Project-oriented Education as a Platform for Transfer of Math KSA
Borislav Lazarov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
KSA Transfer, Project-oriented Education, Decontextualization.
Under consideration is the transfer of math knowledge, skills and attitude (KSA) built in project-oriented
education to curriculum problems using mathematical modeling. Two teaching experiments were conducted
to study the existence or lack of such kind of transfer. There were two experimental groups of regular 7th
grade students. The first experiment (held in December 2013) aimed to clarify how students apply their KSA
developed through project-oriented activities in solving standard curriculum problems. The outcomes from
this experiment were far from satisfactory we registered just partial and incomplete (or none) transfer of
KSA for the largest proportion of the population. The second experiment (in November 2014) was done
in more complex educational environment which included dynamic geometry software. This small change
caused an unexpectedly larger positive effect in students’ activeness and acquisition of the topic. The statistics
showed that the largest part of the students is trying to apply (more or less successfully) the knowledge in
another context. This gives us reason to believe that the project-oriented education is an appropriate platform
for decontextualization of math KSA.
Different viewpoints regarding the transfer of knowl-
edge, skills and attitude (KSA) are presented in a
number of publications, e.g. a comprehensive study
on the transfer of math KSA to solving physics prob-
lems (Roorda et al., 2014) is done from actor-oriented
perspective. In fact, any application of math KSA is
a kind of transfer. For instance, the use of computers
in solving math problems requires conceptual under-
standing of mathematics and understanding how to
apply mathematics (Gravemeijer, 2014) which is, par
excellence, transfer of KSA.
Our standing point is slightly different: we con-
sider the transferability and multifunctionality of
KSA as an indicator for student’s competence of syn-
thetic type (synthetic competence). This is especially
important for the middle school math KSA because
of the higher level of abstraction, on one hand, and
on the other hand, the fact that ”mathematical be-
havior” is ... describing reality through constructs
and processes which have universal application (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2004). However, the mathemat-
ics KSA are usually developed in some clinical con-
ditions and our observations are that, when built in
such way, the KSA are rarely applicable outside the
particular educational context (Lazarov, 2014). So,
every time we speak about synthetic competence, the
next question about decontextualization stands on
agenda: are math KSA transferable and multifunc-
tional. Recently our efforts to find a platform en-
abling the transfer of math KSA are connected mainly
with the integrated approach and project-oriented ed-
ucation (POE). Below we share our findings in two
teaching experiments with 7th grade students (mid-
dle of the secondary school). This population has
been chosen in compliance with the expectations of
the European Commission: the key competences to
be built at the end of the compulsory education (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2004) which is the 8th grade in
The educational paradigm in Bulgarian traditional
school could be stated as math KSA to be formed in
classroom environment focused on reaching the offi-
cial educational standards (Bulgarian Ministry of Ed-
ucation, 2006). A nontraditional form that serves this
paradigm is the project-based education (or project-
based learning, also project-based problem solving):
it aims at forming KSA in a particular subject like
Lazarov B..
Project-oriented Education as a Platform for Transfer of Math KSA.
DOI: 10.5220/0005485403250330
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2015), pages 325-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-108-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
physics, biology, etc., in the frame of the classroom
activities; the indicators of progress are related to
the educational standards (Dimitrova, 2008). In one
sentence: the project-based education operates in the
same educational context as the traditional classroom
education, upgrading it with new types of activities.
The domain of the project-oriented education is ex-
tracurricular and facultative forms or interdisciplinary
activities. The educational goals of POE are con-
nected with the applications of KSA which are (ex-
pected to be) built during regular school practice in a
different educational context. The role of POE is aux-
iliary and aims to support the transition of analytical
subject knowledge into synthetic one. From this per-
spective, the following educational paradigm could be
basic KSA to be formed in traditional classroom
the transferability and multifunctionality of KSA
to be checked in different context;
KSA to be turned into competence of syn-
thetic type by providing appropriate platform (like
However, sometimes new KSA are required for build-
ing bridges between school subjects that are included
in a particular project initiative and these KSA be-
come a product of POE. Then a reverse question ap-
pears: is such new knowledge applicable to some cur-
riculum topics and how does it correspond to the ed-
ucational standards. In other words are the KSA, that
are formed in auxiliary educational activity, transfer-
able to the traditional classroom context.
