ing platform and the Remote Laboratory. The objec-
tive here is to gather information about learners in-
teractions such as learning experience. This part of
the PANDA platform serves as input for the follow-
ing learning experience utilization in order to process
all relevant data for information visualization and dis-
covery to find patterns in the learning process. The
learning experience utilization is mainly realized by
the askMe! system and the Avendoo learning plat-
Future work includes the (full) implementation of
the LA component. This allows us to obtain valu-
able information from the PANDA platform and to
use them for adaptation, personalization or individ-
ual support of the learner (e.g., to give better hints).
Moreover, in order to handle the huge amount of data
due to the number of users, an authoring tool is cur-
rently being developed. In addition, to cover also the
higher order thinking skills while learning we intend
to integrate the Remote Laboratory into the learning
environment. Furthermore, a major challenge is to
test our system with other learning content as well as
other target groups.
Finally, it can be stated that the PANDA platform
reflects the fact that learning takes place everywhere:
in traditional education settings (e.g., LMS) as well
as in more open-ended and less formal learning set-
tings (e.g., PLEs, MOOCs). It has the potential to
deal with the challenges in increasingly complex and
fast-changing learning environments.
The research presented in this paper has been fi-
nancially supported by the German Federal Min-
istry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
within the project ”Entwicklung einer Software
ur die Personalisierung von Lernprozessen durch
at, Nutzermodellierung und Datenanalyse
der Lerner-Aktionen (PANDA)” under contract no.
KF2329704KM3 and KF2250116KM3.
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