Assistive Technology for Risks Affecting Elderly People in Outdoor
Hady Khaddaj Mallat, Rami Yared and Bessam Abdulrazak
Faculty of Sciences, Informatics Department, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Keywords: Wearable Device, Assistive Technology, Risk, Elderly People, Outdoor, Activities of Daily Living.
Abstract: Risk situations may affect elderly people during outdoor Activities of Daily Living. The gravity of this
problem becomes more significant with the rapidly growing number of elderly people around the world.
Assistive technology is a promising solution to enhance safety of elderly people in outdoor environment. It
plays an essential role in providing them with a higher quality of life and autonomy. In this paper, we
present the result of our study on major risk factors that affect elderly people during outdoor activities. We
also discuss existing assistive technology across recent work related to outdoor risks. In addition, we
provide a framework for existing assistive technology that addresses outdoor risks. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first review about major risks that affect elderly people in outdoor environments, and
that describes technological solutions in the domain of ambient assistive technology.
Elderly people are subject to variety of risk situation
in Activities of Daily Living (ADL). The gravity of
this problem becomes more significant with the
growing number of elderly people in the society.
The number of people aged over 60 is expected to
increase from 605 million to about 2 billion between
the years 2000 and 2050, which represents an
increment of aging population from 11% to 22% (of
the whole world population). Due to the advance in
healthcare systems around the world, people live
longer and the number of elderly people is
increasing constantly. Therefore, researchers are
paying a special attention toward condition of
elderly people including work on: understanding the
population, their needs, challenges faced, and risks
in ADL.
Aging is associated with cognitive and
physiological decline, which causes activity
limitations and participation restrictions (Helal et al.
2008). Consequently, elderly people become less
active and more prone to social isolation and
loneliness, which complicates their health situation
and causes premature mortality (Yang et al. 2013).
On the other hand, participation in activities has
promising benefits at physical, sociological and
psychological levels (Sugiyama and Thompson
2006). It can result in lower risk of dementia and
improves well-being (Morrow-Howell et al., 2014).
Moreover, physical activity slows down progression
of diseases, and it is in general a promoter of health.
Increasing participation in social activities improves
cognitive abilities for aging people (Krueger et al.,
2009), and consequently leads to higher Quality of
Life (QoL). However, elderly people face hazards
and barriers that prevent them from being active and
performing outdoor ADL, including physical,
psychological and social barriers (Barnsley et al.
2012; Wennberg et al. 2010).
There is no consensus on the definition of
outdoor environment, open environment, hazard and
risk in the literature. In this paper, an outdoor
environment is considered to be any environment
outside home, including open-air areas. “Risk” and
“Hazard” are generally used interchangeably in the
literature. Inspired from the work of Marzocchi
(Marzocchi et al., 2012), we consider in this paper,
Risk as “the probability that a negative consequence
can occur in a given period of time following a
specific adverse event.” Hazard as “a source of
danger” (Abdulrazak et al. 2015).
We can classify the existing interventions to
reduce the consequences of risks affecting elderly
people in two categories: (human and technological
interventions). The human intervention includes
health and social assistance, provided by caregivers
or relatives accompanying an elderly people. This
Khaddaj Mallat H., Yared R. and Abdulrazak B..
Assistive Technology for Risks Affecting Elderly People in Outdoor Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005485100050016
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AgeingWell-
2015), pages 5-16
ISBN: 978-989-758-102-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
approach may have negative impacts on elderly
people including emotional impact (e.g. since it
reduces the privacy space of elderly people) and
economical impact (e.g. it is often associated with a
cost to the person, family or the health system). The
technological intervention, on the other hand,
involves all Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) (including hardware, software,
devices, systems, etc.) that have been developed to
assist elderly people. Two common terms are
interchangeably used in the literature to identify this
technology: Assistive Technology (AT) and
Recent advances in ICT (e.g., mobile and
pervasive technologies (based on context
awareness), internet of things, cloud computing,
sensor networks) enabled the creation of new
categories of solutions that may assist elderly people
in ADL. Emerging research on technologies to assist
elderly people with disabilities addresses a broad
variety of needs. In the health care domain, it has
been applied for the development of divers solutions
including wearable medical devices, smart
environments, applications for safe navigation, or
assistance applications in case of an accident or
crime (Helal et al. 2008). Although these
technologies are useful for risk assistance, their
acceptance/rejection depends on several factors,
including personal, environmental, psychosocial or
economical. High attention has to be paid to the
design of the interaction between human and the
machine (Abdulrazak et al. 2012).
