PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework
for Cloud Services
Yiannis Verginadis
, Antonis Michalas
, Panagiotis Gouvas
, Gunther Schiefer
, Gerald H
and Iraklis Paraskakis
Institute of Communications and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Security Lab, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Stockholm, Sweden
Ubitech Ltd., Athens, Greece
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
CAS Software AG, Karlsruhe, Germany
South East European Research Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece
Data Privacy, Security by Design, Context-aware Security, Symmetric Searchable Encryption, Cloud Com-
The valuable transformation of organizations that adopt cloud computing is indisputably accompanied by a
number of security threats that should be considered. In this paper, we outline significant security challenges
presented when migrating to a cloud environment and propose PaaSword – a novel holistic, data privacy and
security by design, framework that aspires to alleviate them. The envisaged framework intends to maximize
and fortify the trust of individual, professional and corporate users to cloud services. Specifically, PaaSword
involves a context-aware security model, the necessary policies enforcement and governance mechanisms
along with a physical distribution, encryption and query middleware, aimed at facilitating the implementation
of secure and transparent cloud-based applications.
Until recently, large-scale computing was available
exclusively to large organizations with an abundance
of in-house expertise. Cloud computing has changed
that to the point where any user with even basic tech-
nical skills can obtain access to vast computing re-
sources at low cost. In the technology adoption life-
cycle, cloud computing has now moved from an early
adopters stage to an early majority, where we typi-
cally see exponential number of deployments (Santos
et al., 2009). Throughout the past few years, many
users have started relying on cloud services without
realizing it. Major web mail providers utilize cloud
technology; tablets and smartphones often default to
automatically uploading user photos to cloud storage
and social networks; finally, several prominent CRM
vendors offer their services using the cloud. In other
words, the adoption of cloud computing has moved
from focused interest to widely spread intensive ex-
perimentation and is now rapidly approaching a phase
of near ubiquitous use.
Enterprises increasingly recognize the compelling
economic and operational benefits of cloud comput-
ing (Micro, 2010). Virtualizing and pooling IT re-
sources in the cloud enables organisations to realize
significant cost savings and accelerates deployment of
new applications, simultaneously transforming busi-
ness and government at an unprecedented pace (CSA,
2013). However, those valuable business benefits can-
not be unlocked without addressing new data security
challenges posed by cloud computing.
Despite the benefits of cloud computing, many
companies have remained cautious due to security
concerns. Applications and storage volumes often re-
side next to potentially hostile virtual environments,
leaving sensitive information at risk to theft, unau-
thorized exposure or malicious manipulation. Gov-
ernmental regulation regarding data privacy and lo-
cation presents an additional concern of significant
legal and financial consequences if data confiden-
tiality is breached, or if cloud providers move regu-
Verginadis Y., Michalas A., Gouvas P., Schiefer G., Hübsch G. and Paraskakis I..
PaaSword: A Holistic Data Privacy and Security by Design Framework for Cloud Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0005489302060213
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2015), pages 206-213
ISBN: 978-989-758-104-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lated data across national borders (Paladi and Micha-
las, 2014). The contribution of this position paper
is two-fold. First, we present a list of core security
requirements and challenges that must be considered
when migrating to a cloud environment. These se-
curity requirements were derived based on our expe-
rience with migrating existing applications to a pri-
vate Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud (Micha-
las et al., 2014). We extend this guide by discussing
important attack vector characteristics for cloud envi-
ronments that will pave the way for providing tighter
security when building cloud services. Second, in or-
der to tackle the critical cloud security challenges we
present PaaSword, an envisaged framework that will
maximize and fortify the trust of individual, profes-
sional and corporate users to cloud services and appli-
cations. PaaSword achieves that by providing storage
protection mechanisms, which improves confidential-
ity and integrity protection of users’ data in the cloud
while it does not affect the data access functionality.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we further elaborate on the main data se-
curity challenges in cloud-enabled services and appli-
cations. In Section 3, we introduce a holistic, data
privacy and security by design, framework enhanced
by sophisticated context-aware access models and ro-
bust policy enforcement and governance mechanisms,
aimed at facilitating the implementation of secure and
transparent cloud-based applications. In Section 4,
we briefly discuss relevant work while in Section 5,
we conclude the paper by presenting the next steps
for the implementation and evaluation of the proposed
According to the Cloud Security Alliance (Alliance,
2013), several top security identified threats refer
to information disclosure and repudiation, rendering
data security as realised through data protection, pri-
vacy, confidentiality, and integrity as top priorities.
