Due to the constant increase in EC by the transport
sector, countries had been implementing measures to
reduce its consumption. The measures can be
categorized in technological or cleaner vehicles
strategies and Optimization or mobility management
strategies. The first one tries to promote new
technologies that use less energy/more efficient,
which includes establishment of limits over transport
companies. Equally important, the Optimization or
mobility management strategies optimize the way of
energy use. This means that they change the
mobility patterns by promoting public transport,
connectivity between modes, a higher vehicle’s
occupancy and the use of alternative modes. A
research conducted by Victoria transport Policy
Institute from Canada found that mobility
management strategies generally achieve more
planning objectives than cleaner vehicle strategies,
particularly if cleaner vehicle strategies have
rebound effects (Bosseboeuf and Richard, 1997;
Litman, 2013; Litman, 2007; Usón et al., 2011).
Rebound effects, also called take back effects, refer
to the increase in car use that result from increased
fuel efficiency, cheaper fuels or roadway expansion
that increases traffic speeds.
Although there is not a standard for measuring
EE, several studies agreed that the main inefficiency
comes from irrational use of private vehicles inside
and outside the cities and the lack of alternative
sources of energy (biofuels, electricity, etc.). In
contrast, an study performed by Usón et al., 2011
found, that bus, regional train and on foot transport
modes are more EE and considers several indicators,
such as fuel consumption, infrastructure, time
travelled and environmental cost (defined in term of
cost for nature replacement).
Under those circumstances, the use of private
vehicles should be tracked (measure) and one of the
ways to do it is by looking the availability of them.
Indicators such as the number of vehicles per 1000
inhabitants, reflect not only the availability but also
the potential to implement politics to reduce the use
of cars. Eurostat, the statistical office of the
European Union, calculates that if users of vehicles,
which have not being manufactured could cover
their needs by using PT, the efficiency would
improve by 80%, because the number of vehicles per
1000 inhabitants will drastically decrease from 411
to 250 vehicles (Usón et al., 2011; International
Energy Agency, 2014).
Indirect measurements such as the average
income can reflect the number of vehicles per 1000
inhabitants. Statistics from ADEME (2012) show
that countries with low average income, such as
Romania and countries mostly from Central and
Easter Europe, own less than 500 cars per 1000
inhabitants, with use below 5000 km/year. In
contrast, countries like Finland, Slovenia, France,
UK, Sweden, Germany and Norway, consider as
higher income countries, have a higher average or
equal to 700 cars per 1000 inhabitants with a use
between 12000 and 16000 km/year (Lipscy and
Schipper, 2013).
Furthermore, it is required to know the
composition of the vehicles fleet, such as the age
distribution, type of engines, average travelled
distance, etc., to calculate their contribution to the
final EC. As an illustration, Sweden has the higher
consumption per vehicle compare with Italy, which
is caused by powerful cars and lower share of diesel
engines. On the contrary, Italy has least powerful
cars with a high percentage of diesel engines.
Consequently, the average car size, horsepower and
the percentage share of diesel are important factors
on the EE calculation (International Energy Agency,
2014; Kaparias and Bell, 2011).
Energy Consumption (EC) not only happens
during the travelled time, in fact, there is an energy
cost on manufacture, maintenance, recycling and the
city infrastructure (roads and parking places etc.)
(Usón et al., 2011; Ministry of ecology and
sustainable Development and energy, 2014). Thus,
the EC/carbon footprint (CFP) of vehicles should be
calculated having into account its life cycle as well
as its performance on the road.
As it was mentioned before, energy saving can
be achieved by increasing the efficiency on the
technical performance of the vehicle (technological
or cleaner vehicles strategies). Similarly, decreasing
the car size and/or horsepower, increasing the
average vehicle occupancy, or transforming driving
behaviour can also lead to savings in different
proportions. However, vehicles that are more
efficient, are connected with regressions in driving
behaviour, by a growth in the number of vehicles
and the travelled kilometres; therefore, overall
consumption tends to rise (Bosseboeuf and Richard,
1997). To demonstrate this issue, Japan has one of
the most efficient transport systems, besides, it has a
high amount of mini-cars with average occupancy of
one, and the average fuel use per passenger-km is
similar to US, Japanese cars uses about 15% less