Recommending Sources in News Recommender Systems
1 2
, Jon Atle Gulla
and R. Cenk Erdur
Department of Computer and Information Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Department of Computer Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Recommender Systems, News Source, News Recommendation.
Recommender systems aim to deliver the most suitable item to the user without the manual effort of the
user. It is possible to see the applications of recommender systems in a lot of different domains like music,
movies, shopping and news. Recommender system development have many challenges. But the dynamic and
diverse environment of news domain makes news recommender systems a little bit more challenging than other
domains. During the recommendation process of news articles, personalization and analysis of news content
plays an important role. But beyond recommending the articles itself, we think that where the news come from
is also very important. Different news sources have their own style, view and way of expression and they may
give the user a complete, balanced and wide perspective of news stories. In this paper we explain the need
for including news sources in news recommendation and propose a news source recommendation method by
finding out the implicit relations and similarities between news sources by using semantics and association
News recommendation is a challenging task which
includes many difficulties compared to other recom-
mendation domains. News domain has a very dy-
namic environment with usually hundreds of new ar-
ticles published every hour. While the number of on-
line articles increases, the recency and popularity of
articles change too fast which makes the recommen-
dation more challenging. In (Ozgobek et al., 2014)
challenges in recommender systems and news rec-
ommenders are explained in detail. To be able to
make suitable recommendations to the user, the rec-
ommender system needs the detailed user information
and/or the content of news items.
News recommendation is considered as the news
article recommendation. So each item that the recom-
mender system recommends is a news article. There
is a vast amount of research going on about news rec-
ommender systems and there are very successful re-
sults. But all the news recommender system research
is too much focused on the articles, analysis of the
text, finding similarities between news articles and
predicting user’s like on each article. There is no news
recommender system which takes the source of the
news into account that we could find.
Differentnews sources may have different special-
izations like sports, science etc. Even though they
publish the same story with other sources the way
they express the news, the words they select to use
may be different. Each news source has its own style,
view and way of expression that some users like and
some does not. So it is important to consider the dif-
ferences between news sources and to recommend ar-
ticles from the sources that users like.
Serendipity problem for recommender systems
addresses the problem of recommending similar or
the same items with the already recommended ones.
A different article describing the same event should
not be recommended while keeping the diversity of
recommendations (Lops et al., 2011). For news rec-
ommendersystems it is challenging to solve this prob-
lem because it is harder to understand the differences
of the meaning of the whole article. It is really hard to
distinguish the news articles if they are the same news
written in a different way or different news stories re-
lated to the same topic. For example two news articles
may be identical which are telling the same story or
they may be the different parts of one story. By rec-
ommending news sources we mitigate this problem.
When there is more than one news article on a specific
topic coming from the same news source, it is usually
possible to say that they are different news articles on
the same topic. We can recommend very similar ar-
ticles from the same source without worrying about
serendipity problem.
Özgöbek Ö., Gulla J. and Erdur R..
Recommending Sources in News Recommender Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005489205260532
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2015), pages 526-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-106-9
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In (Ofcom, 2013) it is stated that less than half
of online news users (45%) use only one source to
get the news. Similarly in (Media, 2012) it can be
seen that the average number of online news sources
consumed changes between 1.4 and 2.4 according to
the demographic differences, where the total average
is 2.0, including websites and apps.
News recommender systems usually include news
resources that are hard coded by the developers. Even
though it is possible to give the right to select the
news sources to the user, the user would select the
most trusted, liked or known news sources for her-
self. This prevents the users to discover new sources
of news articles and narrows the scope of the news
recommender system. Since many online news read-
ers usually check only a few online news sources in
their daily routine, it is hard for users to discover new
sources and gain a wider perspective by what they
read. In (Media, 2012) it is stated that “Our qualita-
tive research showed that reasons for multi-sourcing
can often be active choices, where a person seeks to
get a balanced, complete view of a story from across
a range of providers and platforms.”. So beyond mak-
ing personalized news article recommendation, it is
also important to make news source recommenda-
tions and consider the news sources in article rec-
ommendations. Among many online news sources it
is also a challenge to find the source that the users
would like. Considering the news sources including
websites, blogs and other possible sources during the
news recommendation process, helps us to increase
the quality of recommendations, provides better solu-
tions for dealing with the news recommender system
challenges and gives the chance to the users to dis-
cover different sources which they may like.