More precisely, the top four threats identified are:
data leakage, data loss, account hijacking and inse-
cure APIs. The externalized aspect of outsourcing
can make it harder to maintain data integrity and pri-
vacy (IBM, 2011) and organizations should include
mechanisms to mitigate security risks introduced by
virtualization. Especially when they deal with sen-
sitive data, such as health records, the protection of
stored information comes as a top priority. There-
fore, data security can be seen as the foundation upon
which the entire transition to a cloud architecture
should be based. Multiple risks must be addressed
in order for an organization to guarantee the safety of
users’ records. One of the most important aspects is
security of sensitive information. To this end, the de-
ployment must ensure that all sensitive data is stored
in encrypted form. Complementary to this, proper key
management must ensure that encryption keys are not
revealed to malicious users.
Based on this, it becomes evident that the most
critical part of a modern cloud application is the
data persistency layer and the database itself. As
all sensitive information (including user credentials,
credit card info, personal data, corporate data, etc.)
are stored in these architectural parts, the database-
takeover is the ultimate goal for every adversary.
The Open Web Application Security Project
foundation has categorized the database-related at-
tacks (SQL injection) as the most critical ones. The
importance of this attack vector is also reflected
by respective incident reports. According to the
Web Hacking Incidents Database
, SQL injections
represents 17% of all security breaches examined.
These injections were responsible for 83% of the to-
tal records stolen, in successful hacking-related data
breaches from 2005 to 2011. The criticality of the per-
sistency layer is therefore evident. Most of the secu-
rity fences that are configured in a corporate environ-
ment target the fortification of the so-called network
perimeter (e.g. routers, hosts and virtual machines).
Although existing intrusion detection systems (IDS)
and intrusion prevention systems (IPS), try to cope
with database-takeover security aspects (like Snort),
the fact that, on the one side, automated exploitation
tools (e.g. SQLMap) are widely spread, and, on the
other side, IPS and IDS evasion techniques have be-
come extremely sophisticated, denote that the risk of
database compromise is greatest than ever. More-
over, by using mechanisms that rely on Web Appli-
cation Firewalls (WAF) an organization can prevent
various types of attacks but it is inadequate to protect
against todays sophisticated SQL Injection and DoS
attacks (Michalas et al., 2010). Additionally, inter-
nal adversaries in terms of cloud vendors or even un-
known vulnerabilities of software platforms and secu-
rity components widely adopted in cloud-based devel-
opment may provide malicious access to personal and
sensitive data. A recent example was the Heartbleed
that constituted a serious fault in the OpenSSL
cryptography library, which remained unnoticed for
more than two years and affected over 60% of Web
servers worldwide. Additionally, regarding the post-
exploitation phase, things are even worse in the case
where a symmetric encryption algorithm has been
employed to protect the application data. The already
available cracking toolkits that utilize GPU process-
ing power (e.g. oclHashcat) are able to crack ciphers
using brute-force techniques with an attack rate of
162 billion attempts per second.
While most of the attack vectors are exposed
in any Software-as-a-Service application by the sys-
tem administrators misconfigurations, the database
takeover and the post-exploitation of acquired data is
under the sole responsibility of the application devel-
oper. The application developer is the one responsi-
ble both for sanitizing all HTTP-input parameters that
could be used as attack vectors, and for reassuring that
compromised data will be useless under the existing
brute-forcing and reversing techniques. Nevertheless,
even if the application developer follows strict guide-
lines, the mere utilization of an IaaS provider in or-
der to host a Virtual Machine, or for a Platform-as-
a-Service (PaaS) provider in order to develop a cloud
application, may by itself spawn a multitude of in-
herent vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities cannot
be tackled effectively as they typically exceed the re-
sponsibilities of an application developer.
In this section, we present PaaSword, a framework
that will allow cloud services to maintain a fully dis-
tributed and encrypted data persistence layer in order
to foster data protection, integrity and confidential-
ity in the presence of malicious adversaries. To this
end, we describe the need for a context-aware security
model which will serve as the basis of a fine-grained
access control scheme, one which allows the per-user
management of access rights. In addition to that, we
describe a physical distribution, encryption and query
middleware that will be based on a searchable encryp-
tion (SE) scheme which will allow legitimate users to
directly search on encrypted data, thus ensuring the
confidentiality and integrity of stored data.
