Content-based Image Retrieval System with Relevance Feedback
Hanen Karamti, Mohamed Tmar and Faiez Gargouri
MIRACL, University of Sfax, City Ons, B.P. 242, 3021, Sfax, Tunisia
CBIR, Image, Query, Relevance Feedback, Rocchio, Neural Network.
In the Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system, user can express his interest with an image to search
images from large database. The retrieval technique uses only the visual contents of images. In recent years
with the technological advances, there remain many challenging research problems that continue to attract
researchers from multiple disciplines such as the indexing, storing and browsing in the large database. How-
ever, traditional methods of image retrieval might not be sufficiently effective when dealing these research
problems. Therefore there is a need for an efficient way for facilitate to user to find his need in these large
collections of images. Therefore, building a new system to retrieve images using the relevance feedbacks
technique is necessary in order to deal with such problem of image retrieval.
In this paper, a new CBIR system is proposed to retrieve the similar images by integrating a relevance feed-
back. This system can be exploited to discover a new proper query representation and to improve the relevance
of the retrieved results. The results obtained by our system are illustrated through some experiments on images
from the MediaEval2014 collection.
The Content-based images retrieval (CBIR), tech-
nique to search for images not by keywords but by
comparing features of the images themselves, has
been the focus of much research and it has gained
more attention recently. Consider for instance adding
CBIR to different systems of images retrieval such as
Google Images, where we would be able to search for
images similar to a query image instead of using key-
In CBIR, images are indexed by their visual con-
tents such as color, texture, etc. Many research ef-
forts have been made to extract these low level fea-
tures (Ilbeygi and Shah-Hosseini, 2012), evaluate dis-
tance metrics (Tomasevand Mladenic, 2013) and look
for efficient searching models (Squire et al., 1999),
(Swets and Weng, 1999).
The diversification of search results is increas-
ingly becoming an important topic in the area of im-
ages retrieval. Traditional image retrieval systems al-
lows rank the images by their similarity to the query,
and relevant images can appear at separate places in
the list. Often the user would like to have the relevant
images in the first of the list. So, the relevance feed-
back techniques are appeared as solution to improve
the search of such CBIR system.
The concept of relevance feedback (RF) was ini-
tially developed, in information retrieval systems
(SRI), to improve document retrieval (Salton, 1971).
This same technique can be applied to image retrieval.
But, Relevance feedback is nonetheless still very well
suited for this task as. Most existing RF algorithms
are based on techniques for expanding or reformulat-
ing query. Automatic query expansion is an effec-
tive technique commonly used to add images, from
the result, to a query (Rahman et al., 2011). Unfortu-
nately, casual users seldom provide a system with the
relevance judgements needed in relevance feedback.
In such situation, pseudo-relevance feedback (Wang
et al., 2008)(Yan et al., 2003) is commonly used to
expand the user-query, where actual input from the
user is not required. In this method, a small set of
documents are assumed to be relevant without any in-
tervention by the user.
The query expansion method has been actively
studied in CBIR systems by using the Standard Roc-
chio’s Formula (Joachims, 1997). Given an image
query, the algorithm first retrieves a set of images
from the returned result, it combines them with the
query to build a new query. While the implementa-
tion of the Rocchio formula requires a vector space
model to integrate the relevance feedback informa-
tion. The objective of this paper is to find ways to
apply Rocchio formula in CBIR system. For that, we
try to design a new vector space model.
Karamti H., Tmar M. and Gargouri F..
Content-based Image Retrieval System with Relevance Feedback.
DOI: 10.5220/0005488502870292
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 287-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews certain CBIR systems. Section 3 in-
troduces our proposed system. Section 4 reports our
experimental results on automatic image search. Sec-
tion 5 concludes this paper.
As the network and development of multimedia tech-
nologies are becoming more popular, users are not
satisfied with the traditional information retrieval
techniques. These techniques relies only on low-level
features, also known as descriptors. In recent years,
a variety of systems have been developed to improve
the performance of CBIR, such as the system elabo-
rate by lowe that proposes the scale-invariant feature
transform (SIFT) to capture local image information
SIFT (Anh, ). The SIFT feature detects the salient re-
gions in each image then it describes each local region
with a 128 feature vector (Lowe, 2004). Its advan-
tage is that both spatial and appearance information of
each local region are recorded in correspondence with
the spatial invariance changes in objects. As a result,
an image can be viewed as a bag-of-feature-points
(BOF) and any object within the image is a subset
of the points. With each representation of the (BOF-
points), image retrievalis carried out by comparing all
feature points in query image to those from all images
in the database. Therefore, image retrieval based on
BOF-points representation is a solution to the prob-
lems with a large database images. Others works are
based on the RootSIFT (Arandjelovic, 2012) and the
GIST (Douze et al., 2009) that learn the better visual
descriptors (than SIFT) (Winder et al., 2009) or bet-
ter metrics for descriptor comparison and quantiza-
tion (Daniilidis et al., 2010). The texture is applied
with Gabor filters method (Rivero-Moreno and Bres,
2003). These values are gathered and classified via a
neural network.
