller subset thereof.
Recycling of resources has the clear potential to
impact on a user’s ability to separate co-locating
instances. In this case, a user may be interested in
the number of attempts needed, and so the cost, to
ensure separation. Perhaps more intriguingly, if a
user is restricted to a subset of resources then
launching a targeted attack against them on EC2
would be much harder - you would only be able to
target users that you share the same resource
partition with. With sufficient data, it may be
possible to answer these questions, and also estimate
the size of resource pool available for use. From this,
one might also estimate a likely number of people
with whom the resource pool is shared, and could
use this number to suggest the risk of security and
performance issues arising.
Finally, given the well established problem of
performance variation due to the heterogeneous
(Osterman et al, 2010
, Iosup, Nezih and Dick, 2011)
nature of Public Clouds, there has been interest in
so-called ‘instance seeking’ or ‘deploy and ditch’
strategies (Farley et al, 2012, Zhuang, Liu, Ou and
Arberer, 2013). The assumption behind these
strategies is that a poorly performing instance can be
released and a new, better performing one, found.
However, as the performance of an instance is
determined by the hosts it is running on, such
strategies are rather less likely to produce
performance gains in the face of resource recycling.
Identifying when sibling instances are co-locating is
beneficial to users in a number of situations:
1. Co-located instances may degrade the
performance of each other when running
compute bound workloads.
2. Co-located instances are all vulnerable to
failure, or degradation, of the underlying
3. Co-located instances are all vulnerable to
other noisy neighbours.
4. Co-located instances imply is a greater
exposure to a security compromise on a
single host.
Determining co-location is challenging,
particularly so on Public Clouds. The simple
approach we have presented in this paper is based on
information provided from Xen, which is currently
the dominant hypervisor technology used in Public
Infrastructure Clouds. Xenstore provides an
interface for domains to obtain information such as
domids and uuids. However, as would be expected,
on EC2 the interface is restricted so a domain can
only obtain information about itself. But the domid
is still very useful for our purposes. On a standard
Xen system, domids are assigned consecutively
when starting domains and are not recycled – except
when the range itself cycles. Instances are assigned
the next available (new) domid when rebooted.
Domids also do not survive host reboots, which
resets the next available domid to 1.
These characteristics of domids allow for the
formulation of the simple test for co-locating sibling
instances as described, based on the same CPU
model and close domids (per Table 3 for the various
CPU models we have observed backing m1.small
instance types). It is still, as we have elaborated,
possible that such instances have close domids
simply by chance, and indeed we have seen such
examples. Simulation methods could be employed to
determine the likelihood of this, but assumptions
regarding the distribution of domids are required, the
validity of which is difficult to establish. Whilst
nearness hints at co-location, further evidence is
Further evidence is provided by the observation
that one instance can restrict the possible range of
values for another instance’s domid – simply via
rebooting itself and so increasing the next available
domid value. The second instance, upon a reboot,
can then in turn restrict possible domid values for the
first instances. This process can be repeated as often
as a user chooses, and at the domid distance the user
chooses (the reboot value), and therefore each time
this is done the probability that this happens by
chance decreases. Further, this is not limited to
instances started close to each other in time, but can
be used when any pair of instances is suspected of
We should be clear that whilst passing the tests
described in section 5 decreases the likelihood that
the instances are not co-locating, increasingly so
when repeated, we cannot say for certain that the
instances are co-locating. From a pragmatic point of
view, a user must balance the risk of having co-
located instances with the cost of (determining and
then ensuring) separation.
Determining such costs may be difficult as there
appears to be a degree of recycling of resources, as
described in section 6. This also has an immediate
and significant consequence for the probability of
success in carrying out a targeted side channel attack
on a Public Cloud. Indeed, from our work here, we
find the chance of intentionally co-locating with
sibling instances to be fairly small. Co-locating with
any intended target would therefore be more
unlikely still, if it is indeed possible at all. We also
note the impacts for so-called ‘performance seekers’,
whereby a user releases back underperforming
instances in the hope of acquiring better performing
new instances. A user may simply be paying to
obtain resources they have already had.
In summary, our test is simple to implement and
works on Linux, Windows and FreeBSD Operating
Systems, with the appropriate Xenstore client tool.
Future work is largely aimed at further exploration
and confirmation of the ideas discussed in this paper.
In particular, we would like to be able to identify
behaviours of instances that can be detected by
others as would confirm co-location, without
incurring the effort involved with rewriting (for
Linux) kernel memory management features to spot
avoidance of shared cache use, and further ensuring
that any such observation are not due to chance.
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