3.1 Context-aware Access Model
We envision a XACML-based
context-aware access
model, which is needed by the developers in order
to annotate the Data Access Objects of their appli-
cations. This context model should conceptualize the
OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language
aspects, which must be considered during the selec-
tion of a data-access policy. These aspects may be any
kind of information which is machine-parsable (Dey,
2001); indicatively they may include the user’s IP ad-
dress and location, the type of device that she is us-
ing in order to interact with the application as well
as her position in the company. These aspects can
be interpreted in different ways during the security
policy enforcement. In particular, the context aware
access model determines which data is accessible un-
der which circumstances by an already-authenticated
Access control models are responsible for decid-
ing if a user has the right to execute a certain operation
on a specific object. Objects can be a server, an ap-
plication, an entire database or even a single field in
a table row. The user is considered as the active el-
ement and is called subject. A permission associates
an object with an operation (e.g. read, write etc.). Ac-
cess control models provide a list of permissions that
each subject has on certain objects.
Commonly used access control models are the
Mandatory Access Control (MAC), the Discretionary
Access Control (DAC) and the Role-Based Access
Control (RBAC) (Ferrari, 2010). In our approach, the
process of granting/denying access will be based on
dynamically changing parameters, thus our proposed
model relies on a DAC model with groups. The con-
text parameters are unique for every single user, so for
granting access it is necessary to consider all infor-
mation associated with a single user. Furthermore, an
RBAC model would be inappropriate since for every
change of a context parameter the role of each subject
has to be changed.
To implement the dynamic change of context pa-
rameters in a static access control model, we will use
the, so-called, context switches. Depending on the
current context, a permission can be granted or de-
nied (switched). This could switch dynamically with
every change of the context. Context switches are re-
sponsible for managing operational permissions and
object permissions. An operational permission gives
the right to a subject to perform a specific operation
while an object permission gives the right to perform
an operation on a specific object.
3.2 Policies Access and Enforcement
Another important aspect of our proposed framework
is a middleware that will encapsulate capabilities for
maintaining the access policies model, for annotat-
ing and managing data access object annotations, for
controlling their validity, for dynamically interpreting
them into policy enforcement rules and for enforc-
ing them. This envisaged middleware will provide:
(a) a transparent key usage for efficient authentication
purposes, related to authenticating the origin of the
incoming access requests; (b) annotation capabilities
in the form of a tool (can also involve an IDE plug-
in) for allowing developers to declaratively create the
minimum amount of rule-set that is needed for secu-
rity enforcement purposes; (c) the dynamic interpre-
tation of the data access object annotations into pol-
icy enforcement rules; (d) the governance and quality
control of the annotations and their respective policy
rules; and (e) the formulation and implementation of
the overall policy enforcement business logic.
In terms of this middleware, we also consider the
reuse and proper extension of technologies for de-
veloping an appropriate key management mechanism.
This mechanism is necessary for the authentication of
different parties that will be involved in the encryp-
tion and decryption of data. We aim at constituting
the key-usage, transparent to the application usage.
This involves the key propagation upon authentica-
tion of the user, directly to the security enforcement
middleware. For efficiency, we will employ a hybrid
encryption capitalizing upon the utilization of two dif-
ferent encryption functions. The inner layer will be
encrypted with an algorithm that uses a symmetric
encryption key K, while the outer layer will use an
asymmetric encryption in order to encrypt the sym-
metric key K. Symmetric encryption allows more ef-
ficient schemes but privacy concerns are raised due to
the fact that the involved parties must exchange the
secret key. However, combining both techniques help
to optimize the efficiency of the underlying protocols
without sacrificing security. To this end, PaaSword
will rely on both symmetric and asymmetric encryp-
tion in order to securely distribute K between legiti-
mate users.
Additionally, we will also employ methods and
mechanisms for governance and validity control of
the data object annotations. More specifically, we
will focus on the application of an ontology-driven
governance approach for: i) the basic management of
data object annotations (i.e. storage, retrieval, dele-
tion, etc.), ii) validity checking of the data object an-
notations (e.g. rejecting any contradicting annotations
made by the developer) and iii) dependency tracking
among data objects annotations.