Based on our literature study, we have identified
the most frequent risks as: fall, wandering, health
issues, infection, hygiene, nutrition, crime, abuse,
and traffic accidents. The most addressed risks by
ICT are fall, wandering, and health issues. In this
paper, we review these three major risks, and discuss
related assistive technology. To describe the
progress made in this domain, we searched and
matched real work and existing technology for each
risk. Our goal is help readers to better understanding
the recent progress in assistive technology. To the
best of our knowledge, this paper is the first review
on assistive technology related to risks faced by
elderly people in outdoor ADL.
This paper is organized as follows. After this
introduction, Section 2 introduces the methodology
followed in our research. Section 3 describes the
three major risks that elderly people face in outdoor
environment (i.e., fall, wandering, and health
issues). Section 4 presents Assistive Technology
systems that help elderly people in risk situations. In
this section, we review and enlist the assistive
technologies that have been developed to provide
assistance for the three major risks. We also
introduce our framework of risk related existing
assistive technology. Finally, Section 5 concludes
the paper.
Our goal in this paper is to provide a review of the
major risks and dangerous situations affecting
elderly people in outdoor environment and how
technology may help them, rather than a systematic
review. We present in this section the methodology
we used to identify the major risks that affect elderly
people in outdoor environment, and to review the
existing research on assistive technology for these
risks. Our methodology is based on the literature
identified through a search on the following
databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore and
Google Scholar. These are the main databases that
catalogue the research on risk factors faced by
elderly people in outdoor ADL and the related
assistive technology.
We searched PubMed for the following terms:
‘‘risk factor,” ‘‘danger situation,” ‘‘hazard,”
“emergency,” ‘‘outdoor,” ‘‘barrier’’ and
‘‘frailness.” The choice of these terms in
PubMed is motivated by the fact that this
database is specialized in human/ medical
The ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and IEEE
Xplore databases were searched for
combinations of the terms ‘‘elderly people,”
“assistive technology,” “teleassistance,” “mobile
health,” “pervasive healthcare” and the terms
listed above. The choice of these terms and
databases is motivated by the fact that these
databases are more technology related.
Based on reading of the abstracts retrieved from
databases, we identified articles that describe risks
and hazards that affect elderly people. We also
identified potential assistive technology that may
support elderly people in these risk situations.
We disregarded in our study articles that discuss
research related to elderly people in other contexts
(e.g., studies on chronic diseases, disabilities or
other minor risks with no existing related assistive
technology). For each article in the resulting set,
along with other articles cited in the resulting article
set, we identified how major risks affect elderly
people in their ADL. We also extracted devices
systems or applications that may assist elderly
people facing such risks, and identified the three
main addressed risks. We then iteratively clustered
the risks and assistive technology until we arrived at
the categorization described in this paper, as well as
our framework for existing assistive technology
related to outdoor risks.
Various hazards cause risks for elderly people
outdoor. We identified the three major risks
addressed in the literature as: fall, wandering and
health. These three risks (and others) may precipitate
the following common consequences:
Physical: imply injury and impairments.
Psychological: include fear of further hazards
and risks, distress, and embarrassment.
Social: imply loss of independence, mobility
and social ties, as well as high probability to
move into residential/health/care facilities.
Financial and Medical: include higher cost and
medical efforts linked to the handling of the risk
situation. This burden can be on personal
financial, relative and health systems.
Governmental and communitarians: imply
hospital admissions (e.g. number of beds) and
health insurance cost.
These undesirable risk consequences affect elderly
people widely. Therefore, research and industry
present various practical solutions to detect, prevent,
assist in risk situation, and to alleviate the
Risk situation may have numerous causes and
factors. Inspired from World Health Organization
(WHO) International Classification of Functioning
disability and health (WHO-ICF 2002), we can
highlight three major factors: personal, health and
Personal factors may include age, sex,
education level, social involvement and
previous accidents (risk faced situations).