The project-oriented education could be successfully
implemented as an upgrade of the traditional class-
room practice but there should be enough space for
it. The general mathematics schedule is overloaded
with topics closely related to the educational stan-
dards. This is why some project-oriented initiatives
should be accommodated as facultative ones. In the
years 2013/2014 and 2014/2015, we orchestrated two
teaching experiments to clarify the degree of transfer-
ability of math KSA from POE context into regular
classroom problem-solving, and as a result to evalu-
ate the achievement of the compulsory math standards
(Bulgarian Ministry of Education, 2006). Both ex-
periments took place in the frame of an elective math
course with 7th grade students.
The integrated approach was adopted as a school
strategy in a Bulgarian private secondary school
(Lazarov and Severinova, 2014). The mathematics
curriculum was split into two independent parts: the
compulsory content for the Bulgarian schools and a
complementary mathematics according to the Level
Up Maths course (Pledger, 2009). There is a poor
connection between these two parts which causes se-
rious problems for students while building even some
basic KSA in many math topics. We saw a possible
cure in organizing POE and we applied it. However,
whether POE could be such cure at all, we tried to
understand by examining the transfer of some math
The experimental groups were of 16 students for the
first experiment and 10 students for the second, all
of them 7th graders (13-14 years old). Students were
divided in teams (up to 3 members) and each team
was given a project assignment. The preparation and
project activities lasted 4 weeks.
4.1 Project Assignments
The Level Up Maths course (ibid.) contains three
lessons on solving simultaneous equations: one ded-
icated to the graphical method, another one about
some analytical methods and a special lesson called
Top Profit where two optimization problems of linear
programming were given to illustrate ”the big idea”
of implementation of simultaneous equations. We
prepared project assignment for the teams which in-
three given problems to be solved in paper-and-
pencil (P& P) mode,
another problem of the same type to be posed and
dynamic-geometry-software (DGS) applets to be
composed for illustration and experimental work,
computer presentation to be designed and per-
4.2 The Assignment Problems
The first two problems for the project assignments
were modifications of the ones from the textbook
(Pledger, 2009); the third problem was taken (directly
or slightly modified for the different teams) from a
university math course (Jagdish and Lardner, 1989).
The fourth problem was to be stated and solved by
the teams. Here is one set of assignment problems.
Problem 1. A company manufactures two phone
models: X and Y. It takes 4 hours to produce each
item of type X and the company makes a profit of 5
from such an item; it takes 5 hours to produce
each item of type Y and the company makes a profit of
11 levs from it. The company can produce at most 300
phones of each type and has 1600 hours to complete
the order. Find the number of phones of each type that
should be produced to make the largest profit.
Problem 2. A company manufactures two bicy-
cle gears: X and Y. It takes 4 hours to produce a gear
X and the company makes a profit of 7 levs from it;
it takes 2 hours to produce a gear Y which makes a
profit of 3 levs. The company can produce at most 400
gears of type X and 300 Y gears; it has 2000 hours to
complete the order. Form four equations as follows:
about the maximum number of hours; about the max-
imum number of each gear type; about the profit. Plot
the graph of the first three equations (on a sheet of pa-
per and by GeoGebra). Find the point that gives the
largest profit.
Problem 3. A company manufactures two prod-
ucts: X and Y. Each item of type X needs 5 units of
raw materials and 2 units of energy; each item of type
Y needs 3 units of raw materials and 4 units of energy.
The company has available 105 units of raw materials
and 70 units of energy. It can make a profit of 200 levs
from each item X and 160 levs from each Y. Find the
number of items of each type that should be produced
to get the largest possible profit.
Problem 4. State and solve a problem about top
profit following the model of Problem 3. (Figure 1)
Figure 1: One of the 4th (students’) problems.
4.3 Data Collection and Indicator
The data to be analyzed were collected from the stu-
dents’ P& P work, from the project presentations, and
from the results of a control test. The indicator we
observed was
Lev is the Bulgarian currency
Transfer of knowledge and skills about simulta-
neous equations built in a POE context to standard
problem-solving skills, including:
I1 – introduction of relevant notations;
I2 – composition of proper equations (modeling a sit-
I3 – skills in solving linear simultaneous equations;
I4 qualitative interpretation of the quantitative data.