Another critical aspect of this middleware is the
annotations interpretation mechanism. Such a mech-
anism will be used for dynamically generating access
control policies, during application runtime, based on
the interpretation of data object annotations. Such a
mechanism will implement the essential decoupling
between the access decisions and the points of use
(i.e. Policy Enforcement Points (PEP) of the XACML
specification). This interpretation is based on an
XACML compliant context model and it can augment
the offered functionality of any PaaS provider, with
a security-as-a-service layer. To do so, we will use
the OASIS XACML as it supports and encourages
the separation of the access decision from the point
of use.
Figure 1: High level view of XACML Components.
3.3 Threat Model, Secure Storage &
Query Middleware
In this sub-section, we provide a high level descrip-
tion of the protocol that will be used to effectively
protect the stored data from malicious adversaries.
To this end, we first describe the threat model under
which a cloud application will be considered secure.
Threat Model. Similar to existing works in the
area (Paladi et al., 2014; Santos et al., 2009), we
assume a semi-honest cloud provider. In the semi-
honest adversarial model, a malicious cloud provider
correctly follows the protocol specification. However,
she can intercept all messages and may attempt to
use them in order to learn information that otherwise
should remain private. Semi-honest adversaries are
also called honest-but-curious.
Furthermore, for the rest of the participants in
the protocol we share the threat model with (Santos
et al., 2009), which is based on the Dolev-Yao adver-
sarial model (Dolev and Yao, 1983) and further as-
sumes that privileged access rights can be used by a
remote adversary A DV to leak confidential informa-
tion. The adversary, e.g. a corrupted system admin-
istrator, can obtain remote access to any host main-
tained by the provider. However, the adversary can-
not access the volatile memory of any guest virtual
machine (VM) residing on the compute hosts of the
provider. This property is based on the closed-box
execution environment for guest VMs, as outlined in
Terra (Garfinkel et al., 2003) and further developed
in (Zhang et al., 2011).
Secure Storage. A basic tenet of PaaSword is that
sensitive data stored on untrusted servers must be al-
ways encrypted. This effectively reduces the privacy
and security risks since it relies on the semantic se-
curity of the underlying cryptosystem, rendering the
system relatively immune to internal and external at-
tacks. Having this in mind, we propose a forward-
looking design for a cryptographic cloud storage that
will be based on a symmetric searchable encryption
(SSE) scheme similar to the one proposed in (Ka-
mara and Lauter, 2010). We plan to extend the pre-
vious work Cumulus4j (Huber et al., 2013) and Mi-
moSecco (Gabel and H
ubsch, 2014) in which an SSE
scheme was presented and it was based on the IND-
ICP security notion (B
osch et al., 2014) that hides re-
lations between different data values of a data row and
creates the base for secure database outsourcing.
An SSE scheme allows a user to search in en-
crypted data without learning any information about
the plaintext data. Let D B =
, . . . , m
be a set
of n messages (w.l.o.g DB can be considered as a
database). For each m
DB we extract a set of key-
words which can later be used for executing queries.
This set of keywords is denoted as W =
, . . . , w
For each w
W we calculate H(w
), where H(·) is
a cryptographically secure hash function under a se-
cret key K
. Then, we encrypt the elements of DB
with a secret key K
6= K
. By doing this, we create a
searchable encrypted index I where each index entry,
points to an encrypted list of rows that have a cer-
tain keyword. The client can use a trapdoor function
to search the index and determine whether a specific
keyword is contained in the index.
While the above-mentioned scheme is imple-
mented in previous works (Huber et al., 2013; Gabel
and H
ubsch, 2014) it has a limitation that we tend
to cover in our proposed framework. More precisely,
the current scheme follows a single write/single read
(S/S) architecture, which makes it unrealistic for our
cloud scenario. To overcome this limitation, we plan
to build an SSE that will support multi write/multi
read (M/M) meaning that a group of users based on
access rights will be able to both read and write on
the encrypted data. To this end, PaaSword will in-
volve a key distribution algorithm that will extend S/S
architecture to M/M. Additionally, a user revocation
function will be implemented in order to exclude a
user, which either acts maliciously or has no longer
access rights. This is a crucial and challenging pro-
cedure, if we consider that many of the existing SSE
schemes (B
osch et al., 2014) do not support user re-
vocation and thus are susceptible to many attacks.