Health factors include medical/genetic
problems such as visual and cognitive
impairment, reduced sensation, and use of
Environmental factors comprise all the
contextual information on the visited
environments, including hygiene, pollution and
weather condition, obstacles, lighting level,
floor leveling and walking surfaces.
Following, we discuss each of the three major risks
3.1 Fall
Fall can be considered as the possibility of an
involuntary and sudden change in position, causing
an individual landing at a lower level such as the
floor, the ground, or an object, with or without
injury (David Butler-Jones 2005).
Fall is the most common and frequent risk that
elderly people face in outdoor ADL. In fact, a
Canadian study revealed that 65% of falls among
elderly people occurred outdoors, while they are
walking on a familiar route (David Butler-Jones
Personal factors that may cause fall include
mainly age and previous falls. Health factors include
chronic medical problems such as, reduced
sensation, muscular weakness, and diseases as
stroke. Environmental factors comprise poor
lighting, sliding floor and slippery surfaces (Kelsey
et al. 2010; David Butler-Jones 2005; El-Bendary et
al. 2013).
In addition to the common consequences
presented above, psychological consequences
include extreme fear of further falls (El-Bendary et
al. 2013) and social consequences are limited
outdoor activities.
3.2 Wandering and Disorientation
Wandering can be considered as a psychomotor
instability that leads an elderly people to move
toward unspecified destination. Disorientation is
referred to as getting lost because of missing
referential points (Finkel et al. 1996).
Wandering is more frequent for elderly people
because of memory impairment, particularly those
who have dementia or Alzheimer disease (Perälä et
al. 2013; Yamada et al. 2014). Around 35.6 million
people live with dementia through out the world
(According to the WHO). Wandering concerns 11%
of independent people and 28% of those who need
occasional help (Beauvais et al. 2012).
Wandering and disorientation may lead elderly
people to dangerous situations while performing
outdoor activities. In situations where elderly people
are disoriented or lost, they become more frightened
(Douglas et al. 2011), and subject to abuse (Goergen
and Beaulieu 2013).
In addition, wandering has social and
psychological consequences including fidgety of
elderly people and anxiety of relative/family, as well
as high risks of losing independence and transferring
to special facilities to ensure safety.
3.3 Health Issues
Health issue is defined as the state in which the
person is unable to function normally without pain.
Health issues are often defined as physiological
malfunctioning and impairment (Brubaker 1990).
Health issues are an unwelcome accompaniment
to advancing age for the majority of elderly people.
Most elderly people suffer from a variety of
symptoms and at least one chronic disease (Brubaker
1990). The most known diseases are the
cardiovascular system disease (e. g., heart attack),
the respiratory system diseases (e.g., Bronchitis),
diabetes mellitus, hypothermia, hypertension, mental
problems (e.g., Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases)
(Hellström et al. 2004, Ludwig et al. 2012). In
Europe, cardiovascular diseases cause 45% of deaths
among people aged 75 years or younger (Ogorevc
and Lončarevič 2014).
These medical conditions are highly prevalent
among elderly people, and may affect them severely
till causing death. The improvement of healthcare
systems around the world has enabled elderly people
to living longer. However, this phenomenon is
associated with an extreme burden on healthcare
system budgets and shortage in medical specialized
caregivers (Helal et al. 2008).
Embedding artificial intelligence in ICT, employing
context-awareness approaches, and connecting
heterogeneous devices have a wide potential of
utilization in different outdoor situations (Doukas et
al. 2011; Rashidi and Mihailidis 2013).
Sensor devices (e.g., Global Positioning System
(GPS), RFID, accelerometer, bio-sensors) allow
acquisition of contextual data;
Various mobile and wearable computing
devices (e.g., personal computers, smart phones,
tablets) facilitate context collection, aggregation
and processing;
Applying artificial intelligence techniques allow
quantification and detection of human behavior;
Approaches for positioning, monitoring,
orientation, navigation, and communication
enable continuous outdoor assistance of elderly
Combination of these technologies can be used to
develop new types of assistive pervasive
technologies for elderly people. The progress of
assistive technology is continuous until establishing
digital smart environments that are sensitive,
adaptive, and responsive to human needs, habits,
gestures, and emotions (Acampora et al. 2013).
