Localizing Changes in Driver Behavior via Frequency-pattern-analysis
M. Schneider, M. Sieber and B. F
Human Factors Institute (IfA), Universit
at der Bundeswehr M
unchen, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, Neubiberg, Germany
Data Analysis, Driver Behavior, Driver Assistance Systems, T-Test, Fourier-Series.
Explorative analysis of driver behavior, a key variable in the context of automotive research and development,
can be tedious. The authors present a quick and easy method to identify changes in recorded driver behavior
data. The method consists of a data processing algorithm that uses Fourier-series and statistical t-tests to
identify points in time where changes in the frequency of the recorded signal occur. An exemplary use-
case for the method is presented for driver steering torque data obtained in an experiment with an automatic
obstacle-avoidance maneuver. The results allow for the assumption that changes in frequency of driver steering
torque may mark meaningful, implicit changes in driver behavior even when driver behavior does not explicitly
change, thereby making obvious the potential of the proposed analysis method.
Driver behavior is a key variable in the context of au-
tomotive research and development. For the evalua-
tion of a driver assistance system, for example, driv-
ing experiments are conducted to observe the human-
machine-interaction. Manual processing of the at-
tained data is tedious but often the only option where
the analysis is of an explorative nature and points of
interest within the analyzed data are yet unknown.
For this reason the authors of this paper devised a
method to automatically identify changes in subjects’
driving behavior without the need to manually sight
individual data.
The proposed method utilizes a combination of
Fourier-series, see e.g. (Goebbels and Ritter, 2011),
and t-tests, see e.g. (Bortz, 1977). Based on the
assumption that changes in recorded driver behav-
ior (e.g. driver steering wheel torque) manifest in a
change of the frequency pattern of the recorded sig-
nal, the method poses a viable tool for the explorative
analysis of driver behavior.
2.1 Theoretical Approach
In order to be able to detect points of interest within
recorded data, where the recorded signal changes sig-
nificantly, the processing algorithm must employ sta-
tistical tests comparing the data preceding the point of
interest to the data following it.
To do so, at least one of the data’s characteristics
must be chosen for comparison. The authors chose
the frequency of the recorded signal. Fourier-fitting
the data and comparing frequencies allows for com-
parison of trends and tendencies rather than merely
absolute values, and can therefore potentially prove
more revealing. Other methods of fitting the recorded
signal (linear, polynominal, Gaussian and spline fit-
ting) and comparing the resulting characteristic pa-
rameters have been considered but not been found to
yield better results.
The authors employed Fourier fitting of the fourth
order based on the equation (Mathworks, 2015)
g(x) = a
· cos(i · x · f ) + b
· sin(i · x · f )
Comparing the entire range of parameters of the
Fourier series (a
to a
, b
to b
and f ) in order
to identify points of interest using multivariate anal-
ysis of variance has not proven more advantageous
than comparing only the frequencies f , which in turn
requires less computational power and is therefore
In a first approach, the authors chose a repeated
measures t-test for the purpose of testing for signifi-
cance. The repeated measures or paired t-test calcu-
lates the probability of yielding a difference between
paired samples of at least the observed mean differ-
ence, given its distribution (estimated by the observed
standard deviation of the differences) and sample size.
Schneider M., Sieber M. and Färber B..
Localizing Changes in Driver Behavior via Frequency-pattern-analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005486800330038
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS-2015), pages 33-38
ISBN: 978-989-758-109-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)