Query Middleware. In order to successfully sup-
port the SSE scheme described above, we aim to de-
velop a persistency layer, called Virtual Database VB
(Figure 2), and will be the intermediary that secures
client data before it gets uploaded to the cloud. Addi-
tionally, this layer will be responsible for processing
user queries. In our framework, the VB plays the role
of a trusted third party. Consider, for example, the
scenario where a user wants to search for a certain
data in PaaSword secured databases. To do so, she
will generate a query (q) containing a set of keywords
that she is interested in and will send the request to the
VB. Upon reception, the VB extracts the keywords
from q calculates their hash values and queries the
databases where the keywords w
are stored. If the
queries are successful and the keywords exist in one
of the tables, the VB will obtain the row from the main
table that contains the encrypted original data. Upon
reception, the VB will reply to the users request by
sending the acquired data.
3.4 Conceptual Architecture
The PaaSword compliant cloud applications that will
be developed will inherit a fully physical distributed
and totally encrypted data persistence layer, which
will be able to determine on an ad-hoc basis whether
an incoming data querying and processing request
should be granted access to the target data during ap-
plication runtime. The transformation process of a
traditional application utilizing the PaaSword frame-
work and the way the transformed application secures
and protects the users’ sensitive data is presented in
Figure 2, which at the same time reveals high level
architectural details of the framework.
In this framework, we consider applications that
adopt and respect the Model-View-Controller (MVC)
development pattern (Krasner and Pope, 1988). As
seen in Figure 2 (step 1) the application developer
imports an existing or creates a new MVC-based ap-
plication in her favorite integrated development en-
vironment (IDE) for which an IDE-specific plug-in
will be provided. During the second step of this pro-
cess the application developer creates annotations at
the DAO of the Controller referring to sensitive data
that should be protected, according to the XACML-
based model and defines the physical distribution, en-
cryption and access rights scheme for each data ob-
ject. In the third step, the DAO annotations will be
checked for their validity and compiled with the over-
all application code. This will allow the transforma-
tion of the application’s controller that has been en-
hanced with XACML-based DAO annotations, lead-
ing to the implementation of a PaaSword secure ap-
plication. In the fourth step, the persistence layer
of the application will be physically distributed and
encrypted at the schema and instance level accord-
ing to the incorporated DAO annotations, impos-
ing the schema and driving query handling capabil-
ities of the VB that augments the actual data persis-
tence layer of the application. At application run-
time (step 5), each query and processing request of
the end-user is forwarded by the enhanced controller
to the query handling mechanism that is responsible
for the database proxy queries synthesis and aposyn-
thesis. In step 6 and before the submission of the en-
hanced query to the VB, the query handling mecha-
nism consults the policy enforcement mechanism to
determine whether the incoming request should be
granted or not. Upon policies enforcement and access
permission, the query handling mechanism submits
(step 7) the enhanced query to the augmented per-
sistence layer (virtual database). The database proxy
that is aware of the physical distribution scheme of
the actual application database realizes the distributed
query to the physically distributed and encrypted parts
of the actual application database (step 8). Next, the
federation of the respective encrypted data from the
distributed parts of the database takes place (step 9).
The federated data synthesis and ad-hoc decryption
utilizing the key of the end-user that is transparently
to the application, propagated to the query handling
mechanism (step 10). Last, the query handling mech-
anism delivers the decrypted data to the application
controller that forwards them to the end-user through
the “view” component of the application.
According to the conceptual view (Figure 2), each
end-user is equipped with a Hardware Security Mod-
ule, such as USB stick or a smart-phone with digital
rights management module, which contains a digital
certificate (e.g. X.509). Part of the certificate includes
keys that can be exported by the PaaS/IaaS provider.
These keys upon export and verification will be trans-
parently handed over to the query middleware which
will be responsible for interacting with the VB, en-
crypting and decrypting the targeted data.
In an attempt to reinforce the security of remote ser-
vice accesses, researchers introduced the concept of
location-aware access control (LAAC), which allows
a system to grant, or deny, access to users based on
their physical location. LAAC models typically ex-
tend the three basic access control models DAC, MAC
and RBAC (Decker, 2011). Even though LAAC pro-
tocols have been studied extensively (Cleeff et al.,
2010), there is a clear lack of schemes that determine
user access not only on the basis of the users physi-
cal location and credentials, but also on the additional
pertinent contextual information.