The comparison between images is done through
similarity calculation between their features. Some
studies were put forward to change their search
spaces, such as color space variationdescriptor (pierre
Braquelaire and Brun, 1997). Certain research works
carried out the minimization of the search scope by
calculating the closest neighbors designed to bring to-
gether the similar data in classes (Berrani et al., 2002).
Thus, image retrieval is carried out by looking for a
certain class.
The recent works on CBIR are based on the idea
where an image is represented using a bag-of-visual-
words (BoW), and images are ranked using term fre-
quency inverse document frequency (tf-idf) computed
efficiently via an inverted index (Philbin et al., 2007).
The disadvantage of these systems is that the user
does not always have an image meeting his actual
need, which makes the use of such systems difficult.
One of the solutions to this problem is the vector-
ization technique, which allows to find the relevant
images with a query which are missed by an initial
search. This process requires the selection of a set
of images, known as reference. These references are
selected randomly (Claveau et al., 2010), or the first
results of an initial search (Karamti et al., 2012) or
the centroids of the classes gathered by the K-means
method (Karamti, 2013).
All these retrieval systems are based on a query
expressed by a set of low-level features. The extracted
content influences indirectly the search result, as it is
not an actual presentation of the image content. In or-
der to avoid such problem, we introduce a relevance
feedback technique (RF) to mend this problem. RF is
used in CBIR as is used in text retrieval (Mitra et al.,
1998). It change the inital query by a new other query.
This new query is build in function with the top of
images ranked returned for query retrieval (pseudo-
relevance feedback technique). The RF is used to in-
crease the accuracy of image search process. It was
first proposed by Rui et. al as an interactive tool in
content-based image retrieval (Rui et al., 1998).
In this paper, we propose a new relevance feed-
back method that integrates a new retrieval model,
which receives in the entry a query designed by a
score vector, obtained through the application of an
algorithm based on a neural network. This method
applies by adapting the standard rocchio formula.
This section describes the architecture of our
proposed CBIR system. Given a set of images
, I
), we aim to build a system that can auto-
matically find images similar to a query image q.
Figure 2 shows our system architecture.
The retrieving process is composed of 4 phases:
Indexing ((1), (2)): each image in database is in-
dexed by three descriptors to extract features that de-
scribe the image content (1):
Color layout descriptor (CLD)
CLD is a color descriptor, which is designed to capture
the spatial distribution of color in an image. The feature
extraction process consists of two parts: grid based repre-
sentative color selection and discrete cosine transform with
Figure 1: Our CBIR system architecture.
Gray Level Coocurrence Matrix (GLCM)
Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD)
All the visual features are extracted off-line and stored
in index which represents the Features space. Each
image I is described by a visual descriptor V
, where
is represented by a set of features (C
The same thing for the query (2). The feaures are
extracted by the same descriptors to build the visual
descriptor V
= (C
Retrieving ((3), (4)): To calculate the similarity
between representations content of query and images,
the system uses the euclidien measure (equation 1) in
order to produce for each image a relevance score (3).
Then, results are returned in descending order of
relevance (4) into a score vector S
= (S
, S
where n is the number of images in dataset.
= dist
) =
Visualization (5): The purpose of proposed inter-
face’s visualization is to visualize the retrievedimages
GLCM: method is a way of extracting second order sta-
tistical texture features. The approach has been used in a
number of applications. A GLCM is a matrix where the
number of rows and colums is equal to the number of gray
levels in the image.
EHD is a shape descriptor, which is proposed for
MPEG-7 expresses only the local edge distribution in the
for augmentinga user’s perception so as communicate
him with the interface to improve the search result.
Relevance Feedback (6): For the relevance feed-
back phase, system recovers the more relevant images
and it rebuilds a new query, in taking into account the
selected images. This is done by adapting the Stan-
dard Rocchio’s Formula (Joachims, 1997).
The objective of this paper is to find ways to apply
Rocchio in a CBIR system. First, we try to design a
vector space model: this transformation is called vec-
torization. There is a model of vectorization in in-
formation retrieval, our contribution is to develop a
model of vectorization in CBIR.
3.1 Vectorization Method
Conversion of the feature vector of an image to a vec-
tor score form is performed with the neural network.
The network is constructed by two layers:
input layer: corresponds to the features values of
query (V
output layer: corresponds to the score values ob-
tained by initial search of query (S
Given a set of queries (q
, q
, ..., q
), where each
query is represented by a features vector and a scores
vector, we put them into our neuron network by prop-
agating feature values from a set of score values.
For each query q
represented by V
, we propagate
values through the neural network in order to com-
pute S
scores 2.