Advances in the development of technologies have
the potential to extend the assistance from indoor
(e.g., home, office, care facility) to outdoor, and
provide a continuum of assistance in an Open Smart
Environment (Abdulrazak and Roy 2011;
Abdulrazak et al. 2011).
The building of an open smart environment to
assist elderly people outdoor requires the integration
of computational methodologies (Algorithms) and
ambient intelligence (Doukas et al. 2011). There are
three main areas of research interest in this domain.
First (monitoring and sensing): design and
develop technology for remote monitoring and
sensing, in order to identify instantly and
accurately the contextual environmental
changes, through the use of sensors, mobile and
software tools for automated data collection and
their analysis.
Second (risk detection), design and develop
technology for early detection of hazards, risks
and accidents, to trigger an emergency
Third (intervention), design and develop tools
localization of an elderly people;
coordination and planning of the intervention;
usable and useful human machine interaction
for better intervention.
Researchers have more focused on developing
assistive technology for home assistance (indoor)
(Nehmer et al. 2006) in comparison with outdoor
Assistive Technology. The limitation of work on
outdoor Assistive Technology is due to:
The heterogeneity of context information
acquired via sensors;
The lack of standards, and the heterogeneity of
the semantics, syntax, languages and protocols
used by the various providers in outdoor
The highly changing and in some cases unstable
environmental conditions (e.g., availability of
wireless communication, accessibility of
network services).
The complexity of managing the mobility of the
The complexity of building applications that
handle the above items.
Outdoor assistive technologies are based on
wearable devices to manage risks (such as sensors
embedded in clothes, watches, belts, smartphones).
Several of the existing solutions are hardware
custom based, which increase the cost of
development and pricing, as consequences limits the
solvability of their market.
The recent developed technology of smart
wearable devices (including smart phones, watches
and glasses) already integrates numerous sensors,
powerful computing, and varieties of
communication protocols. The companies that
commercialize these devices also provide developers
with programming IDEs that facilitate building
applications with different aims. This wave of smart
devices has enabled reducing the cost of developing
applications significantly. Researchers focus more
on application rather than hardware. As
consequences, numerous existing outdoor assistive
technologies have been developed for the major
mobile platforms (e.g., iOS, Android, Blackberry)
(Klasnja and Pratt 2012).
Assisting elderly people outdoor can be
preformed following
a specific request from user
an automatic detection of a situation. The
specific request can be an emergency call triggered
by user with the help of a simple mobile interface
(e.g., panic button) (Abdulrazak et al. 2013; Ferreira
et al. 2013). We can illustrate the logic of handling
risks using assistive technology in Figure 1. The
framework contains multiple phases including data
acquisition by monitoring and sensing, data
processing, detection of the risk and interventions by
calling emergency center or caregivers for example.
This framework is detailed for each risk in the
following sections.
Figure 1: Schema of assistive technology framework.
Following we discuss the outdoor assistive
technologies linked to the three risks (Fall,
Wandering, Health issues) from the point of view of
existing research work, how these technologies
assist elderly people, and how it improves their QoL.
4.1 Fall
Use of assistive devices that implement ambient
intelligence technology, can promote better handling
of fall risk. Diverse methods can be used to detect
fall. According Mubashir and Yu (Mubashir et al.
2013; Yu 2008), a fall can be detected by three main
techniques, through the use of wearable devices,
ambience devices and vision-based devices (i.e.
camera). Therefore, use of this technology can detect
falls whether they happen in outdoor or indoor
environments. However, in assistive technology for
outdoor environment, fall detection is mainly done
through the use of wearable devices, such as
smartphones and sensors. These devices can also
help to create support from caregivers to help the
elderly people in the best delay. This can be done by
using several methods and algorithms to select, and
then to communicate with the best available
caregivers around the injured person.
An exhaustive review for body worn sensors to
detect falls has been made by Schwickert et al.
