In case a platform does not have the required
modules available, one can easily implement such a
module. The Java JCE receiver module for example
is implemented using only 1000 lines of prototypi-
cal code including some functionalities that are not
supported by the JCE framework. Our Java router
and sending communications modules do have 80 loc
each with a common protocol definition of 1500 loc.
The code of imported libraries are not included in the
numbers given.
Our approach complements classic solutions so that
the new requirements of heterogeneous applications
and cloud environments can be met. However, there
are still gaps neither the related work nor our ap-
proach can solve currently.
The first gap is the need to move authentication
away from the application. Our approach succeeds
in moving the authentication to the library and there-
fore preventing the sensitive credentials to be directly
processed by the application. Since the library runs
inside the application and shares its memory, an at-
tacker i. e. a malicious application might still be able
to eavesdrop or tamper with the sensitive information.
Having the credentials not reaching the application in
the first place would foreclose this attack vector com-
pletely. For web applications, this could be realized
by using a separated iFrame, in case of mobile de-
vices, specific CrySIL apps could be used that are uti-
lized by other apps via IPC calls.
Other future use cases include the emulation
of attribute/identity based encryption, or proxy-re-
encryption schemes by using flexible and fine grained
authentication systems. E.g., proxy-re-encryption
schemes could be emulated by handing out authen-
tication tokens to third-parties who – by supplying
these tokens – are allowed to re-encrypt data for spe-
cific recipients. Similar approaches could be used
for the emulation of identity/attribute-based encryp-
tion schemes. However, the CrySIL platform could
also be used to directly implement such schemes and
thereby enable their usage on arbitrary platforms.
These examples represent a small collection of
possible future directions.
The deployment of cryptographic functions in het-
erogeneous applications and storing and handling key
material in a secure way faces many challenges in re-
lation to lack of platform support and high complex-
ity for the development teams. One way to approach
these problems is the introduction of central services
that deploy secure key storage facilities and provide
APIs that can be used on arbitrary platforms. Several
companies already offer such systems for the deploy-
ment of specific cryptographic functions. However,
those system lack the flexibility in terms of supported
cryptographic algorithms and protocols and have not
been intended for generic use cases.
Therefore, this work presents the Crypto Service
Interoperability Layer (CrySIL) which has a highly
flexible architecture that is capable of combining cen-
tral and local cryptographic services. The current sys-
tem has already been successfully used for several
prototypical applications and is constantly improved
by adding additional support for cryptographic algo-
rithms and APIs for different platforms.
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