W = S
Each connecting line, between input layer and output
layer, has an associated weight w
. Our neural net-
work is trained by adjusting these input weights (con-
nection weights), so that the calculated outputs may
be approximated by the desired values. For propa-
gation between features vector and scores vector, we
adapt the calculating weight algorithm (Karamti et al.,
W[i, j] = w
(i, j) {1, 2...m} × {1, 2...n} (3)
W =
. . . w
. . . w
. . . w
Since these scores do not correspond to the expected
scores (which are provided by the image retrieval pro-
cess), we use an error back propagation algorithm to
calibrate the w
weights. Where:
Algorithm 1: Propagation algorithm.
(i, j) {1, 2...n}{1, 2...m}
= 1
for each query q
for eachF
= (F
, F
) do
= (S
, S
= w
+ αF
end for
end for
is the actual score, and α is the learning parameter
coefficient (0 alpha < 1).
3.2 Integration of Standard Rocchio
To improve the results found by vectorization tech-
nique, we integrate the Standard Rocchio formula 4.
The Standard Rocchio’s Formula is coming from the
documentary information retrieval. This method re-
quires that the user selects from the displayed images
some relevant images and some non-relevant ones. In
this paper, the relevant images are automatically se-
lected following the pseudo-relevant feedback tech-
nique. This method assume that the first retrieved im-
ages k are relevant and uses these images to build the
new query.
Rocchio is given by the following formula:
= q
i (4)
- q
: the query issued by the user.
- q
: the new query.
- R: relevant images.
- S: irrelevant images.
- i: an image of dataset.
We conduct experiments to evaluate the impact of
vectorization and rocchio’s adaptation on predicting
the best relevance feedback model associated with a
query. We compare the performance of our best re-
trieval system with other CBIR systems.
4.1 Data Set
For the retrieval experiments we rely on the images
corpus from MediaEal 2014 (Ionescu et al., 2014).
The mediaEval2014 data set consists of 300 loca-
tions (e.g., monuments, cathedrals, bridges, sites, etc)
spread over 35 countries around the world. Data is di-
vided into a development set called devset, containing
30 locations, intended for designing the approaches.
A test set called testset, containing 123 locations, to
be used for the official evaluation. All the data was
retrieved from Flickr (devset fournit 8923 images et
TestSet 36452).
4.2 Evaluation
Performance is assessed for both diversity and rele-
vance. The following metrics are computed:
Cluster Recall at X (CR@X): a measure that
assesses how many different clusters from the
ground truth are represented among the top X re-
sults (only relevant images are considered).
Precision at X (P@X): measures the number of
relevant photos among the top X results and
F1-measure at X (F1@X): is the harmonic mean
of the previous two. Various cut off points are to
be considered, i.e., X = 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.
Official ranking metric is the F1@20 which gives
equal importance to diversity (via CR@20) and rel-
evance (via P@20). This metric simulates the content
of a CBIR system and reflects his behavior relative to
other systems.
4.3 Results
Figure 2 shows the values of average P@20, CR@20
and F1@20 results for the Run1. It’s a simple ex-
ample to show that the accuracy variation in func-
tion of Cluster Recall and F1-measure. What is in-
Figure 2: Evaluation of the 153 queries with P@50, CR@50 and F1@50.
teresting to observe is the fact that the highest preci-
sion is achieved with the majority of queries. While
the results for the CBIR comparison methods on
MediaEva2014 collections are presented in the fol-
lowing table:
Table 1: Retrieval Performances between initial search
(Run 1), vectorization method (Run 2) and Rocchio method
(Run 3).
Run name P@20 CR@20 F1@20
Run 1 0.7772 0.3265 0.4501
Run 2 0.7516 0.314 0.4329
Run 3 0.7879 0.4426 0.5552
Run 1: is our initial retrieving system.
Run 2: is our vectorization method.
Run 3: is our CBIR system by applying our vec-
torization method and the standard Rocchio for-
In fact, Table 1 summarises the results when returning
the top 20 images per location. We notice that the
found results by using the vectorization process are
very close to the initial system results.
Our goal by the application of vectorization
method is to find results that are very close to the
results by initial retrieval system (Run 1). Indeed,
the results found by the vectorization method (Run 2)
show that the transformation of the matching process
to a vector space model does not cause of informa-
tions loss.
Once the research model is vectorized, we can
added the standard formula Rocchio. For this adapta-
tion, we should choose a k number of the top retrieved
images (k is fixed to 50). Then, we can build a new
query in function of k and the old query used in initial
search. The proved results by adapting the Standard
Rocchio Formula (Run 3). With table 1, we can no-
tice that our RF method, based on Rocchio Formula
(Run 3), gives better results compared to the two oth-
ers runs.
In this paper, we presented a new system of CBIR that
contains a new technique of relevance feedback based
on the Sandard Rocchio Formula. This technique
needs a transformation from a matching model based
on vectors of features to a matching model based on
vectors of scores. In addition, we have shown how
a vectorization model can be used to enhance the
retrieval accuracy. Finally, we compare the perfor-
mance of the proposed system with three performance
Experimental results show that it is more effective
and efficient to retrieve visually similar images with a
relevance feedback technique based on scores’s vec-
tor representation of images.
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