(Schwickert et al. 2013). The authors listed, gathered
and discussed a representative published work on
fall and body-worn sensors. We present in Table 1
various examples of existing assistive technology
that address fall risk of elderly people in outdoor
environments. We depict in Figure 2 the logic of
Figure 2: Schema of assistive technology framework for
fall risk.
handling fall risks using assistive technology. The
data acquisition from wearable devices, such as
accelerometer or camera, represents the first phase.
After that, this data is analyzed and processed to
detect a fall risk. The detection of fall is obtained
from different algorithms and computational
methods as many approaches. The last phase is the
intervention of caregivers to assist injured person in
the best delay. For example, calling and notifying an
emergency call center or a family member.
4.2 Wandering
Advances in sensing, monitoring, communication
and computing techniques enable safe walking and
accurate navigation. Existing solutions for
wandering detection are mainly based on GPS.
According to (Lin et al. 2014), there are three types
of key techniques that were applied in the existing
work to assist elderly people in case of wandering in
outdoor environment: event monitoring, trajectory
tracking, and localization combined with Geo-fence
The first technique (event monitoring) is to
determine a wandering behavior based on
activity monitoring. Through the analysis of
these events, we may detect a wandering
behavior in case of rhythmical repetition.
The second technique (trajectory tracking)
detects wandering risk using the trajectory
tracking technique, while motion trajectories
differ from trajectories patterns that the elderly
people are supposed to take.
The third technique (localization combined with
Geo-fence technique) consists on user
localization in outdoor environment and
analyzes this location to detect any deviations or
boundary transgressions.
Figure 3: Schema of assistive technology framework for
Table 1: Examples of existing assistive technology (AT) for fall risk.
Techno. Assistive Technology Ref.
App. and
Smartphone-based fall detection applications (app) that monitors the
movements of user, recognizes a fall, and automatically sends a request
for help.
The applications are based on smartphone embedded sensors (e.g. three
axial accelerometer, motion).
An adaptive threshold algorithm is used to distinguish fall. In case of fall,
rerecorded emergency contacts (e.g., relative, caregiver) are contacted
by phone call, SMS and email.
iFall (Sposaro and Tyson 2009)
MyVigi (Beauvais et al. 2012)
PerfallD (Dai et al. 2010)
E-FallD (Cao 2012)
A smartphone-based (Abbate et
al. 2012)
FallAlarm (Zhao et al. 2012)
Body sensor
Wearable motion detection device using tri-axial accelerometer or/and
Gyroscopes to detect and predict falls.
Accurate, Fast Fall Detection
(Li et al. 2009)
HMM (Tong et al. 2013)
based on
The detector is easy to wear and offers the full functionality of a small
transportable wireless alarm system.
SPEEDY (Degen et al. 2003)
An activity classification system using wearable cameras is used to detect
falls. Since user wears the camera, monitoring is not limited to confined
areas. It extends to wherever user may go (indoor and outdoor)
(Ozcan et al. 2013)
Table 2: Examples of existing assistive technology (AT) for wandering risk.
Techno. Assistive Technology Ref
GPS and
GPS based systems to detect wandering risk. These systems enable caregiver (or family
members / volunteers) to register safe zones for user. If the user moves outside the safe zones for
a predetermined time, the system infers wandering situation using various algorithms (e.g.,
Bayesian). These systems may have various features including: navigate user home after
detecting a wandering risk, send notifications to caregiver containing user-location (by phone
call, SMS and/or email), establishes a line of communication between user and caregiver, as well
as a web site with real-time localization map. These systems can be:
Based on worn GPS sensor (e.g., on Shoes, belt, watch): These systems are hardware custom
ased. The worn part is mainly composed of a GPS sensor and signal transmission modules to
transfer the
osition coordinates to a central monitoring station. The central monitoring station
is in charge of processing the risk (e.g., GPS-Shoes, Digital Angel).
Based on a GPS sensor integrated in a smart device (e.g., smartphone, smart glasses, smart
watch): In this case, the devices have processing resources and the risk is often
processed/detected by an app (e.g., iWander and MyVigi).
(Sposaro et al.
(Beauvais et
al. 2012)
(Lin et al.