In this paper we propose a news source recom-
mendation method. To be able to recommend news
sources, we used two different methods to find out
the implicit relations and similarities between news
sources. The first method is a semantic analysis of
news content. For this method we built a small scale
ontology which includes important terms from spe-
cific news sources. The second method is the asso-
ciation analysis which is a data mining method. We
used the association analysis to find out the relations
between news sources according to the users’ read-
ing patterns. Then we compared and discussed these
two different approaches to find the hidden relations
between news sources.
The rest of the paper organized as follows. In
Section 2, we give information about the background
work done within the SmartMedia project which this
work also belongs to. Section 3 describes the related
work about semantic news recommender systems and
association rules for recommender systems. The de-
tails of our approach is explained in Section 4. In Sec-
tion 5 the results and discussion is explained. Finally
in Section 6 conclusion and future work is given.
SmartMedia project
in Norwegian University of Sci-
ence and Technology (NTNU) was started in 2011 in
close collaboration with Scandinavian media indus-
try. With this project it is aimed to present the on-
line newsinformation in an effective and personalized
way to the users while considering the point of view
of the journalists and media companies. The main
focus of the project is recommender systems and se-
mantic search.
Within the SmartMedia project it is presented a
user profiling approach for the mobile news recom-
mender systems (Gulla et al., 2013). In this work
the users’ actions on the mobile device is observed
and by using this information an approach for learn-
ing the user profiles is proposed. The implemented
mobile news recommender of SmartMedia project is
proposed in (Tavakolifard et al., 2013). There is also
ongoing work about the multi-platform implementa-
tion of our news recommender system. The progress
of building a complete and publicly available dataset
in Norwegian news domain is continuing (Ozg¨obek
et al., ) within the SmartMedia project.
The proposed work in this paper is also continuing
as a part of the SmartMedia project.
3.1 Semantic News Recommenders
Semantic approach is one of the methods for recom-
mendation. The main motivation to use semantics in
recommender systems is to be able to use the cultural
and linguistic background knowledge of the content
(Peis et al., 2008). The use of semantics reduces am-
biguity compared to keyword based systems, it allows
hierarchical representation of concepts and inference
(Cantador and Castells, 2009). In (Lops et al., 2011),
the semantic recommenders are grouped according to
their use of different semantic approaches. Since the
challenges to solve and approaches applied to solve
these challenges differs from domain to domain (Oz-
gobek et al., 2014), it is also possible to see different
semantic approaches for different domains. Although
there are a lot of semantic recommender system re-
search available, in this section we are going to con-
sider the semantic news recommenders which is our
main focus of interest.
In (Cantador and Castells, 2009), it is proposed a
news recommender system News@Hand, which uses
semantic technologies to provide recommendations.
Ontolgies are populated from the news contents by
extracting the noun terms. Also Wikipedia articles are
used to populate ontology classes. To overcome the
data sparsity problem in user profiles, it is proposed a
mechanism to expand the user preferences. The cur-
rent context is also considered and defined in a way
that the importance of concepts decreases within time
for making better context aware recommendations.
Hermes framework uses a semantic approach to
build personalized news service. (IJntema et al.,
2010) It is proposed an extension to the Hermes
framework for the semantic news recommendation
which is called Athena. For the recommendations,
first a user profile is constructed by using the user’s
reading history. Then by using the different simi-
larity measures and the ontology populated by the
Hermes framework recommendations are done. The
news recommendation method which is implemented
in Athena is proposed in (Goossen et al., 2011). In
this work, the well known method TF-IDF (Term
Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency) for con-
tent based recommenders is applied to the semantic
recommenders as CF-IDF (Concept Frequency - In-
verse Document Frequency). CF-IDF considers only
the key concepts in the news articles where TF-IDF
considers all the terms. Similarly, in (Capelle et al.,
2012) it is proposed two new methods called Synset
Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (SF-IDF)
which uses the WordNet synonym sets and Semantic
Similarity (SS) to calculate the similarities between
news items. It is used to recommend news items
based on the user behavior profile and semantic sim-
ilarity measure. The proposed methods are imple-
mented as the Ceryx frameworkwhich is an extension
of Athena.
