semantic aspect of WS discovery, we extract the
BPEL sequencing of each WS found and then we
select the relevant one.
2.1 WordNet
The goal of WordNet was to develop a system that
would be consistent with the knowledge acquired
over the years about how human beings process
In (Miller, 1995), WordNet is defined as a large
lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives
and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive
synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct
concept. Synsets are interlinked by means of
conceptual-semantic and lexical relations.
WordNet is a large semantic network interlinking
words and groups of words by means of lexical and
conceptual relations represented by labeled arcs.
WordNet’s building blocks are synonym sets
(synsets), unordered sets of cognitively synonymous
words and phrases (Christiane, 2005).
The authors in (Morato, 2004), define WordNet
as one of a series of manually compiled electronic
dictionaries, is restricted to no specific domain and
covers most English nouns, adjectives, verbs and
adverbs. WordNet offers researchers a cost-free use
and well-documented open code. It is an ideal tool
for disambiguation of meaning, semantic tagging
and information retrieval.
In our work, the consumer inputs is a set of
keywords that define his requirements. If we don’t
specify clearly these inputs, we risk falling in
linguistic polysemy case. So, we seek to find
synonyms to all consumer inputs to properly filter
the service concerned. That's why we have chosen to
use WordNet as ontology.
2.2 Statecharts - Automaton
In literature, authors define statechart as visual
formalism for description of complex systems
behaviour. Digital controllers, which act as reactive
systems, can be very conveniently modelled with
statecharts and efficiently synthesized in modern
programmable devices (Łabiak, 2010).
In formal grammar, an alphabet Σ is a finite and
not empty set of symbols. Σ * is the closure of Σ. A
language on an alphabet Σ is a subset of the set Σ *.
A transition diagram allows achieving an
operational vision of the concept of language. It is a
finite collection of states and transitions.
The statechart notation was developed by David
Harel (Harel, 1987). Statechart diagrams are useful
for modelling the lifetime of an object. They are
used to describe the system behavior using a finite
The automaton is represented as a directed graph
known as state graph which consists of a finite set of
vertices known as nodes, together with a set of
directed links between pairs of vertices called arcs.
Vertices are represented by circles and arcs by
arrows. We can also represent an automaton with a
state-transition table (Bhattacharjee, 2014).
The transition table can be associated to the
automaton which describes extensively the transition
function δ. A column is a character of the alphabet.
A line is a state of the automaton (the initial state is
preceded by an arrow "→", the final state is
preceded by a star "*").
The value δ (q, a) for q ∈ Q, a ∈ Σ corresponds to
the state at the intersection of the row q and the
column a. Note that from this table it is easy to find
all the statements and the alphabet and thus identify
exactly the automaton.
An automaton reads a finite string of symbols a
a2, a
, where a
∈ Σ, which is called an input word.
The set of all words is denoted by Σ*. Accepting
word is the word w ∈ Σ* which is accepted by the
automaton if q
∈ F. An automaton can recognize
a formal language. The language L ⊆ Σ* recognized
by an automaton is the set of all the words that are
accepted by the automaton. The Deterministic Finite
Automata has a finite internal memory available. At
each input letter the state of the internal memory is
changed depending on the letter scanned.
The previous memory state and the input letter
together determine what the next state of the
memory is. The word is accepted if the internal
memory is in an accepting state after scanning the
entire word (Kari, 2013).
In our approach, we use automaton as a
scheduling method of WS operations (where we
order the WS operations in the aim to respect the
non functional/functional properties). Each operation
represents a transition from a state to another. The
automation generates a language (ordering list of
operations) that specify the words to accept.
2.3 WSDL
A WSDL document is, at its simplest, a collection of
elements contained within a root definition element.
These elements describe a service and how an
endpoint implementing that service is accessed
Each WSDL includes two parts, the abstract and
the concrete. Abstract part describes the messages