(Parnes 2003)
App and
DejaView is a camera-
ased system designed to aid recall of daily activities, plans, people,
laces, and objects. It senses (using the camera) the user’s surroundings and inferring context.
The system then unobtrusively cues a user with relevant information, helping them orientate
themselves and aiding both their prospective and retrospective memory.
(De Jager et al.
Camera based systems to remotely guide users. The systems provide navigation aid in complex
and unknown areas. These systems are often composed of camera, compass and GPS. The
remote center (caregiver location) can manually or automatically interpret user-data to infer the
user status. In case of assistance need, the caregiver can remotely access the scene of the user
using the user worn camera. These systems also enable caregiver to guide/direct the user by
speech or by laser-projected arrows.
(Tervonen et
al. 2014)
(Xiao et al.
We depict in Figure 3 the framework used to
develop outdoor wandering risk related assistive
technology. This model represents the four main
phases: data acquisition from wearable devices, data
processing, detection of the wandering risk and the
intervention to assist elderly people such as making
an emergency call or a caregiver call. We also
present in Table 2 examples of existing
technological solutions to handle wandering risk
4.3 Health Issues
Health issues are both numerous and dangerous for
elderly people, some of them may cause death if
they are not handled immediately through ubiquitous
assistance services.
The outdoor assistance starts by integrating
sensor infrastructures capable of detecting changes
in the health conditions. Providing healthcare
services in outdoor environments is mainly
performed with the help of wireless technology,
sensors and wearable devices (often named WBSN:
Wearable Body Sensor Network). The sensor
network is made of wearable biosensors and
actuators that are interconnected to gather the
patient’s functional and contextual parameters.
These sensors can vary depending on the type of
data that we want to collect, e.g.,
Electrocardiography(ECG), Electroencephalography
Figure 4: Schema of assistive technology framework for
Health issues.
(EEG), Pulse Oximeter Oxygen Saturation (SpO2),
heart and respiration rates, blood pressure, glucose
level, body temperature, spatial location, among
others. In addition, these WBSN systems also
consist of a mobile-based unit that implements some
applications with the use of built-in sensors (e.g.,
camera, GPS, and accelerometers), which can serve
to assist elderly people in some risks (Chiarini et al.
2013). These mobile-based units connect with the
body sensor network forming a system together.
The use of pervasive computing and ambient
intelligence technology offers good opportunities to
enable ubiquitous assistance and support elderly
people in these emergency situations (Taleb et al.
2009; Acampora et al. 2013). This technology
enables self-health management (Mamykina et al.
2008). E.g., applications developed for diabetes
patients enable self-manage and help to identify
situations that require necessary interventions (El-
Gayar et al. 2013). Furthermore, using wireless
technology and wearable devices allows notifying
elderly people about their health status, and also
alert medical personnel and people nearby of the
emergency situation.
Table 3: Examples of existing assistive technology (AT) for health issues.
Techno. Functionality of the system Ref.
Custom mobile
monitoring unit
and wearable
ECG sensors
A custom mobile health monitoring system using WBSN. The system is based on ECG
connected to a network hub or a 3G phone for cardiac arrhythmias detection. The used real-
time ambulatory ECG detection algorithm enables diagnosis for cardiac arrhythmia events. In
case of emergency, it establishes a direct interaction between user and service providers.
(Li et al.
WBSN, Wearable
ECG and
Android app.
A mobile health monitoring system using WBSN and Android phone. The system operates
similarly to the previous one. The Android phone (in the case of this system) processes the
data and detects abnormal situation (alarm). The phone also forwards the alarm (with ECG
data) to a cloud Alarm Server, which pushes the messages to doctors’ phone.
(Guo et al.
Cardiac and
WBSN and
Android app.
iCare is a mobile health monitoring system using WBSN and smart phone. Similarly to the
previous systems, this one monitors the health status (Cardiac and Hypertension) of elderly
eople and provides tailored services for each person based on personal health condition.
When detecting an emergency, the smart phone automatically alert pre-assigned people (who
could be a family member or a friend) and call the emergency center.
(Lv et al.