(Rao et al., 2013) proposes an ontology based sim-
ilarity model to calculate the news-user similarity in
a semantic news recommender system. The ontolo-
gies are populated by using the online encyclopedias
as DBPedia. The proposed similarity model is built
on these ontologies and the background information
is used to measure the similarities between news arti-
cles and users.
In (Laˇsek and Vojt´aˇs, 2011) it is proposed a se-
mantic information filtering workflow in the news fil-
tering use case. The workflow includes many steps
including entity identification, semantic data crawl-
ing and building user profile. This work aims to use
the advantages of semantic background information
used together with the user profiles and improve the
results of name entity recognition by the help of user
Even though there are many works on person-
alized news recommendation, there is no research
which considers the news sources that we could find.
We think that having a wider perspective of news sto-
ries around the world or ignoring the news sources
that the user does not want to read is important. So
considering news sources is an important aspect of
news recommender systems to work on.
3.2 Association Rules for Recommender
Association analysis is a data mining method which
is used to discover the hidden relationships of items
in large datasets (Pang-Ning et al., 2006). The re-
lations are represented as association rules which is
shown as X Y where X and Y are disjoint item-
sets. The strength of association rules is measured
with two metrics called support and confidence. Sup-
port defines the proportion of the number of transac-
tions containing X and Y together to the total number
of itemsets in the dataset. Support is shown as s(X
Y) =
. Confidence defines the proportion of the
transactions which includes X and Y together to the
number of transactions only contains X. Confidence
is shown as c(X Y) =
Association analysis is widely used in many areas
for different purposes. A very common and success-
ful usage of association analysis is for the supermar-
kets to find out the hidden relations between prod-
ucts and change the sales policies accordingly. By
analyzing the users’ buying patterns it is possible to
find a relation between two disparate products (Pang-
Ning et al., 2006). There are also some studies about
the association rule mining in recommender systems.
In (Mobasher et al., 2001) a personalization frame-
work based on association rule discovery is proposed.
Association rules are also used to develop more se-
cure recommender systems. For example in (Sand-
vig et al., 2007) an association rule based algorithm
is presented to prevent the profile injection attacks in
recommender systems. In (Lemdani et al., 2010) it
is presented a collaborative filtering method by using
the association rules. Similarly (Sun et al., 2005) pro-
poses a method which applies quantitativeassociation
rules in collaborative filtering and compares with the
conventional Pearson method.
In our approach to the news source recommendation,
we used two different methods to find the similari-
ties between news sources. Our aim was to find out
some rules between news sources according to the
users’ reading patterns. We preferred to use associa-
tion rules because it givesexactly what we are looking
for. By using association rules we discovered some
rules like: ”Who reads from source X also reads from
source Y. which can be shown as X Y. This ap-
proach is a well known and used method in recom-
mender systems by itself. In addition to the findings
from association rules we wanted to see if the source
X and source Y are semantically related. To do that
we built a small ontology to detect the similarities be-
tween news sources. The details and results are given
4.1 Dataset
To test our approach we are using the YOW dataset
(Wolfe and Zhang, 2010). YOW dataset includes two
parts. The first part is publicly available on the web
and it is collected in a user study at Carnegie Mellon
University in 2004. This part of the dataset contains
the article information(document id, source etc.) read
by users, explicit feedback (user likes) and very de-
tailed implicit user feedback like the time spent on
each article. A small example from the dataset is
shown in Figure 1. In the dataset, each user, arti-
cle and source has a unique id. In Figure 1, we can
see which user (user id) read which article (DOC ID),
how much she liked (user like) and the source number
of the news article (RSS ID). YOW dataset contains
data collected from 25 users in total. The number of
read articles from each source by each user included
in this part of the dataset is used to find out the possi-
ble similarities between news sources.
