As described above, the responsibility of secondary
control is to support the MG in achieving reliable
output from the different DGs. The control level
modeled in the next section is based on a general
approach to a central control for MGs. Based on the
results of this model, a centralized control method is
proposed to manage the output power from DGs;
however, their response time is not fast enough, and
it is necessary to add some ancillary service to cover
the delay time. The ESS is the best solution for a fast
response to cover the delay. Power management and
the balancing power between DGs and ESS is also
the duty of the MGCC. One challenge to centralized
control that might prevent the system operating at
the optimum level with high efficiency and good
performance is the high risk to system stability.
Fig.6 presents a chart of the challenges and
solutions. The decentralized control is proposed for
improving performance and enhancing the efficiency
of the system. Although this control type can help in
removing the MGCC from the microgrid, there are
some challenges to implementing the control
strategy—such as operating the microgrid using a
distributed control strategy during grid connection
mode and the synchronization process between DGs
and the main grid. Indeed, most studies of this
control method have focused on the island mode.
Moreover, The inability of controlling the system
during the transient and persistent faults that cause
blackout situations in microgrids (as well as black-
start coordination) without an MGCC and some of
the other management functions of the MG are
challenges to implementing a fully decentralized
control system (Shafiee, Guerrero et al. 2014). One
way of dealing with these challenges and achieving
a greater level of control in practice is to use a
distributed energy storage system, which would be
installed beside each DG. Based on the structure of
the system (see Fig.5), the arrangement consists of a
set of DGs with storage, along with separate primary
and secondary controls. Although a distributed
energy storage system has recently been proposed by
(Morstyn, Hredzak et al. 2014; Xu, Zhang et al.
2015), however in these studies, only the
possibilities of this system is investigated whereas
MGs are controlled centrally. The benefit of
combining the decentralized control for the DGs and
ESS is that it may help increase the efficiency of the
decentralized secondary control, by solving the
previous problems of this control level, as well as
increasing the power reliability by decreasing the
error rate and the number of unplanned interruptions
of the system, controlling the system during
transient faults and coordinating the system in black-
start situations. Finally, the faster response and
easier energy management in island mode will also
assist in critical situations.
Figure 7: The structure of the simulation case study.
The regulation of voltage and frequency in
hierarchical control, as described in Section 2, is
modeled in this section on the basis of the general
approach presented recently in many papers. In the
simulation, the centralized secondary control was
utilized, and some parts from models previously
created in joint projects between the University of
Vaasa, VTT, and ABB were employed. The network
examined in this paper is shown in Fig.7.
It consists of a transformer (MV/LV) with an 800
kVA capability and a circuit breaker (CB) controlled
by the MGCC. During the simulation, the islanded
microgrid is disconnected from the main grid by this
breaker. The inverter-based DGs operate on the
basis of active and reactive power control in grid
connection mode, and on the basis of voltage and
frequency control mode during island mode. Fig.8
shows the control-block diagram modeled in
PSCAD. The results obtained from the dynamic
system study are as follows: To investigate the
system in both modes, the system was connected to