Mobile app. and
A mobile phone application designed for self-care management of people with Diabetes
Mellitus type 1. The system enables to keep notes of personal data (e.g., pre-measured
glucose levels and blood pressure, food and drink intake, physical activity). In case of feeling
unwell or an emergency, user can press a button to transmit immediately his/her position with
the personal data to both an emergency call center and an attendant physician.
ou et al.
sensors and
Smartphone app.
SweetAge system is WBSN base on wristband sensors and pulse-oxymeter connection to a
smartphone via Bluetooth. It enables to tele-monitor vital signs (i.e., oxygen saturation, heart
rate, near-body temperature). The system displays an alert in case of abnormal res
situation (a measurement is outside the predefined range). The system instructs users to
contact their health care provider in case of need.
(Pedone et al.
A WBSN composed of on-
ody acceleration sensors to assist people with Parkinson’s
disease. The system measures user movement and automatically detects Freezing Of Gait
(FOG) by analyzing frequency components inherent in movement. When FOG is detected,
the system generates a rhythmic auditory signal to stimulate user to resume walking.
( Bächlin et
al. 2010)
Mobile app.
(and bracelet in
the future).
iHELP is a mobile application mainly designed for heart attack risk, but could be extended to
other risks. It offers a quick and easy sending of multiple SOS alarm messages to family
members, friends, professional rescuers and all users of iHELP mobile ap
lication within a
radius of 300 meters (The radius can be configured).
(Ogorevc and
WBSN and
mobile app.
PEACH integrates various bio-sensors in a WBSN (including blood pressure sensors,
respiration sensors, and skin conductivity sensors) to detect alterations of physical conditions
and dangerous health situations. It assists user by quickly create an ad hoc rescue groups of
nearby volunteers.
(Taleb et
al. 2009)
This technology allows care cost-saving, because
mobile technologies have a great potential to
transform healthcare and clinical intervention,
especially in assisting elderly people with chronic
diseases to live independently (between $1.96 billion
and $5.83 billion in saved healthcare costs
worldwide by 2014 (Chiarini et al. 2013)). Just a
simple example on how to face the shortage of
expert caregiver, the task of a nurse that monitors
the health status of an elderly person each day can
be alleviated by using body sensor network system.
These solutions usually work in indoor and outdoor
environments. Table 3 depicts well-known existing
systems created to assist elderly people in diverse
health issues, including cardiovascular, diabetes,
hypertension, and Parkinson diseases.
Following, we exemplify the technological part
that consists of different technique phases illustrated
in Figure 4 as a framework procedure, to reach the
whole goal of assistive technology.
Nowadays, there is great pressure to handle the
situation of ageing people in our society, since most
of them live alone and with no accompanying family
member. Therefore, a solution as moving to
healthcare facility can take place to support and
provide care to them, however some negative
emotional and economic impacts may arrive and at
the end this solution may not be the best. Thus,
assistive technology is an advantageous option for
elderly people. This population sector is vulnerable
to several major risks. We presented in this paper the
results of our study on risks affecting elderly people
in outdoor activities of daily living. The results of
our study reveal that the most addressed risks by
ICT are fall, wandering, and health issues. We
reviewed in this paper these three major risks, and
discussed related assistive technology. We also
proposed a framework that illustrates the logic of
handling risks using assistive technology.
The recent advances in pervasive, mobile and
wearable technologies opened new perspectives to
enhance elderly people quality of life, by assisting
them in activities of daily living. We have presented
in this paper interesting representative examples of
recent assistive technology linked to outdoor risks.
Still, these solutions are fragmented and more
research on combined ubiquitous assistance services
is needed to cover the need spectrum of elderly
people. An interesting proposition could be an
integrated service platform that accommodates
safety assurance, health support services, and daily
activity assistance. Such platform could take care of
anomalous events detection, daily activities
tracking/assistance, and health status monitoring.
(Lin et al. 2012). This platform could leverage
stationary sensors deployed in living environments
and mobile sensing artifacts carried by elderly
people. In this context, our team aims to provide
elderly people with a comprehensive assistive
system that manages risks. We are working on
extending our mobile platform named PhonAge
(Abdulrazak et al. 2013) to manage risk situations.
We also are working to cover lager spectrum of risks
that affect elderly people such as, nutrition, crime,
and infection.
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