The progress of this indicator we examined by
a control test of 4 standard problems, taken from a
training book (Savova et al., 2010) for the exam at
the end of the 7th grade (see the Appendix). The
first two problems are routine ones and allow repro-
ductive approach; the third one requires transfer of
some algebraic knowledge and skills to geometrical
context. The fourth problem is also standard but at
that moment the students have not been introduced
to this particular problem-solving technique yet, so
this problem seems to be of productive (creative) type.
However, there is some common sense reasoning that
allows to solve the fourth problem without calcula-
The outcomes of the project work in both experiments
were satisfactory in general.
Figure 2: P& P fragments from a team project.
In figures: 5 of 6 teams during the first experiment
and 3 of 4 teams during the second one presented
their projects. Most of the teams demonstrated rea-
sonable KSA in both graphical and analytical method
(Figure 2), they prepared accurate diagrams and draw-
ings. Some students used shorthand as thick and cross
to avoid long explanations in their P& P part of the
The presentation files were properly designed.
Most of the students demonstrated considerable level
of reasoning and interpretation of the solutions dur-
ing the performance (Figure 3). There were several
marginal cases in the 4th problem because the prob-
lem data were not adjusted (the students chose figures
from their common sense perspective) and even then
the teams gave sensible explanations. All these ob-
servations gave us the reason to claim that math KSA
concerning the modeling of real-life situations by si-
multaneous equations and solving them are formed in
these particular project-oriented initiatives.
Figure 3: Analyzing data to form equations (screen from a
team presentation).
We did not perform enough preparation for the
dynamic-geometry-software activities during the first
experiment mainly because of our improper estima-
tion of the time necessary for students to learn com-
puter applications. After one introductory lesson
about GeoGebra we made just a few demonstrations
how to apply the software in solving simultaneous
equation graphically. This gap was filled up during
the second experiment by two more lessons dedicated
to DGS applets. The DGS skills built during these
two lessons were enough for the half of the students
to make appropriate applets (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Students’ graphical illustration for the 4th project
We find the students’ achievements in both experi-
ments close to the stated educational goal. But the test
results of the first experiment are significantly lower
than the ones of the second experiment.
6.1 The First Experiment
The test was done by 6 students. Of them: 1 stu-
dent managed to apply the method to solve 2 of the
4 problems by simultaneous equations and the rest by
common sense and basic skills; 1 student applied the
method to 1 problem and solved two more problems;
3 students tried to apply a kind of a mix of ’ideas’,
but far from satisfactory; 1 student did nothing. The
rest of the group did not do the test but showed poor
knowledge and skills in solving problems (very simi-
lar to the test ones) during the regular lessons after the
6.2 The Second Experiment
The test was done by 9 students. One of them re-
turned blank sheet. The first problem was solved by
the other 8 and they all applied the simultaneous equa-
tions. The second problem was solved by 4 students
completely and 1 succeeded to compose the system of
equations. The third problem was solved by 3 of the
students and 1 succeeded to compose the system of
equations. Four students composed a relevant system
for the last problem but none managed to solve it; one
of them made qualitative justification that there is no
solution of the modeled situation.
We are going to give more details about the second
experiment because it fits better the educational goal
and the outcomes are more representative. Table 1
shows the progress made by students (S1-S9) in solv-
ing the test problems (TP1-TP4) according to the in-
dicator items (I1-I4).
Now we are going to analyze the performance of
some students whose results could be considered em-
blematic for the different stages of transfer of KSA.
Table 1: The coverage of the indicator.
S1 I1,I2,I3 I1 I1, I2
S3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2 I1
S4 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2
S5 I1,I2,I3
S6 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2
S7 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I4
S8 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1,I2,I3 I1
S9 I1,I2,I3
7.1 Excellence
Student S7 gained the full score on the test (the only
one). She passed quickly through the first three prob-
lems. Then she composed an equation for the fourth
problem and observed (comparing coefficients) that
it cannot be solved in positive numbers. S7 demon-
strated high style of writing, proper introduction and
usage of notations, skills in algebraic transformations,
qualitative estimation of quantitative values. Accord-
ing to our indicator, we can claim that there is transfer
of KSA in full scale.