Figure 1: A small example of the dataset.
The second part of the dataset is crawled from
RSS feeds (Zhang, 2005). This part includes textual
2 yiz/papers/data/YOWStudy/
information about news articles including the head-
line, an introductory text, URL and source number
(RSS ID). So by using the RSS IDs we can group the
news articles according to their sources. Since there
are many news articles from each source, it is pos-
sible to analyse the textual information for specific
sources. By using text analysis we extracted the key
concepts for every news source and built an OWL on-
tology for the ontology based similarity detection of
news sources.
4.2 Ontology based Similarity Detection
of News Sources
Ontologies and semantic reasoning is a useful way
of revealing relations between entities. For the news
sources, each source may have different areas of fo-
cus like sports, politics, movies etc. Or they may
use different terminology for news stories. On one
hand, finding important terms used in articles from
a news source can tell us more about the proper-
ties of that source. On the other hand, finding com-
mon similar terms of different news sources gives us
the chance to discover the similarities between news
sources. The YOW dataset contains the headlines and
short introductory text of each article. So we started
our progress of revealing the similarities between dif-
ferent news sources using ontologies by finding the
important terms of articles contained in each news
For ontology construction we use Prot´eg´e
. Prot´eg´e is a widely used open source plat-
form to build ontologies. TerMine is a text mining
tool to extract candidate terms from a text. It can also
be used as a Prot´eg´e plug-in.
The class hierarcy in the ontology is built accord-
ing to the common news article categorization. So it
is easy to see the detailed category and topic similar-
ities between news sources. A small example of the
ontology class hierarcy is shown in Figure 2. Each
individual in the ontology has an object property ’has
source’ which shows the source(s) of entites.
The developed ontology is a very small scale on-
tology only to study the possibility of recommending
news sources by using semantic relations.
When we analyse the resulant ontology which
contains more than 350 individuals from 26 differ-
ent sources and 16 main categories, we found some
relations between news sources. In Figure 3 relation
between two news sources number 8156 and 8174 is
shown as an exmple. They both include common top-
ics about actors. So it is possible to say that these two
Figure 2: A small example of the ontology class hierarcy.
Figure 3: Relation between two news sources as an exam-
news sources include related topics and if one user
likes one of the sources, it is possible to recommend
her articles from the other news source.
Also there is a possibility that even though the
sources are related in topic based, the user might not
like one of them because of the different language
used in that source or the different view of the writ-
ers over the topic (how they discuss on the topic).
This aspect of the news source recommendation will
be handled in future work. In this work our aim
is to show that it is possible to make recommenda-
tions based on semantic analysis and machine learn-
ing techniques together.
In our analysis of news sources like the exam-
ple shown in Figure 3, we consider a source relation
only if that source has two or more common enti-
ties with the other sources. By doing this we elim-
inate the chance factor on discovering relations of
news sources. For example, the name of actor might
be included in a news article related with sports, but
the news source can be a source related with only
sports, not with movies or actors. We eliminate the
chance factor in first step when we extract the impor-
tant terms from the text contained in a news source.
And by choosing only the relations containing more
than one common entity we make sure that we find
the related news sources.
In Table 1 it is provided some of the common re-
lations of news sources discovered by the semantic
relations in the ontology. In this table X-axis denotes
different news sources and y-axis shows different cat-
egories. The numbers in the table denotes the fre-
quencies of instances for each source in different cat-
4.3 Association Rule based Relation
Detection of News Sources
A users interest to a specific news source can be un-
derstood by looking at the number of articles read
from that source. For a user, as the number of read
articles from a specific source increases, it is more
likely that the user is interested in that news source.
If a user is interested in a few news sources, these
sources may be similar to each other or they may have
similar impact levels on readers. So finding the un-
derlying relations of news sources that is not clearly
visible becomes an important issue on news recom-
mendation. In this work we used association analysis
to find out the implicit relations between news sources
according to the users’ interests.