The work reported in (Covington et al., 2001) was
the first to introduce the notion of context-aware ac-
cess control (CAAC), motivated by applications for
intelligent homes. More precisely, the authors intro-
duced a set of services which are enabled based on
the location of objects or subjects. The main draw-
back of the proposed model is the fact that it does
not support dynamically generated context, whilst it
fails to address important requirements such as multi-
granularity of position. Other existing CAAC mod-
els are predominantly based on RBAC (Kayes et al.,
2013) and typically target a specific domain (Costa-
bello et al., 2012).These models, however, have not
been designed to provide fine-grained data access
control, e.g. by providing the ability to specify dif-
ferent access rules for different rows of a database.
Regarding the policy management, as shown by
a recent survey of methods in contemporary open
source registry and repository systems (Kourtesis and
Paraskakis, 2012), a major weakness is the lack of
proper separation of concerns. The policy definition
and policy enforcement are entangled in the imple-
mentation of a single software component the pol-
icy checker. The rules that a policy comprises are typ-
ically encoded in an imperative manner, as part of the
same code that checks for potential policy violations.
This has a number of negative repercussions among
which is the lack of portability and the lack of explicit
representation of policy relationships.
The data distribution and encryption algorithms
are also important aspects towards trusted cloud ser-
vices and applications. In (Gentry, 2009), C. Gen-
try presented the first fully homomorphic encryption
scheme that enables semantically secure outsourcing
to the cloud. The cloud provider operates blindly on
the encrypted data and yields the correct, encrypted
result. Nevertheless, its practicality is in question as
the latest implementations are still orders of magni-
tude slower than just downloading all encrypted data,
decrypting, processing and encrypting it locally and
finally uploading it again. In another interesting ap-
proach (Popa et al., 2011), the concept of onions is
used. Onions are managed monolithically by a proxy,
acting as an adapter between the user and the storage
back-end. Each attribute in a relational table is ini-
tially asymmetrically encrypted. If certain queries for
an attribute are issued, layers of the onion are peeled
off, resulting in another, less secure onion. CryptDB
uses a novel scheme for order preserving encryption
that leaks no information about the data besides or-
Figure 2: PaaSword Framework Conceptual Architecture.
der and thus allows sorting encrypted data securely.
The main drawback of CryptDB is the lack of secu-
rity guarantees to the client. More precisely, the only
guarantee is that an untrusted server will learn only
the information that is necessary to process the query.
This may cause every attribute to be reduced to the
plain text in the worst case. Also, peeling off layers
cannot be reversed, so a single query is sufficient to
lower the security forever.
In this position paper, we proposed the PaaSword
framework that can be exposed as a service at the
level of PaaS. This framework can tackle the identi-
fied cloud security requirements and challenges that
should be considered in order to enhance data protec-
tion, integrity and confidentiality in the presence of
malicious adversaries. The envisaged PaaSword goes
beyond the state-of-the-art and allows cloud services
to maintain a fully distributed and encrypted data per-
sistence layer. Our framework involves a context-
aware security model, the necessary policies enforce-
ment mechanism along with a physical distribution,
encryption and query middleware.
Future work involves the design and implementa-
tion of the proposed framework into a fully functional
solution which will be validated through the follow-
ing five pilots in various industrial contexts: i) En-
crypted persistency as a service in a PaaS provider, ii)
Intergovernmental secure document and personal data
exchange, iii) Secure sensors data fusion and analyt-
ics, iv) Protection of personal data in a multi-tenant
CRM, v) Protection of sensible enterprise information
in multi-tenant ERP. These pilots will allow us to test
PaaSword and validate its added value in a variety of
heterogeneous cases.
Finally, an area that will benefit from PaaS-
word framework is the so called participatory sens-
ing (Michalas and Komninos, 2014). The evolution of
this field is driven by the introduction of sensors into
mobile devices. The openness of such systems and
the richness of user data they entail raise significant
concerns for their storage and processing. Protocol
designers by having PaaSword framework in hands
will be able to incorporate secure cloud computing
techniques in order to facilitate the storage and pro-
cessing of the vast amount of collected data.
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement No 644814, the PaaSword project
( within the ICT Programme ICT-
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