7.2 Satisfactory
Students S3, S4 and S8 managed to solve the first two
problems completely; S4 and S5 solved problem 3
and S3 composed the system of problem 3. Let us
stress that these students applied algebraic method
to geometrical problem which requires connections
between two concepts and corresponding notations
(Figure 5). We consider this to be the desirable nor-
mal case: transfer of KSA at operational level into
new context.
Figure 5: S4’s solution of the 3rd test problem (S
and S
stand for the area, P
stands for the perimeter).
7.3 Below Average
Students S1, S5 and S9 solved completely only prob-
lem 1, applying simultaneous equations. S5 and S9
did not present their project and we will skip the dis-
cussion about transfer of their KSA. It is more likely
they have incomplete knowledge and poor skills, i.e.
there was little to be transferred. In contrast to this, S1
presented a very good project. He applied graphical
method (by DGS) to get the solutions of the problems
but made no analytical calculations. S1 also com-
posed relevant systems to problems 2 and 4 on the test
but did not solve them. It remains to clarify whether
S1 could solve these two problems if he was allowed
to use a computer.
We found that the transfer of the math KSA from the
context of their formation to another context is not to
be taken for granted for the 7th grade students. Our
conclusion is indirectly confirmed by the represen-
tative statistics (CKOKUO, 2013), if we accept the
definition of synthetic competence as it is given in
(Lazarov, 2013). As a rule, on this stage the formation
of the students’ expression style and their deductive
abilities are still in progress. More able students per-
form well the reproductive tasks realizing decontex-
tualization of math KSA. But our experiments clearly
show that even advanced students (S3, S4 and S8)
meet difficulties when they try to apply math KSA
in productive mode and in another context. The POE
provides one more opportunity for decontextualiza-
tion of higher order math KSA. Comparing the two
experiments, we may explain the better test results in
the second experiment with the additional GeoGebra
activities. But how this factor influences the transfer
of the KSA is still not clear.
The case with S1 shows the need of rele-
vant methodology for computer-supported-problem-
solving in teaching-learning traditional math topics.
Such methodology could (and should) impact both
educational standards and examination assessment
policy. The KSA transfer is restricted by the spe-
cific subject language. This means that in a POE, stu-
dents express themselves in metalanguage which in-
cludes natural language extended with subject slang,
dynamic software and multimedia. But students are
allowed to express themselves only in narrow tradi-
tional form when doing a regular routine practice in
subject education.
The transfer of math KSA requires appropriate
media the students’ natural language is not suffi-
cient to serve this purpose. The common mathemat-
ical language is very difficult to be acquired till the
end of the 7th grade. The experts in language educa-
tion introduced the concept of plurilingualism when
people communicate in a conglomerate of natural lan-
guages (Council of Europe, 2011). Spreading this
idea on the math education could be very produc-
tive in supporting the students’ creative work. The
natural language and special languages (like math-
ematical) will be only a part of a language expan-
sion. Synthetic symbols (pictures, drawings, applets,
whole screens including music and animation) are
created in a linear way but further act as multidimen-
sional semiotics terms and serve as a plurilingualis-
tic tool. Using synthetic symbols, the students get
more channels for communication, but these addi-
tional resources are available only in project-based
and project-oriented education. We prefer the sec-
ond one because it provides more opportunities and
flexibility in stating goals, indicators for success, etc.
From this perspective, it is worth studying the role of
DGS in the transfer of math KSA.
The author thanks to Daniella Severinova for provid-
ing the opportunity to put into practice the experimen-
tal teaching, to Diana Semkova for the assistance in
organizing this particular POE, and to Albena Vas-
sileva for the improvement of the text. The author
also appreciates the reviewers’ notes which he takes
into account in the final editing of the paper.
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Control Test Problems
TP1. A student paid 30 levs for two books. If the first
book was 25% cheaper and the second one was 50%
more expensive, the two books would be of the same
price. Find the price of each book.
TP2. Find the larger of two positive numbers if their
ratio is 8:5 and their difference equals 27.
TP3. The difference of the areas of two squares is 85
. The side of the first square is 5 cm longer than
the side of the second one. Find the perimeter of the
larger square.
TP4. The copper-zinc ratio in an alloy is 1:4 and in
another alloy it is 2:3. How much of each alloy should
be taken to produce 10 kg alloy in which the copper-
zinc ratio equals 3:2?