Recent studies on companies’ data-centers show that
a VM consume an average of 4 GB of Memory and
128 GB of storage. Thus, it will take a minimum of
17.5 minutes (resp. 1.75 minutes) with a 1 Gb/s (resp.
10 Gb/s) network to realize a complete VM migra-
tion. Moreover, a classical consolidation ratio in vir-
tualized data centers is 50 VMs per server. Accord-
ing to the approach that we are considering in EPOC
(VOVO Policy), our data center needs to be able to
migrate all the VMs running on a server (7.5 TB),
whenever the hypervisor requests to turn this server
off in order to save power. Having one optical port
per rack means that its bandwidth might be shared by
the servers located in this rack. Then, is this band-
width enough to migrate all the VMs in one server?
Using 10 Gb/s this operation takes around 2 hours.
However, if we consider an example, 32 servers per
rack, the same operation would take about 53 hours,
since now the bandwidth is being shared by the 32
servers. Consequently, increasing the bit rate of the
interconnection network becomes a must.
To overcome the aforementioned problem, classi-
cal dynamic consolidation system uses live migration
with a Storage Area Network (SAN). In this case, the
VM storage is shared between all servers and live mi-
gration is limited to transfer VMs memory. Never-
theless, adding a SAN impacts on the global DC en-
ergy consumption. EpoCloud proposes to suppress
the SAN, which is a dedicated network providing ac-
cess to consolidated data storage.
Among various components of a data center, stor-
age is one of the biggest consumers of energy. An
industry report (Inc, 2002) shows that storage devices
account for almost 27% of the total energy consumed
by a DC. By suppressing the SAN we optimize the en-
ergy consumption but we introduce a strong hypothe-
sis on the technical architecture : for accessing data of
applications and systems, we can only use local disk
servers. Turning off a server involves transferring 7.5
TB on average. Given this scenario, a high broad-
band network is required, but is a 100 Gb/s network
card really exploitable with current server technolo-
gies? In this article, we present an innovative net-
work architecture, detailed in section 3.1, a pre-study
in section 3.2, and finally, we describe in section 3.3
architectural motives and principles for the integra-
tion of renewable energy.
3.1 Network Architecture
A classical interconnection architecture is based on
a 3-Tier fat-tree topology as presented in (Kachris
and Tomkos, 2012). Each of the three main switch-
ing layers - core, aggregation, and ToR (top-of-the
rack)- uses Electrical Packet Switches (EPS). Servers
accommodated into racks are connected through the
ToR switches to the aggregation layer, and from there
to the core layer using the aggregation switches. Fi-
nally, the core switches provide interconnection to the
internet (or outside the DC).
The introduction of optical communications
seems to be crucial, because it can achieve very
high data rates, low latency and low power consump-
tion (Kachris and Tomkos, 2013). This has recently
become a hot research topic inside the optical net-
working community. Some authors propose a direct
migration to all-optical architectures, most of them
based on Optical Circuit Switching (OCS) (Singla
et al., 2010) that does not meet the needs of a variable
traffic over time. Some hybrid architectures, involv-
ing several hierarchy levels, could have the potential
to connect millions of servers in giant DC (Gumaste
and Bheri, 2013). As already noted, EPOC aims at
focusing on small/medium size data centers.
For transferring 7.5 TB, implementing a full op-
tical interconnection architecture could be an attrac-
tive option, in terms of latency, power consump-
tion and control complexity. This implies using Op-
tical Packet Switching (OPS) technology, whose ma-
turity is still highly questionable, in spite of sev-
eral decades of investigation for telecom network ap-
plications (Yoo, 2006). Nevertheless, several tech-
niques, relying on fast wavelength tunable optical
emitters, have recently gained a renewed attention,
in particular for metropolitan area network applica-
tions. These techniques include TWIN (Time-domain
Wavelength Interleaved Networks), originally pro-
posed by Lucent (Sanjee and Widjaja, 2004), and
POADM (Packet Optical Add and Drop Multiplexer)
proposed by Alcatel-Lucent (Chiaroni, 2008).
In the EPOC project, we decided to investigate
a third option, derived from TWIN, which was pre-
sented in (Indre et al., 2014) under the name of POPI
(Passive Optical Pod Interconnect). The main moti-
vation for this choice is that POPI uses a purely pas-
sive optical network, with power consumption con-
centrated at networks edge. Note that the passive
nature of the POPI network provides a high relia-
bility. This architecture is simpler than the classical
EPS one (Kachris and Tomkos, 2012), in the sense
that there is no ToR switch and the existence of racks
will depend on the bandwidth assigned per server (see