Table 4: Top 5 hidden prerequisites for Business majors. Note CAPP-120 is computer applications course.
without A with A without A with A
A B fail B pass B fail B pass B p-value B pass rate B pass rate
CAPP-120 MUSI-203 6 78 0 309 8.3E-5 92.9% 100.0%
CAPP-120 BGEN-499 13 164 8 566 1.3E-4 92.7% 98.6%
ACTG-223 BFIN-322 47 379 12 250 1.2E-3 89.0% 95.4%
CAPP-120 STAT-216 50 111 74 308 1.3E-3 68.9% 80.6%
CAPP-120 PHL-110 12 93 4 177 1.4E-3 88.6% 97.8%
ECNS-101 BMGT-240 9 61 14 387 2.4E-3 87.1% 96.5%
M-171Q ECNS-301 42 93 0 17 2.8E-3 68.9% 100.0%
ACTG-327 BFIN-322 58 469 0 51 3.5E-3 89.0% 100.0%
WRIT-201 BGEN-499 22 555 0 165 3.6E-3 96.2% 100.0%
MUSI-211 ECNS-301 41 88 1 20 5.5E-3 68.2% 95.2%
Table 5: Most significant course pairs where order matters. Course pairs (A,B) are listed such that is beneficial to take course
A prior to course B.
A B p-value graduation (A < B) graduation (B < A)
PHSX-205 MUSI-203 5.2E-9 95.5% 77.5%
ECNS-101 MUSI-203 1.9E-6 87.0% 71.7%
WRIT-101 PHL-110 5.5E-6 73.1% 62.6%
CHMY-143 BIOM-250 7.1E-6 93.6% 66.7%
PHSX-220 PHL-110 7.7E-6 93.2% 77.2%
CHMY-141 BIOM-250 1.2E-5 88.2% 59.1%
ACTG-201 ACT-104 2.1E-5 94.7% 79.8%
ECNS-101 CHTH-205 2.2E-5 92.4% 58.1%
PHSX-220 ACT-104 3.2E-5 96.8% 71.7%
WRIT-101 ARTH-200 3.2E-5 80.3% 58.0%
ticular pair (A,B), the test is computed using Table 3.
Referring to Table 3, a p-value is computed using the
p =
a + b
c + d
a + b + c + d
a + c
. (4)
Table 4 shows the course pairs that had most striking
statistical relationships (lowest p-values). We note
that course pairs for which A is already a prerequi-
site do not show up since c and d will both be zero
and so p = 1 in (4).
Departments can use the list of hidden prerequi-
sites to improve course sequencing and potentially
make actual prerequisites. For example, in Table 4,
we see that the CAPP-120 course on computer appli-
cations is helpful for business students to take prior to
several other courses.
Certain classes may be beneficial to take early in an
undergraduate degree; conversely, other classes may
not be helpful to improving a student’s chances of
graduating. We also examined courses pairs (A,B)
to determine whether taking A before B or B before
A influenced the five-year graduation rate. For each
pair of courses in the data set, we computed the five-
year graduation rates for those students that took and
passed A prior to passing B and the opposite order-
ing. For simplicity and to avoid confounding cases,
we limited consideration to those students that passed
both courses on their first attempt. Using a similar
equation to (4), we then computed a p-value to test
the null hypothesis that the ordering of the pair (A, B)
does not affect graduation rates. Table 5 shows the top
10 course pairs where there is significant statistical
evidence (low p-value), taking course A before course
B (as opposed to B before A) improves the chance of
graduation. Figure 1 was generated by looking at all
significant pairs down to a p-value of 1.0E-3 (there
were 76 such pairs). For each unique course in this
list, we then counted the number of times it appeared
as an A course (better to take early) and the number of
times it appeared as a B course (better to take later).
If the count difference was at least 2, we plotted the
A and B values in Figure 1. What the data seems to
indicate is that there are some courses, e.g. WRIT-
101, College Writing for which it is beneficial to take
early in ones college career; it improves the chances
of graduation. Several other courses on the left side of
Figure 1 are also fundamental courses in mathemat-
ics and the sciences. Conversely, we see that some