To analyze the users’ reading patterns by asso-
ciation rules, we extracted the number of reads per
user from each news source for 24 users and 26 news
sources. In Table 2 a small example of users’ number
of reads from different sources is shown. The news
sources used in this experiment are the same news
sources that we used to build an ontology which is
described in previous section. For applying the asso-
ciation analysis we used Orange
which is an open
source data visualization and analysis tool.
In the analysis of the results to preventconsidering
the rules which may occurred by chance, we ignore
the association rules which has a support number be-
low 0,4 and confidence number below 0,7. Especially
the support is known as an important measure for the
rules occur by chance (Pang-Ning et al., 2006).
In this work we proposed a news source recommen-
dation method which uses two methods to find the
Table 1: Some relations of news sources extracted from ontology. X-axis denotes different news sources.
1265 1302 1892 3616 8152 8155 8156 8157 8172 8174 8185 8195
Business 3 8 6
Entertainment 3 5 8 3 2 2
Economy 5
Event 2 6 3 2
Health 3 5 8
City 3 2 2
Software 6 2
Web 3 8
Table 2: Users’ number of reads from different sources.
Source X Source Y Source Z ...
User A 35 2 15 ...
User B 28 73 6 ...
User C 4 12 26 ...
... ... ... ... ...
most relevant news sources. The first method con-
tains semantic analysis of news content from differ-
ent sources. As it is explained in detail in Section 5.2
we built an ontology where each entity belongs to a
news source. So by looking at the number of entities
within a class which belongs to a specific news source
it is possible to see the topics included in that news
source. The second method uses the association anal-
ysis to find out the relations between news sources
according to the users’ reading patterns. When we
merge the results from these two methods we get the
most relevant news sources that the system can rec-
Our results show that it is possible to find a cor-
relation between the related news sources and users’
reading patterns. If there is an extracted rule like X
Y also there is usually a semantic relation between
news sources X and Y. In Table 3 it is shown the top
5 results of this correlation between association rules
and the ontology. All the relations seen in this table
occurs both in ontology and association rules. Each
source is represented by a four digit number, also
the association rule support and confidence values are
We see the news source recommendation in three
different aspects:
Possible solution to the serendipity problem.
Discovery of news sources for users. It gives a
wider perspective of news stories.
Better personalized news recommendations by
considering news sources. Some people like to
read from several different sources, some like to
follow only one.
Table 3: Ontology and association rule results.
Source 1 Source 2 Support Confidence
8156 8195 0,619 1,000
8153 8195 0,572 1,000
8156 8155 0,461 0,769
8172 8155 0,429 0,900
8172 8152 0,333 0,700
In this paper we presented a news source recommen-
dation method. As the number of online news sources
increases it becomes harder for users to find the suit-
able news sources for themselves. A user may spend
many hours to discover new sources of news which
she likes. It is also possible that she may never find
some sources that she would like. The same news
topic may be represented differently in different news
sources. So when the user likes how news topics
are represented and expressed in a specific source,
she would like to receive more news items from the
same source. For the news domain it is a challenge
not to recommend the same story from different news
sources. This approach may also be a solution for this
challenge. On one hand, reading several articles from
the same source may also give the user a coherent and
consistent view of stories. On the other hand, discov-
ering new sources and reading the stories from differ-
ent sources may give the user a complete, balanced
and wider perspective.
The news source ontology that we built is a small
scale ontology built for testing the idea of considering
news sources in news recommendation process. It is
possible to observe more correct relations in a bigger
ontology which we consider as a future work. Also
any improvements of the quality of the ontology will
help to get better results.
The importance of news recommendation which
considers the differences and similarities between
news sources looks promising to improve the recom-
mendation quality. On the other hand recommend-
ing the news sources itself is something that the news
recommenders should consider. This approach that
we used to evaluate the similarities between news
sources can also be used to find the correlations be-
tween news categories and make recommendations
considering the news categories where the categoriza-
tion of news articles is a challenge by itself.
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